In Bed with a Highlander (McCabe Trilogy #1)(92)
“We were married a few days after her arrival. She came to my bed pure and her virgin’s blood was spilled on my sheet, the one that Cameron has offered to you this day. The child she carries is mine. She has known no other man.”
Archibald leaned back in his seat, his fingers pressing together in a V as he surveyed the two men in front of him. “You give a very different accounting than Laird Cameron. Have you witnesses who can speak as to the veracity of your words?”
Ewan’s teeth snapped together in a snarl. “I have given you the right of it. I need no witness to verify my claim. If you want to ask someone, ask my wife. She will tell you exactly what I have told you.”
“I would speak, my lord.”
Ewan turned, surprised to see Diormid step forward, his gaze focused on Lord Archibald.
“And who are you?” Archibald demanded.
“I am Diormid. I have commanded under Laird McCabe five years past. I am among his most trusted men, and I myself was charged with the safety of Lady Mairin on many occasions after her arrival on McCabe land.”
“Very well, approach and give your accounting.”
Ewan glanced back at Gannon, who shook his head at Ewan’s silent question. Diormid stepping forward wasn’t at Gannon’s instigation. Ewan had instructed them to say or do nothing during the hearing.
“I have no knowledge of what transpired before the lady Mairin arrived on McCabe land. I can only speak as to the events that transpired afterward. ’Tis the truth that she was sorely mistreated under Laird McCabe’s hand. He guarded her jealously and, ’tis the truth, she was most unhappy during her time at McCabe Keep. I witnessed her tears on more than one occasion.”
A gasp went up from the crowd. Ewan saw a haze of red that buzzed in his ears and clouded his eyes. Bloodlust hit him so hard. He’d never wanted to kill another man as much as he wanted to kill Diormid at that moment.
Ewan’s brothers were equally furious. Gannon and Cormac looked horrified by Diormid’s calm recitation of blatant lies.
“During the time she was on McCabe land, she was shot at by an archer and poisoned. She nearly died. It should also be noted that the priest who was called to marry the laird and Lady Mairin died under suspicious circumstances less than a fortnight ago.”
Ewan could stand no more. His roar shook the entire room as he lunged for Diormid. Mairin screamed his name. His brothers dove after him. Chaos reigned as the king’s soldiers leaped in to separate the two men. It took seven of the guards to pry Ewan away from Diormid.
“How could you betray us this way?” Ewan demanded as he was hauled back from Diormid. “How could you stand before God and king and give false witness to events you know to be untrue? May God consign you to hell for this sin. You have betrayed me. You have betrayed Lady McCabe. You have betrayed your clan. And for what? A bit of coin from Duncan Cameron?”
Diormid refused to meet Ewan’s gaze. He wiped the blood from his mouth where Ewan had struck him and turned to face Archibald. “ ’Tis as I have said, as God is my witness.”
“You lie!” Ewan roared.
Duncan Cameron moved to stand by Mairin’s side. Her eyes were haunted and fixed on Diormid. Her hand covered her mouth that was agape with shock.
“This is disturbing,” Archibald declared. “You will restrain yourself, Laird McCabe, or I’ll have you taken to the dungeon.”
When Duncan put his hand on Mairin’s shoulder, Ewan erupted again. “Don’t you touch her!”
“I would protect my wife from Laird McCabe’s outburst,” Duncan said to Archibald. “Allow me to take her away from this.”
Archibald held up his hand. “I believe I’ve heard enough to render judgment in this matter. I rule in Laird Cameron’s favor. He is free to take his wife and return to his lands. The dowry entrusted to the crown until Mairin Stuart weds will be released to Laird Cameron and taken to his lands under palace guard.”
A cry rippled across the room as Mairin shot to her feet. “Nay!”
Ewan was in a state of shock. A man he’d trusted with his very life, with Mairin’s life, had betrayed them all in the cruelest fashion possible. It was also apparent that Ewan had never had a chance from the start. Archibald was in league with Duncan Cameron. What wasn’t clear was whether the king was also in league with Cameron, or whether Archibald boldly plotted against his cousin.
“My lord, please hear me,” Mairin pleaded. “ ’Tis not true. None of it is true! My husband is Laird McCabe!”
“Silence, woman!” Duncan roared. He backhanded her in reprimand and she fell into the chair she’d just risen from.
“She is distraught and clearly not thinking straight, my lord. Please forgive her impertinence. I will deal with her later.”
Ewan could not be contained. As soon as Cameron struck Mairin, Ewan went crazy. He exploded across the room, hitting Duncan in the chest. The two men went down as, once again, chaos reigned.
This time his brothers did nothing to stop him. They were fighting their own battle against the king’s guard. A battle they couldn’t hope to win. They were hugely outnumbered, more than a dozen to one. Without their swords, they were at an even greater disadvantage.
Ewan was hauled off Duncan and went to the floor under the weht of four soldiers. They pulled his arms back and pressed his face to the floor. Mairin flew to his side and knelt down, her hands reaching for him. Tears slid freely down her cheeks.
Maya Banks's Books
- Maya Banks
- Undenied (Unspoken #3)
- Overheard (Unspoken #2)
- Understood (Unspoken #1)
- Highlander Most Wanted (The Montgomerys and Armstrongs #2)
- Never Seduce a Scot (The Montgomerys and Armstrongs #1)
- The Tycoon's Secret Affair (The Anetakis Tycoons #3)
- The Tycoon's Rebel Bride (The Anetakis Tycoons #2)
- The Tycoon's Pregnant Mistress (The Anetakis Tycoons #1)
- Theirs to Keep (Tangled Hearts Trilogy #1)