In Bed with a Highlander (McCabe Trilogy #1)(55)
“My lady, what are you doing?” Gannon hissed, as he jogged to keep up with her.
“Hey, she’s stealing our horse!” Magnus cried.
“Our horse? ’Tis my horse, you dolt.”
She ignored the two men as they began bickering all over again.
“ ’Tis clear that neither one of them deserves the poor horse,” Mairin said. “I’ll take her to Ewan. He’ll know what to do.”
Gannon’s expression told her he had no love of taking the horse to his laird. “Don’t worry, Gannon. I’ll tell him you tried to stop me.”
“You will?”
The hopeful tone in his voice amused her.
She stopped in the middle of the courtyard, suddenly aware that there were no men training and no sign of Ewan.
“Well, where is he?” she asked in exasperation. “Oh, never mind,” she said when Gannon failed to immediately respond. “I’ll take the horse to your stable master. You do have a stable master, don’t you?”
“Aye, my lady, we most certainly do, but—”
“Point me in the direction of the stables then,” she said before he could continue. “I really should have familiarized myself with everything on the McCabe lands by now. I’ve been around the keep and to the women’s cottages but beyond that I’m frightfully ignorant. Tomorrow we’ll rectify that.”
Gannon blinked. “We will?”
“Aye, we will. Now, the stables?”
Gannon sighed and pointed across the courtyard to a pathway leading beyond the stone skirt that sheltered the courtyard. Mairin set off again, leading the mare past the wall.
She followed the worn path until she reached the far side of the keep where she saw an old structure that she assumed must be the stables. There was new wood framing the doorway, but there were also places that looked scorched by an old fire. The roof had been patched and looked to be sturdy enough to hold out the rain and snow.
She was annoyed to see Magnus and Arthur standing in front of the archway that led into the area where the laird’s horses were cared for. They watched her warily as she approached, and she scowled to show them the full force of her displeasure.
“You’re not getting the horse back,” she bellowed. “I’m giving the horse to the stable master so she’ll be cared for appropriately.”
“I am the stable master, you daft lass,” Arthur bellowed back.
“You will address your mistress with respect,” Gannon roared.
Mairin gaped at Arthur and then turned to Gannon. “Stable master? This … This … cretin is the stable master?”
Gannon sighed. “I tried to tell you, my lady.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Mairin sputtered. “He has as much business running a stable as I do.”
“I do a fine job,” Arthur snapped. “And I’d do it a lot better if I wasn’t having to chase down people who steal my horse.”
“You’re relieved of duty, sir.”
“You can’t relieve me of duty!” Arthur screeched. “Only the laird can do that.”
“I’m the mistress of this keep and I say you’ve been relieved,” Mairin said belligerently. She turned to Gannon. “Tell him.”
Gannon looked a little uncertain, but he stood behind his mistress. She nodded approvingly as Gannon informed the older man that he’d indeed been relieved of duty.
Arthur stomped away muttering all manner of blasphemies while Magnus looked on with a smug smile.
“Is it any wonder the horse bit him on the arse?” Mairin muttered as Arthur disappeared.
She handed the reins to Gannon. “Will you put her into a stall and make sure she’s fed?”
Ignoring Gannon’s disgruntled look, she turned to head back in the direction of the keep. She was quite pleased with herself. She’d not only managed to escape the confines of the keep without running into her husband, but she’d also handled a difficult situation. Her first duty as mistress of the keep. She smiled and hurried up the steps and entered the great hall.
She waved at Cormac on her way through. “I’m just going up to change for the evening meal. Gannon will be along shortly. He’s taking care of a horse for me.”
Cormac rose, his brow creased in confusion. “A horse?”
Mairin fairly skipped up the stairs. The day hadn’t been a complete waste. In fact, it had been quite lovely. And she was making strides in her bid to take an active part in the keep’s activities. Why, she’d made a decision and hadn’t even bothered Ewan over such a trivial matter. It was the least she could do. He had many important duties and the more she could smooth things for him, the more he’d be able to concentrate on those duties.
She splashed water on her face and brushed the dust from her dress. Aye, it had been a good day, and her wound wasn’t even paining her.
She flinched as the laird’s roar carried all the way up the stairs and through her chamber door. He bellowed loud enough to shake the rafters.
With a shake of her head, she picked up her brush and made quick work of the tangles in her hair. If maneuvering her left arm didn’t prick at her side, she’d take the time to braid her hair. Maybe by morning.
“Mairin, present yourself at once!”
Maya Banks's Books
- Maya Banks
- Undenied (Unspoken #3)
- Overheard (Unspoken #2)
- Understood (Unspoken #1)
- Highlander Most Wanted (The Montgomerys and Armstrongs #2)
- Never Seduce a Scot (The Montgomerys and Armstrongs #1)
- The Tycoon's Secret Affair (The Anetakis Tycoons #3)
- The Tycoon's Rebel Bride (The Anetakis Tycoons #2)
- The Tycoon's Pregnant Mistress (The Anetakis Tycoons #1)
- Theirs to Keep (Tangled Hearts Trilogy #1)