Jared (The Protectors #2)(57)

Anger crossed Pam’s face, but she kept her mouth closed. No way in hell would she ever let the son of bitch hurt Nicole. “I’ve got it under control Kenny, but you have to let me go. The more I’m not around the more they ask questions.”

“Fucking Warriors, think they’re better than everyone else.” He reached around unsnapping her jeans. “We’re going to show them whose better, aren’t we babe?” His hand slipped into her jeans.

A single tear slipped from Pam’s eye as she squeezed them tight. “Yeah, we’re going to get them….” She prayed to God her voice sounded convincing.

Her words triggered what she knew they would trigger. He roughly grabbed her hair to keep her in place as he pushed her pants to her knees, slammed her over the table and plunged into her dryness with a forceful thrust. In his need of self-fulfillment he didn’t pay attention to her grunts of pain as he thrust into her over and over again. “We are going to have it all.” His words timed to his thrust. “With the Warriors dead, especially that arrogant f*ck Duncan Roark, nothing will stop us from being on top.”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a syringe, the needle long with a glistening bead at the end. She struggled, but it was no use. He was too strong. The needle stung her arm. “Kenny please…no.” Her voice rose with each word.

Pam rode out the storm biting her tongue, lip and inside of her mouth to keep from screaming. With one last hard thrust that nearly pushed her off the table, he finished and abruptly pulled out of her, smacking her hard on the ass. With shaky arms she pushed herself off the table feeling wetness sliding down her legs, but was afraid to look. The last time he had taken her like that she had bled for a week.

He grabbed her ponytail, jerking her around roughly. “Make sure you’re back early.” He lifted his hand toward her cheek laughing when she flinched, then patted her cheek hard.

She looked up into his mismatched eyes, one gold…one brown and hated him with such a passion it made her ill. “What was in that syringe?”

His golden eye started to glow as he looked down at her. For a long while he didn’t answer, but then a grin full of such evil broke across his lips. “I don’t answer to you. Get the f*ck out of here.” He hissed, grabbing her ponytail again yanking hard enough to bring tears to her eyes. “Don’t forget my warning. You breathe one word about anything, the people you care about will die a slow painful death and the Warriors will not be able to save you.”

Surprised her legs held as she walked out the door, she raced to the bushes at the side of the house barely making it before she threw up. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she eyed Kenny on the phone through the window and vowed she would kill him. She knew what was in the syringe and she prayed to God it didn’t work. Slowly she looked down, her hand already on her stomach as the bile rose to her throat again.

Turning toward her car she unlocked it, threw her stuff in the passenger seat and took off. She had to get the smell of him off her before she got sick again, but a glance at the clock on the radio made her groan. She was going to be so late, but she couldn’t show up like this. She had to shower. Spotting the warehouse in the distance she clicked on her turn signal and prayed no one was there yet.

Relief hit her when she turned into the empty parking lot. Jared had given her and Nicole a key weeks ago for them to open up if warriors were ever late for training. Parking in the shadows she jumped out, ran around to her trunk and rummaged through the junk to find the small bag of extra clothes she always had packed. If Kenny ever found it he would kill her, but she had it hidden well underneath tons of stuff she kept in there for a decoy, stuff Kenny wouldn’t even look at twice. Closing the trunk, she looked around to make sure she didn’t miss any cars then headed across the parking lot clicking the lock button on her car. The beep echoed in the empty parking lot.

Slipping the key, in she turned again to make sure no one had pulled in, turned the key and slipped inside. It was pitch black, but she didn’t want to turn on any lights. She just needed soap and water, then she would be out with no one the wiser. Opening her cell phone she used the light to find her way to the showers.

Setting her stuff down Pam reached in turning on the shower, adjusting the water to scalding. As fast as she could she ripped her clothes off using the light from her phone to check for blood. She wasn’t surprised to find the smears on her underwear. Without thought to the temperature she stepped under the steaming water in a desperate attempt to wipe everything she had endured from her skin. Dunking her head underneath she squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she could do the same for her memories. Pressing her forehead against the cool tile she let the scalding water beat down on her, not really feeling the burn. She was numb.

Her tear swollen eyes spotted a pair of scissors on the small ledge where the soap and shampoo sat. Reaching over she gripped them tightly just staring at them. How easy it would be just to end everything now, but she wasn’t a coward. Kenny had her for now, but she knew in time, if she could stay alive, she would see him put away for life or dead. Either one would be fine with her.

Reaching back, she grabbed her ponytail pulling it out from her head. She had always loved her hair, but having it used as a tool to control her was going to come to an end….tonight. With a sense of power she slowly brought the scissors to the back of her head and like a mad woman started hacking at the bunched up hair.

Teresa Gabelman's Books