Marked (House of Night #1)(26)
"And for some of us, the end of life," Erin added gloomily.
That shut everyone up. When I couldn't stand the uncomfortable silence anymore I cleared my throat and said, "So what about Erin and Shaunee's wings?"
"The wings of Eros, who is the child of Nyx's seed--"
"The love god," Shaunee said, adding a seated gyration of her hips.
Damien frowned at her and kept talking. "The golden wings of Eros are the fourth formers' symbol."
"'Cause we're the love class," Erin sang, raising her arms over her head and shimmying her hips.
"Actually, it's because we're supposed to be reminded of Nyx's capacity to love, and the wings symbolize our continuous movement forward."
"What's the symbol for fifth formers?" I asked.
"Nyx's golden chariot pulling a trail of stars," Damien said.
"I think it's the prettiest of the four symbols," Stevie Rae said. "Those stars sparkle like crazy."
"The chariot shows that we continue on Nyx's journey. The stars represent the magic of the two years that have already passed."
"Damien, you are a good little student," Erin said.
"I told you we should have gotten him to help us study for the human mythology test," Shaunee said.
"I thought I told you we needed his help, and--"
"Anyway," Damien shouted over their bickering, "that's about all there is to the four symbols of the classes. Easy-peasy, really," he looked pointedly at the now silent Twins. "That is, if you pay attention in class instead of writing notes and staring at guys you think are cute."
"You're really prudey, Damien," Shaunee said.
"Especially for a g*y boy." Erin added.
"Erin, your hair's looking kinda frizzy today. Not to be mean or anything, but maybe you should think about switching products. You can't be too careful about those kinds of things. The next thing you know you'll be getting split ends."
Erin's blue eyes got huge and her hand went automatically to her hair.
"Oh, no no no. I do not believe you just said that, Damien. You know how crazy she is about her hair." Shaunee started to puff up like a mocha-colored blowfish.
Damien, meanwhile, just smiled and returned to his spaghetti-- the perfect picture of innocence.
"Uh, y'all," Stevie Rae said quickly, standing up and pulling me with her by the elbow. "Zoey looks beat. Y'all remember what it was like when you first got here. We're going to go back to our room. I have to study for that vamp sociology test, so I probably won't see you until tomorrow."
"Okay, see ya," Damien said. "Zoey, it was really nice to meet you."
"Yeah, welcome to Hell High." Erin and Shaunee said together before Stevie Rae pulled me out of the room.
"Thanks. I really am tired," I told Stevie Rae as we backtracked through a hall that I was happy to recognize as the one that would lead to the main entrance to the central school building. We paused while a sleek, silver-gray cat chased a smaller, harassed-looking tabby across the hall in front of us.
"Beelzebub! Leave Cammy alone! Damien is going to rip your fur out!"
Stevie Rae made a grab for the gray cat and missed, but he did stop chasing the tabby and instead streaked back down the hall the way we had just come. Stevie Rae was frowning after him.
"Shaunee and Erin need to teach that cat of theirs some manners; he's always up to something." She glanced at me as we left the building and walked out into the soft, pre-dawn darkness. "That cute little Cameron is Damien's cat. Beelzebub belongs to Erin and Shaunee; he chose both of them--together. Yep. It's as strange as it sounds, but after a little while you'll be like the rest of us and start thinking that they must really be twins."
"They seem nice, though."
"Oh, they're great. They bicker a lot, but they're totally loyal and will never let anyone talk about you." She grinned. "Okay, they might talk about you, but that's different, and it won't be behind your back."
"And I really like Damien."
"Damien's sweet, and really smart. I just feel bad for him sometimes, though."
"How come?"
"Well, he had a roommate when he first got here about six months ago, but as soon as the guy found out Damien was g*y-- hello, it's not like the boy tries to hide it--he complained to Neferet and said he wasn't going to room with a fag."
I grimaced. I can't stand homophobes. "And Neferet actually put up with that attitude?"
"No, she made it clear that the kid--oh, he changed his name to Thor after he got here"--she shook her head and rolled her eyes--"doesn't that just figure? Anyway, Neferet let it be known that Thor was way out of line, and she gave Damien the option of moving into another room by himself or staying with Thor. Damien chose to move. I mean, wouldn't you?"
I nodded. "Yep. No way would I room with Thor the Homophobe."
"That's what we all think, too. So Damien has been in a room by himself since then."
"Aren't there any other g*y kids here?"
Stevie Rae shrugged. "There're a few girls who are lesbians and totally out, but even though a couple of them are cool and hang with the rest of us they mostly stick together. They're way into the religious aspect of Goddess worship and spend most of their time in Nyx's Temple. And, of course, there are the moronic party girls who think it's cool to make out with each other, but usually only if some cute guys are watching."