Marked (House of Night #1)(80)
They didn't look anything like Elizabeth or Elliott. Actually, they looked exactly as I imagined ghosts would--smoky and transparent and creepy. I sniffed the air. Nope, I definitely didn't smell any old basement yuckiness.
Aphrodite put down the still-smoking grass and picked up the goblet. Even from where I was watching, it seemed that she looked unusually pale, as though she had taken on some of the physical characteristics of the ghosts. Her red dress was almost painfully bright within the circle of smoke and gray and mist.
"I greet you, ancestral spirits, and ask that you accept our offering of wine and blood so that you may remember what it is to taste life." She lifted the goblet, and the smoky shapes churned and roiled with obvious excitement. "I greet you, ancestral spirits, and within the protection of my circle I--"
"Zo! I knew I'd find you if I tried hard enough!"
Heath's voice sliced through the night, cutting off Aphrodite's words.
Chapter Twenty-eight
"Heath! What in the hell are you doing here!"
"Well, you didn't call me back." Oblivious to everyone else, he hugged me. I didn't need the bright light of the moon for me to see his bloodshot eyes. "I missed you, Zo!" he blurted, wafting beer breath all over me.
"Heath. You need to go--"
"No. Let him stay," Aphrodite interrupted me.
Heath's gaze swiveled up to her, and I imagined what she must look like through his eyes. She stood in the pool of light made by the gazebo's spotlights shining through the sweet grass smoke, illuminating her almost as though she was underwater. Her red silk dress clung to her body. Her blond hair was thick and heavy down her back. Her lips were tilted up in a mean-looking smile, which I'm sure Heath would misunderstand and think she was being nice. Actually, he probably wouldn't even notice the smoky ghosts that had stopped hovering around the goblet and had now turned their blank eyes toward him. He also wouldn't notice that Aphrodite's voice had a weird, hollow sound to it and that her eyes were glassy and staring. Hell, knowing Heath he wouldn't notice anything except her big boobies.
"Cool, a vampyre chick," Heath said, totally proving me right. "Get him out of here." Erik's voice was tight with worry.
Heath tore his eyes from Aphrodite's boobs to glare at Erik. "Who're you?"
Ah, crap. I recognized that tone. It was the one Heath used when he was getting ready to have a jealous fit. (Another reason he was my ex.)
"Heath, you need to get out of here," I said.
"No." He stepped closer to me and put his arm possessively around my shoulders, but he didn't look at me. He kept staring down Erik. "I came to see my girlfriend, and I'm gonna see my girlfriend."
I ignored the fact that I could feel Heath's pulse where his arm rested against my shoulders. Instead of doing something utterly gross and disturbing, like biting into his wrist, I shrugged off his arm and then yanked at it so he had to face me and not Erik.
"I am not your girlfriend."
"Aw, Zo, you're just sayin' that."
I gritted my teeth. God, he was dumb. (Yet another reason he was my ex.)
"Are you stupid?" Erik said.
"Look, you bloodsucking f**k, I'm--" Heath began to say, but Aphrodite's strangely echoing voice drowned him out.
"Come up here, human."
Like our eyes were magnets to her freaky attraction, Heath, Erik, and I (and, for that matter, the rest of the Dark Daughters and Sons) stared up at her. Her body looked weird. Was it pulsing? How could it? She flipped back her hair and ran one hand down her body like a nasty stripper, cupping her breast and then moving down to rub between her legs. Her other hand lifted and she curled her finger, beckoning Heath.
"Come to me, human. Let me taste you."
This was bad; this was wrong. Something terrible was going to happen to Heath if he went up there and stepped within that circle.
Totally entranced by her, Heath lurched forward without any hesitation (or common sense). I grabbed one of his arms, and was pleased to see Erik grab his other.
"Stop it, Heath! I want you to go. Now. You don't belong here."
With an effort, Heath pulled his eyes from Aphrodite. He jerked his arm from Erik's grip and practically growled at him. Then he turned on me.
"You're cheating on me!"
"Can you not listen? It's impossible for me to cheat on you. We are not together! Now get out of--"
"If he refuses our summons, then we shall go to him."
My head jerked up to see Aphrodite's body convulse as gray wisps seeped out of her. She let out a gasp that was a cross between a sob and a scream. The spirits, including the ones that had obviously been possessing her, rushed to the edge of the circle, pressing against it in an effort to break free and get to Heath.
"Stop them, Aphrodite. If you don't they'll kill him!" Damien shouted as he stepped out from behind an ornamental hedge that framed the pond.
"Damien, what--" I began, but he shook his head.
"No time to explain," he told me quickly before turning his attention back to Aphrodite. "You know what they are," he called up to her. "You have to contain them in the circle or he'll die."
Aphrodite was so pale she looked like a ghost herself. She moved away from the smoky shapes that were still trying to push against the invisible boundary of the circle, until she was pressed against one edge of the table.