Kalona's Fall (House of Night Novellas #4)(5)

The sun doth harken to Mother Earth’s call. What is it thee requires? The power of sun shall fulfill your desires.

Mother Earth’s smile was as promising and fertile as a meadow in spring.

“Mighty moon and powerful sun, twin guardians of my sky, I ask a favor from each of you.”

And what do I gain in return? Both voices spoke at the same time.

Mother Earth’s smile did not dim. She lifted her face to the moon. “To you, mighty moon, I give dominion over my oceans. After this day, the tides will follow your will.”

I accept your gift. The moon’s voice rumbled, deepening with pleasure.

Mother Earth gazed fully on the rising sun. “To you, powerful sun, I give dominion over my northernmost lands. For all of summer, you shall reign there supreme, and never set.”

I accept your gift, the sun agreed eagerly.

“You have each spoken vow to me—thus you are bound—so mote it be!” proclaimed Mother Earth. “Know first that what I ask is not for myself, but for Nyx, the ever-faithful Goddess who kept her vow and remained, the last of the children of the Divine.”

There was a ripple in the air as the moon transmitted surprise. They are all gone? All of the Gods and Goddesses?

“All but this one,” Mother Earth said.

The air around the grove heated with the sun’s shock. But it seems only yesterday that the Gods and Goddesses frolicked below and above.

“To me as well,” Mother Earth agreed. Then she turned, beckoning for the pale, silent Goddess to stand beside her. Taking Nyx’s hand, she continued. “But for Nyx, known by many names to my children, those days and nights have been long and empty.”

Were I not already bound by vow to aid, I would willingly reward this lone and lovely Goddess, said the moon.

Nyx’s smile was filled with shy delight. “Thank you, mighty moon. I have long relished your ever-changing face and your pure silver light.”

I, too, am pleased to aid one so fair and faithful, said the sun.

“And thank you, powerful sun. Your summer warmth has brought me countless days of pleasure,” Nyx said, bowing to the east.

“Wonderful! Then let us make this dream so!” cried Mother Earth.

“How? I am sorry, but I do not understand,” said Nyx.

“Tell me, sweet Goddess, if you could have a companion, brought to life by the might of the moon and the power of the sun, what would you have this companion be?”

With no hesitation, Nyx answered, “He would be warrior and lover, playmate and friend.”

“Very well then, that is what you shall have.” Mother Earth squeezed Nyx’s hand before releasing it and returning her attention to the listening moon and sun.

She raised her arms again, and this time began to turn her hands gently, gracefully, as if sifting through invisible threads around her.

“Once more, I use that which the Divine granted me. Power of Creation, I call thee forth from the sky! Couple with the might of the moon and the power of the sun, and bring forth immortal life as companion to my faithful Goddess!”

Mother Earth’s voice took on a rhythmic cadence as she spoke the spell:

I am She

Loved so well by

The Divine

Creation is my gift

I am She

Cherished so well by

The Divine

My call from Earth to Sky shall lift

I am she

Beloved so well by

The Divine

Moon! Sun! Sky! Join true—join sure—join swift!

Create warrior and lover, playmate and friend.

Do not leave my Goddess companionless, lonely with no end!

The sky above the grove came alive with currents of glistening magick ancient as the Divine—unending Energy bound to obey the Earth’s command. It multiplied and divided, pulsing with the light of creation so brightly that even Mother Earth and the Goddess Nyx had to shield their eyes. Then the currents swept up, up, up to the fading moon, and up, up, up to the rising sun. The moon and the sun blazed, pulsing with the joining so beautifully that Mother Earth thought it seemed that the sky kissed first the moon, and then the sun.

There was an explosion of light above and around Mother Earth and Nyx, and then all was still.

The sun continued to rise, silently, distantly. The moon faded into the heavens.

Mother Earth had just begun to frown and was considering how she would penalize both moon and sun for not fulfilling their vows when she heard Nyx’s surprised gasp.

Mother Earth shifted her gaze. She had been staring up, expecting a being to float down from the sky. But her expectations had been incorrect. The beings were already there, kneeling before Nyx.

In shock, Mother Earth watched as two godlings fashioned from the joining of the sky and the moon, and the sun and the moon, lifted their faces and gazed with utter adoration at their Goddess.

“They have wings!” Nyx exclaimed.

“And there are two of them,” Mother Earth said, furrowing her brow in consternation. “Nyx, this did not go exactly as I had planned.”

“I think they are perfect!” said the Goddess.



Newly created, Kalona opened his eyes. His first sight was that of Nyx. He didn’t know her name then. All he knew was that her beauty arrowed into him and lodged somewhere so deeply that it made him unable to speak.

P.C. Cast, Kristin C's Books