Into the Lair (Falcon Mercenary Group #2)(26)

“We’ll just go after you, Katie,” Ian said calmly.

She fidgeted nervously and refused to meet his gaze. Instead she focused on Braden. “Talk,” she said huskily. “Why did Gabe send you? What happened to him?”

“I’m not talking to you when you’re standing there looking the world like you’re going to run the minute we say something you don’t like,” Braden said. “We can sit down and discuss this without resorting to violence.”

She stood unmoving for several seconds before she grudgingly relented and walked over to the bed. She sat on the corner opposite Braden and still a decent distance from Ian. To her utter irritation, they closed in on her, flanking her on both sides.

“How often was Gabe in contact with you?” Ian asked.

She pressed her hands into her lap. “I asked you a question first.”

Braden grunted. “There are some not very nice people who are looking for you.”

“What was your first clue?” she asked snidely.

“These people make Ricardo de la Cruz look like a kindergartner,” Ian said

Fear fluttered in her chest and ran circles around her throat. “Why?” she croaked. “What people?”

Ian’s face darkened. “The people Gabe sold us out to.”

Katie shot to her feet.

“Ian, what the f**k?” Braden’s angry voice rose over the red haze circling Katie’s mind.

“She wanted the truth. She’s getting it.”

“You’re a liar,” she spat. “Gabe is intensely loyal. He wouldn’t betray his team.”

“For you he would,” Ian said calmly. “Sit down, Katie. You wanted to hear everything and I’m telling you.”

She stood there paralyzed by the utter conviction in Ian’s voice. For you he would. What did it mean?

She sank back onto the bed.

“Tell me,” she said hoarsely.

“Gabe sacrificed himself for us,” Braden said gently. “For Ian and I.”

She turned to stare at Braden. “But Ian just said he betrayed you.”

Braden grimaced. “He did. It’s complicated. There were threats…against you. Gabe was trying to protect you. In the end it didn’t matter because they were going after you anyway.”

“They used me to make Gabe betray you?” she asked in bewilderment. “How did they know anything about me?”

“We didn’t even know about you,” Ian said. “Why is that, Katie? Why were you such a big secret?”

A dark flush heated her cheeks. “Because of Ricardo,” she murmured.

“Ah yes, Ricardo. Why is he after you? Why does he want you so badly? Is it simply a case of obsession and unrequited love?”

Her temper flared, and like so many times in the past, she let her mouth get ahead of her brain.

“I think it has more to do with the fact that I killed his brother than me refusing his sexual advances, though neither won me any points with him.”

As soon as the words flew out she clamped her mouth shut in disgust. Bad judgment and rampant stupidity clung to her like stink on shit. After so long of playing it safe, of finally making smart decisions, of keeping horrible secrets and taking charge of her life, she’d risked it all by letting a man rattle her.

“You killed his brother?” Braden asked in disbelief. “Damn, Ian, I think I’m in love.”

She bolted off the bed and whirled around, rage choking her, closing off her airway like a giant fist had seized her neck. Tears of pure fury burned her eyes. “You think it’s a joke?”

The grin disappeared from his face about the time her fist connected with his mouth. His head snapped back, and he had to plant his hand into the mattress to keep from falling.

She was instantly on guard and yanked around to check Ian’s position. He held up his hands defensively.

“Don’t look at me. Have at it. The dumbass deserved it.”

She turned back to Braden to see him rubbing his jaw, a scowl darkening his face.

“So much for not resorting to violence,” he grumbled. “Don’t have much of a sense of humor, do you.”

“Braden, stop it,” Ian barked. “You’re upsetting her.”

Braden’s expression softened. “Sorry. I’ve never been accused of having tact.”

Katie backed away. She just wanted to be gone. She bumped into Ian, and his arms came around her to steady her. His cheek rested against her hair, and his breath blew lightly over her ear.

Warm. It was her first thought. He felt warm and solid. She waited for the panic to hit, but all she registered was the ripple of awareness deep in her belly.

She found herself being turned around in Ian’s arms. He gripped her shoulders loosely and stared intently into her eyes.

“Level with me, Katie. Why did you kill Ricardo’s brother, and do we need to be worried about the police being on our asses in addition to de la Cruz?”

She shook her head resolutely and drew her lips into a compressed line.

“We deserve to know what we’re up against,” he said.

“You’re not up against anything,” she said quietly. “I am.”

Ian shook his head. “Afraid not. We became involved when Gabe took a bullet meant for us and with his dying breath made us promise to protect you. Now you may not like it, and I’m sorry for that, but you don’t have a choice in the matter.”

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