In Bed with a Highlander (McCabe Trilogy #1)(62)

She gave a small wave and motioned him over. He spoke a few words to his men and then came over to where she was.

“Ewan, we have need of rabbits. As many as can be gotten. Is there any way you could spare some men for hunting?”

Ewan glanced across the courtyard to where his brothers were engaged in a heated sparring session. Curses rang out from both Caelen and Alaric as they tried valiantly to best the other.

“I’ll go myself,” Ewan said. “I’ll take Caelen and Alaric. We’ll bring back the rabbits you need.”

She smiled. “Thank you. Gertie will be relieved. She was in a panic over how to feed the McDonalds.”

Ewan’s eyes went dark and his lip curled. “I’ll make sure the clan is provided for. I always have.”

Mairin laid a hand on his arm. “I know you will, Ewan. When my dowry arrives, we won’t have to worry about what to eat anymore.”

He touched her face, palming her cheek for a long moment before letting his fingers trail down to her jaw. “You’re a miracle to this clan, lass. We’ll be hale and hearty again thanks to you.”

She flushed to the roots of her hair, warmed by the tenderness in his touch.

“I’ll be going now. Expect us back before sundown.”

She watched as he strode across the courtyard and called for Alaric and Caelen. Then she turned and hurried back to the steps of the keep. There was still much to be done in preparation for the McDonalds. She’d be lucky if she slept any this night.

Chapter 24

Mairin surveyed the hall with weary appreciation. It was nearly dawn and the women had worked through the night. Those with children, Mairin had sent home the night before, but a small group had stayed on with Mairin to see to the final preparations.

The result was astonishing. Not that Mairin would ever want to do such a thing again in less than a day, but she was well satisfied with the results.

The inside of the keep sparkled. The floors and walls had been washed. The candles in the ceiling fixtures had been replaced with new ones, and light danced shadows along the ceilings.

Sweet-smelling flowers ridded the musty odor of sweat and dirt, and Mairin had taken furs from the bed chambers to line the floor in front of the great stone fireplaces.

The smell of simmering stew had tortured Mairin for the last hours, as Gertie had prepared the rabbits that Ewan and his brothers brought back from the hunt. She was drooling over the idea of a hot piece of crusty bread straight from the oven.

Ewan had tried to get Mairin to take to their bed hours before, but she’d been adamant that the tasks be done since they didn’t know exactly when Laird McDonald would arrive.

“It looks wonderful, my lady,” Maddie said proudly.

Mairin looked over to where Bertha and Maddie stood and she smiled. “Aye, it does. It looks nothing like before. Even with the repairs that must be done and the damage from the fire, no one can find fault with our work.”

Bertha wiped a stray hair from her forehead. “The laird will be proud to welcome guests here. You’ve performed a miracle.”

“Thank you both for giving up your night to help me,” Mairin said. “You and Maddie tell the other women to take to their beds and not to worry about rising before noon. The other serving women can take over your duties while you rest.”

Both women nodded gratefully and hurried off, leaving Mairin alone in the hall.

Mairin surveyed her handiwork one more time before she turned and trudged toward the stairs. She’d not exactly kept her word to Ewan. Her side pained her considerably, and she hoped she hadn’t torn any of the stitches, but the truth of the matter was, the work needed to be done, and it wasn’t fair to expect the women of the keep to work long hours if she herself wasn’t willing.

She felt great satisfaction in the role she’d taken on. The women had worked long and hard but with a cheerful spirit. They had gone to great lengths to please Mairin, and een adaman turn pleased her.

For the first time, this felt like home. Her home. And she felt truly a part of the McCabe clan.

She eased into her chamber, but she needn’t have bothered. Ewan was awake and dressed and was just finishing putting on his boots.

He frowned when he caught sight of her and immediately stood, his hand going out to steady her when she swayed.

“You put in far too many hours,” he admonished. “Are you in pain? Did you tear your stitches?”

She leaned her forehead on his chest, content to remain there for a moment as she collected herself. He swept his hands up her arms to her shoulders and squeezed.

“You’re going straight to bed, lass. I won’t have any argument. And you aren’t to rise until the McDonalds arrive. Are we understood?”

“Aye,” she mumbled. She wouldn’t even have to pretend to obey that order.

“Come, let me see your wound.”

He guided her toward the bed and, with gentle hands, divested her of her clothing.

“ ’Tis a sin how expertly you rid a woman of her clothing,” Mairin grumbled.

He smiled as he turned her to her side. He thumbed over the stitched area and frowned when she flinched.

“ ’Tis red and swollen. You’re not taking proper care, Mairin. If you aren’t careful, you’re going to end up in bed with a fever.”

She yawned broadly and fought to keep her eyes open. “There’s too much to do to be abed with fever.”

Maya Banks's Books