Jonas (Darkness #7)(11)

It really ruined the mood she’d just created.

“Can I get a conjugal visit?” he asked as he squeezed his eyes shut to try and ignore the pounding in his erection.

“Damn. I’m no good at this charming guys thing.”

He felt the absence of body heat. The sudden cold made him shiver.

And then the paddle again. She’d figured out how to torture him after all.

* * *

Emmy slammed the door shut behind her, had a quick glance around to make sure she was alone in her room, and then threw herself onto her bed. She’d just left Jonas. Finally walked away when he was panting and blustering to hold her. Not touch her, not make love to her, but hold her. He kept saying, “Let me share your pain.” Or, “Let me help you turn your pain into pleasure.”

It should’ve been gross. It should’ve disgusted her. But her body was on fire. Her stomach was butterflies. Her core was throbbing.

She’d never felt like this before. And while she’d tortured hundreds of people, it’d never been like that. She’d felt free somehow. She’d put all her fear and hatred of her life into those strikes and felt released when he moaned in pleasure.

She put her hands out in front of her and stared at them. Then she hopped off her bed and stared at herself in the mirror. The same girl stared back, except for the eyes. There was a vivacity in the eyes she’d never seen before. They were now the eyes of a stranger, sparkling away.

Whose smile was that?

She kind of wanted to touch him. Just to see. With him tied up, and no way to force her, she just kind of… wanted to see if… it was still a disgusting act when she was in complete control. She wanted to see how his face changed when she gave in and gave him the touch he so ardently desired.

Shivers erupted across her body. Which was a decided improvement over her usually roiling stomach with the disgust of thinking about sex.

One thing was for sure, though—she had to get out of here. Jonas was a bit crazy, but he was not like the men in this compound. Or in their compound in England. He didn’t hate humans, for one. Their clan—as he called it—accepted them. Lived among them. Human women were having their babies, and that was not considered an abomination. She wouldn’t be considered an abomination!

She crossed to her desk and opened a drawer. As she reached in for a map, her door swung open. Nathanial entered the room, followed by Luc, an unwashed piece of trash that constantly sneered at her in disgust. Except when Nathanial was handing out her blood, that was. Then he was first in line.

Her heart sank.

“I got answers,” Emmy said in a rush. “Cato has backed the leaders—the mage is the mate and co-leader of Stefan. Stefan is the one they call the Boss.”

Nathanial stared at her with ice in his gaze. “I see. And how did you manage to get this information?”

“I’ve worked my way in. He’s hard to pry information out of, but I am cracking him.”

“Yes. I can see the triumph in your eyes.” Nathanial glanced down her front. She couldn’t help the flinch when she remembered what she was wearing, but she didn’t cover up. He’d exploit that weakness just for fun. “I had heard you asked Darla how to charm a man. And that worked, it seems.”

“To a point. I haven’t touched him, but he would like me to.”

“I see.” Nathanial glanced at Luc. “Get out. She will get no punishment today.”

Emmy couldn’t help the sigh. Nor the uncontrollable shaking under the glare of Luc as he trudged from the room.

“I will be allowing Darla an attempt with him later tonight. It appears she knows this man, who is called Jonas. She was in his compound with him. She had to flee when attempts to get rid of the human mage were thwarted by the human-animals. Commendable, however, that she tried. Anyway, she says she has some affinity with this Jonas. And, of course, she is… persuasive.”

Something within Emmy tightened up. “Give me another try. I am confident I can get something out of him.”

A small smile graced Nathanial’s bloodless lips. “Yes, you do have pride in your work. That is one of your commendable qualities, of course. But we will allow her a session, I think. Since she already knows him, and he seems to respond to sexual advances over pain, I think she is a better bet.”

A tightness formed in her chest she didn’t understand. Within Nathanial’s stare, though, she didn’t have time to dissect. “Yes, sir.”

* * *

Close to dawn Emmy couldn’t help pacing through her small quarters. She’d heard Darla made alterations to the room where they kept Jonas. She’d put in a wide but comfortable chair, and a long cot. Obviously she was going to try and have sex with him. That horrible creature would have sex with anything—Jonas was just her next target.

It shouldn’t matter. If she got him hard, and then finished the deed, it shouldn’t matter.

Darla had had an hour so far. And with her track record, she’d surely been with Jonas before. She knew his desires. And his kinks. She most likely knew what got him off and what made him crazy—Emmy had figured it out in a couple days, so after growing up together, Darla would probably have a blueprint. She’d get information out of him easily.

Would she make him as hard as I did earlier? Would he beg to help take her pain?

“Doesn’t matter,” Emmy said to the empty room.

K.F. Breene's Books