In Bed with a Highlander (McCabe Trilogy #1)(82)

“Where are they?” she asked.

“Unloading the stores of food from the wagon,” Gannon said with a smile.

Mairin clasped her hands in delight. “So they made good on that ridiculous wager?”

Gannon rolled his eyes. “Of course. ’Tis a peace offering, too. The two clans must soothe over any bad feelings if we are to ally ourselves.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful. Surely this will carry us to the winter months.”

Gannon nodded. “And beyond, if the hunt continues to be successful.”

And if her dowry would come, the clan would have warm clothing for the winter. The children would have shoes. They would eat instead of worrying about where their next meal would come from.

This was very welcome news.

“Where might I find Ewan?” she asked Gannon.

“I’m to escort you to him when you rise.”

She frowned. “Well then, I’ve risen, so let’s go.”

He chuckled and guided her outside to where the McDonald wagons had been driven into the courtyard. Men were unloading the supplies and taking them to the larder.

Ewan was absorbed in conversation with McDonald, and Mairin frowned as she scanned the people littering the courtyard. Then her gaze fell on Rionna and she brightened.

She started to call out and wave when Ewan caught her eye and motioned her over.

He pulled her to his side when she approached. “Laird McDonald wished to give you his regards. They aren’t staying and have only arrived to deliver the supplies. Since we are in agreement over Alaric’s marriage to Rionna, we’ll meet later in the summer to celebrate the arrangement and announce their betrothal.”

Mairin smiled at the laird, who took her hand and bowed.

“I’m relieved that you are back in full health, my lady. I look forward to the time that our clans are united not only by alliance but by marriage bond.”

“As do I,” she said. “Safe journey to you and I look forward to seeing you when you return.”

When one of the men walked by with the gutted carcass of a stag, Mairin’s stomach revolted. Her cheeks puffed out as she sucked air through her nose to keep from vomiting there in front of Ewan and Laird McDonald. There’d already been far too much drama the last time the laird visited, and she had no desire to start another fracas by losing the contents of her stomach all over his boots.

She hastily made the excuse that she needed to see Gertie so she could supervise the storing of the provisions and bolted before Ewan could remark.

Once inside the keep, she took in long, steadying breaths and then made her way to the kitchens. It wasn’t a complete fabrication. She did want to know Gertie’s plans for the sudden surplus of food, and she also thought it would be a nice surprise to plan a special meal for the occasion.

Predictably, Gertie was grumbling over a large cauldron of stew when Mairin entered the kitchen. Gertie stopped periodically to taste, then she’d groan and add another vegetable.

Gertie looked up and frowned when she saw Mairin. “You’re looking peaked, lass. I saved you a bowl from the morning meal. Are you still feeling poorly every time you eat?”

Touched by her thoughtfulness, Mairin placed a hand on her stomach. “Aye, I’m afraid so. ’Tis the truth, not much seems appetizing to me these days.”

Gertie tsked and shook her head. “When are you going to tell laird that you’re carrying his child?”

“Soon. I wanted to be sure.”

Gertie rolled her eyes. “Lass, no one retches as much as you have for as long as you have if they’re ill. By now they’d either die or get better.”

Mairin smiled and put a hand to her middle. “Aye, ’tis true, still I didn’t want to chance telling the laird something that was false. So much rides on this little one’s shoulders.”

Gertie’s expression softened. “You have a good heart, lass. Our clan has much to be thankful for since you came to us. It almost seems too good to be true.”

Embarrassed by the other woman’s praise, Mairin directed the conversation to the matter at hand.

“I thought to plan a special meal since Laird McDonald made good on his wager. It seems all we’ve eaten of late is rabbit stew. I’m sure the men would love to have fresh venison and vegetables. Surely we could spare a little for celebration without depleting our stores to dangerous levels again.”

Gertie smiled broadly and reached over to pat Mairin on the arm. “I was thinking the same thing myself, lass. I already had in mind to make venison pies, with your permission, of course. With the salt that Laird McDonald provided, we no longer have to spare every grain for preserving. ’Twill make the meal taste delicious.”

“Wonderful! I’ll leave the planning in your capable hands. I’ve promised Crispen that I’d throw skipping stones over the loch with him this afternoon.”

“If you wait but a moment, I’ll give you some bread to take. It will settle your stomach and give you and Crispen a snack for the afternoon.”

Gertie wrapped several small loaves into a cloth sack and handed it to Mairin. “Off with you now, lass. Go and have a good time with Crispen.”

“Thank you,” Mairin said as she turned to go.

Her heart light, and giddy over the idea of telling Ewan of her pregnancy, she went outside to find Crispen.

Maya Banks's Books