Light My Fire (Dragon Kin #7)(103)

That’s when he saw Annwyl. She was in a sitting position on the bed with her arms stretched out and bound to the headboard with ropes that, he was guessing, had been mystically enhanced. Someone had also gagged her. And he quickly noticed that her eyes were angry over that gag. Very angry.

Which was when he started laughing. He couldn’t help himself!

“I swear by all the gods, Annwyl. I leave you alone for five minutes. . . .”

“May I?”

Elina nodded at the She-dragon’s polite request. With extremely gentle hands, Morfyd the White carefully removed the bandage over her eye. Then, she placed cool fingers against her jaw and slowly tilted Elina’s head back so that she could get a good look at the wound.

They’d moved into the “war room,” as it was called, and the group had multiplied. Now Dagmar and Talaith had joined them, along with Morfyd.

“I simply don’t understand,” Dagmar was saying. “Why would your mother do this to you?”

Elina gave a very small shrug since Morfyd was still examining her. “She hates me. She has always hated me.”

“Then why not just kill you?”

“I am still her child. She still bore me. To kill me for no reason would have brought curse on our tribe.”

“But asking to see the Anne Atli gave her a reason?”

Elina didn’t want to answer that question, so Kachka did it for her. “When Glebovicha told her she could not meet with Anne Atli, my sister insisted she would. When she did that, she was disobeying the leader of our tribe.”

“And that made it acceptable for Glebovicha to kill her,” Dagmar finished.


Gwenvael, who sat next to Celyn, a few chairs over, shook his head. “Nice job protecting the Rider, Celyn. So glad we sent you instead of our father.”

Elina, shocked by such an unfair comment, pulled away from Morfyd’s skillful touch in time to see Celyn, his lips now a thin line of anger, reach his arm around his cousin, grab the back of Gwenvael’s head and slam him face-first into the hard wood table. Three times.

Then, gripping all that golden hair, Celyn tossed the dragon out of his chair and across the floor.

“Celyn!” Morfyd gasped.

Celyn gave a shrug. “Sorry. Me hand slipped.”

For several long seconds, Dagmar stared at her snarling, raging mate bleeding on the floor, her brow pulled far down on her face, before she turned back to Elina and asked, “Why the eye?”

Surprised that it was Gwenvael’s sister running to his side to help him and not his mate, Elina opened and closed her mouth a few times before she replied, “What?”

“Why the eye? Why did she take your eye?”

“She tried for neck, but I managed to move fast.”

“So it wasn’t that she joined the cult of Chramnesind and removed your eye as some sort of sacrifice?”

Elina and Kachka laughed at that.

“Our mother?” Elina asked.

“Worshipping anyone but herself?” Kachka finished.

Then they both laughed again.

Talaith now moved in to examine the wounds.

“The scarring could have been handled better, but I see no infection at all. And the healing time is amazing. This should have taken weeks, if not months, to heal. Did you do this, Celyn?”

“No,” Elina answered while rubbing her suddenly itchy nose. “Celyn saved my life, but Brigida the Foul healed my wounds.”

Morfyd, who was crouched on the floor by her bleeding and now whining brother, her hands gently lifting his head into her lap, looked up. “There’s another Brigida the Foul?” she asked.

“Gods,” Briec said, his nose swollen from where Annwyl had broken it, his wounded leg now bound where she’d stabbed him. “Who’d willingly take that name?”

All dragon eyes turned to Celyn, waiting for an answer. He sighed and Elina realized she’d said too much.

“It wasn’t another Brigida the Foul,” he told his kin. “It was the Brigida the Foul.”

Morfyd abruptly stood, poor Gwenvael’s head slamming hard against the stone floor.


Morfyd and Briec exchanged quick and panicked glances.

“That’s not possible,” Morfyd said. “Brigida the Foul was ancient when our grandparents were young. Now they’ve gone to the afterlife, but you’re saying Brigida still lives?”

“She still lives. And there’s something else. . . . The twins and Rhian are with her.”

The room was still for a long moment. Until Briec broke the silence first with a bellowed, “What are you saying about my perfect, perfect daughter?”

Celyn was sure he’d have to fight the rest of his cousins until Talaith took the bandages from Elina’s hand as the Rider tried to rewrap them around her own head.

“No, no,” she said. “You can’t use those. They’re dirty from your travels. I will get you fresh bandages.”

She turned to make her escape, but Briec slammed his hand down on the table. “What do you know, woman?”

“Don’t woman me!” the Nolwenn witch snarled back.


She rolled her eyes. “Rhian and the twins are fine.”

“I could give a battle-f*ck about those twins.”

G.A. Aiken's Books