Lighthouse Road (Cedar Cove #1)(57)

“A ring. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t say what type.”

Grace felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her. “That’s all right. Thank you for your trouble.” Quickly she replaced the receiver, then collapsed into a chair.

“What?” Olivia was at her side.

Grace stared down at the thin gold band on her left hand. She’d suspected for a long time that there was another woman; now she had proof. “He bought a ring.”

“A ring?” Olivia said. “But why?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Grace cried. “That’s why he left me his last paycheck,” she added.

“It was supposed to pay for the ring?” Olivia asked.

“Apparently so.” This was just like Dan and his twisted sense of honor. He thought nothing of walking out on her, without a word of explanation, turning her life into a living hell. Yet he made sure the last charge on their VISA account, one that had apparently paid for another woman’s ring, had been covered.

“The other day,” Grace whispered, struggling to hold on to her inner strength, “I came home from work and had the oddest sense that Dan had been in the house.”

“You changed the locks, didn’t you?”

“No.” Maryellen and Kelly had talked her out of that. Both of them were convinced their father would return soon and explain everything. In the beginning Grace had thought so, too, but no longer. She didn’t want him back. But if Dan ever did return, she wanted the distinct pleasure of telling him to his face that she was divorcing him.

“You think Dan was in the house?” Olivia asked.

“I’m almost positive….”

“Something was missing?”

If so, Grace couldn’t detect what it was, although she’d torn through every room, searching. She shook her head.

“Then how did you know?” Olivia persisted.

“I could smell him.”

“Smell him?”

“Working with trees all day, he often came home smelling like a freshly cut Christmas tree. The scent was there, I swear it, Olivia.”

“I don’t doubt you.”

“I didn’t tell the girls. They’re upset enough as it is.”

Olivia sat across from her. “Have you thought about talking to Roy McAfee? He has an excellent reputation.”

“A private detective?” That sounded outrageously expensive, and living on one income was already stretching her budget.

“It won’t hurt to consult with him and find out what he’d charge to find Dan.”

Grace nodded. Olivia was right.

The following day, Grace scheduled an afternoon appointment with the investigator. She’d met Roy a couple of times, and Corrie was a regular library patron.

Corrie was polite and friendly when Grace arrived, immediately putting her at ease. She led her into Roy’s office and brought each of them a cup of coffee before gently closing the door.

“I understand Dan is missing,” Roy said, getting directly to the point.

Grace could be equally blunt. Her patience with the situation was gone, especially since she’d learned about the ring. “How much would it cost to find him?”

“That depends on how long it takes.”

Grace glanced down at her folded hands. “I don’t think it’ll be that difficult.”

“Do you have any idea where he might be?” Roy asked.

“No. But I suspect he’s with another woman.”

Roy nodded. “Okay,” he said, looking directly into her eyes. “How badly do you want to find him?”

“I don’t. I mean, I don’t want him back.” Sadness settled over her. “I’d just like to see him long enough to slap the divorce papers in his hand.”


Cecilia had dreaded this day for weeks. May first. Her wedding anniversary. A year ago, on this very day, she’d stood with Ian before a Justice of the Peace and they exchanged heartfelt vows. In a matter of minutes, they’d joined their lives for what she’d believed would be forever.

The pregnancy was just beginning to show, and Cecilia had felt it was silly to wear white. Instead she’d chosen a lovely soft-pink dress and made a matching veil herself.

Her mother had flown to Washington for the ceremony, brief though it was, and taken them both out for dinner afterward. Bobby had slipped a fifty-dollar bill in Cecilia’s hand. Ian had insisted they have a honeymoon, and despite their lack of extra money, he’d found a way. They’d spent two glorious days on the Washington coast, the Long Beach peninsula. They’d explored the beach and the small historic towns, like Oysterville and Seaview. At night, they’d cuddled together in front of the fireplace in their rented cottage and discussed the future. Everything had seemed so perfect then. It was on their honeymoon that they’d decided on names for their unborn child and talked about Ian’s Navy career and Cecilia’s role as a Navy wife. She hadn’t understood everything that would require, but had been willing to follow her husband to the ends of the earth.

She’d followed him to the end of her sanity. Cecilia couldn’t possibly guess that within a few months their child would be dead. She couldn’t have known that all joy and purpose would disappear from her life.

A year later, May first was just another workday. Nothing special. Nothing out of the ordinary. As much as possible, she intended to ignore its significance, the same way she’d been ignoring Ian.

Debbie Macomber's Books