Lighthouse Road (Cedar Cove #1)(101)

“More secrets, Jack?”

“No, just the reason I couldn’t go to dinner with you.”

“It isn’t necessary, Jack.” He’d made his decision and so had she, although she had to confess to being curious.

“I think it is,” he countered. “If you and I are to continue, at any rate, and I want that very much.”

“I have this thing about secrets. I detest them.” She realized that a lot of her feelings were tied to her long-dead marriage. Stan had been unfaithful before the divorce, if not physically then emotionally. After the crisis of Jordan’s death, it’d been another woman who’d helped Stan deal with the loss. Another woman he’d confided in.

“I’m a recovering alcoholic, Olivia.”

“But…” She paused, certain she’d recently seen him with a drink in his hand. No, she thought. That was at Willcox House, and he’d had sparkling water while she’d had wine. He’d said it was because he had to drive….

“The reason I couldn’t go to dinner with you was because I had an AA meeting to attend. I have ten years of sobriety. It’s been ten long years but not a day goes by that I don’t think about booze. I’m one beer away from destroying everything.”

It took a lot of courage to tell the truth. Olivia rose from her rocking chair and sat on the porch step beside Jack and reached for his hand.

He wrapped his fingers around hers. “I’ve stood before a lot of judges in my time, but I’ve never dated one,” he said. “The truth is, I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about seeing me once you knew.”

“Actually, it explains a great deal.”

“How so?” he asked.

“Well…I figured there had to be a logical explanation for why you don’t like Barry Manilow.”

Jack chuckled. “Are you saying only a drunk wouldn’t appreciate him?”

Olivia threw back her head and laughed.

“My mind was pickled for twenty years, but thankfully I’ve managed to keep my sense of humor.”

“Good thing. You’re going to need it living here in Cedar Cove.”

Jack raised her hand to his lips. “Friends?”

“The very best kind.”


“Don’t press your luck.”

He sighed. “I’m free tonight for that dinner, if you’re so inclined.”

“As it happens, I do have a reason to celebrate. I’ll tell you about it later.”

“What’s wrong with now?”

“I don’t want to disturb the sunset. Oh, Jack, isn’t it beautiful?”

“It is,” he whispered, slipping his arm around her, bringing her close to his side.

As the sun set over Cedar Cove, Olivia rested her head on Jack’s shoulder. This had been a good summer. Both her children were married now, and James was a father. Justine sounded genuinely happy. Her mother’s health continued to be good. Her dearest friend had suffered a blow, but Grace had accepted what she couldn’t change; she was refashioning her life, and Olivia was proud of her.

And Olivia herself…Olivia was with Jack, and their relationship was secure. She didn’t know what the future held for them, but she couldn’t help feeling it was positive.

The sun sank below the Olympic Mountains. Its deep-pink glow fell across the water and spilled onto 16 Lighthouse Road. It crept through the town of Cedar Cove and gently touched the house at 204 Rosewood Lane. Grace Sherman looked out her window and smiled.

Debbie Macomber's Books