Into the Lair (Falcon Mercenary Group #2)(17)

Instead of looking relieved, Tyana grimaced. “You know he did it for me,” she muttered.

“Sending me on a pu**y errand? Yeah, I know he did. He wasn’t any happier about it than I was. But we both love you, so I guess we can both suck it up.”

She visibly winced. “Christ. Now I feel about an inch tall.”

Eli took pity on her and leaned in to kiss her. “Quit being so hard on yourself, sugar. I knew when we started that things wouldn’t be easy, and our issues wouldn’t be resolved overnight. We’re both too used to doing things our own way.”

Tyana kissed him back. Not gently because that just wouldn’t be her. She took possession of his mouth like she owned it. Hell, he loved that. And he did belong to her.

When she pulled away, her eyes were glazed with passion, kind of foggy. “I’m not being fair. This has been so much more difficult for you, Eli. Having to cede control to Jonah, to someone you don’t fully trust yet. Having to rely on Falcon for the safety and wellbeing of your men. In your position, I know I couldn’t do it. Neither could Jonah. He’s too much of a control freak. And yet we all expect you to make sacrifices because you were dumb enough to fall…to get involved with me,” she finished uncomfortably.

He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling at her slip. She’d never said she loved him. Nor had she really acknowledged that he loved her. Hell, he couldn’t remember if he’d ever said the words either, mainly because he knew how uncomfortable they’d make her.

It was enough that she was here with him. They were together. She was having a difficult time adjusting, but never once had she hinted that she didn’t want to make it work.

He could be a patient man when the end result was worth it. Tyana was.

“I’ll be gone for a while,” he said casually, ignoring the awkwardness of her rambling. “Why don’t you hang out with D and recover so we can go kick some Esteban ass together?”

Her eyes flashed and brightened and a broad smile lit her face. Trust her to get all excited over the prospect of a good fight.

And then she sobered and touched his cheek with her slender fingers. “I want you to come back, Eli. I hope you know that. It’s not that I don’t want you here. It’s just that I hate for you to see me this way. So helpless. I hate seeing me this way.”

He captured her hand and kissed the tips of her fingers. “I won’t be going immediately, and don’t worry. You’re going to have to do more than whine to Jonah to get rid of me.”

She growled under her breath. “I didn’t whine to Jonah.”

He raised his eyebrows and quirked his lip at her. “Oh? That’s not the way he tells it.”

“Rat bastard,” she muttered.

“Oh, and Tyana? I assure you, Mad Dog and Jonah will be every bit as watchful as I am. So don’t get any crazy ideas.”

She actually looked disappointed.

“Now, you want me to carry you downstairs so you can drink and smoke weed with the other fools?”

“Carry?” she sputtered. “I’m down but not dead, Chance.”

Chapter Nine

Katie shoved her hair out of her eyes as she stared out the window into the darkness. Where the hell had Braden gone, and for that matter where had Ian disappeared to? Was he out looking for her?

Honest to God, she’d never met two more bizarre men in her life, and lord knew she’d met some doozies.

She pressed her palms to the glass, but Braden had disappeared. She frowned as she realized she was worried. What should it matter to her if he got his ass killed?

Then it dawned on her that she was in the truck alone. And she was sitting here harboring ridiculous concerns for a complete stranger when she should be driving as fast and as far away as possible.

She clambered over the seat, settling behind the wheel. To her dismay, the keys weren’t in the ignition. Of course. Because God forbid anything be easy.

A snarl of frustration ripped past her lips. She placed her hands on the wheel and rested her forehead against the horn.

She was starving, she hurt like hell, and she’d give her eyeteeth for a bed and a good night’s sleep.

Whiney ass. Just be glad you’re alive and not in bed with Ricardo right now.

That sobered her quickly.

The door swung open, startling her. She let out a yelp and threw up her arms in defense. Braden stood outside, a smirk on his face.

“You don’t think I was stupid enough to leave the keys, now do you?”

She scowled even as relief hit her so hard she went weak. She wasn’t glad to see him. Not at all. And she wasn’t worried about where Ian was or that he’d been eaten by whatever the hell was out there.

“You don’t look happy to see me,” he said dryly. “Is that the thanks I get for saving your pretty ass again?”

She started to hit him until she figured out he was yanking her chain. Royally. She took a deep breath and smiled sweetly at him.

“I’ll be happy to take this pretty ass elsewhere. Just get the hell out of my way.”

He leaned in, his body pressing hard to hers. She shoved at him, but he was intent on reaching beyond her to the other seat.

“Get off, damn it,” she gasped out as he squeezed the air from her lungs. “Big oaf.”

He snatched a duffel bag then slowly eased away from her, a cocky grin on his face.

Maya Banks's Books