Imitation in Death (In Death #17)(99)

"You're going to file a complaint, and we're going to bring charges of assault. We'll track him down and bring him in. He won't touch you again."

'This time she only stared into the water Peabody gave her; and her voice dropped to a whisper. "I'm afraid to be alone. I'm ashamed that he's made me a coward, but-"

"You're not a coward. You just had some guy who outweighs you by a good thirty sock his fist into your eye and threaten to do more. If you weren't shaken up, you'd be stupid. You're not stupid because you came in and you're bringing charges."

"What if he killed those women? I slept beside him, I made love with him. What if he did those horrible things, then came home to me?"

"Let's take it one step at a time. Once we've done the paperwork, I can arrange for an officer to stay at home with you if you'd feel safer having a cop as well as your security droid."

"I would. I very much would. But I'd need--him, or her, to come to the theater. I have a performance at eight." She smiled wanly. "The show must go on."

By the time she'd sent Pepper and her police escort off to Broadway, the stress. and fatigue, had a headache swirling behind Eve's eyes. She'd putout an APB on Fortney, and the dragnet was already spreading.

She met with Breen's attorney, let the preliminary complaints roll off her. But when he demanded his client be allowed to return home and tend to his minor child, she didn't argue. In fact, she surprised the attorney by postponing further questioning until nine the next morning.

And she assigned two men to stake out Breen and his house overnight.

She sat back down in her office, already past the end of shift, and thought about coffee, about sleep, about work.

When McNab jogged in, he looked so bright and energetic, it hurt to look at him.

"Can't you ever wear anything that doesn't glow?" she demanded.

"Summertime, Dallas. Guy's gotta glow. Got some news should put a glow, back in your cheeks. Fortney booked a first-class seat on a shuttle to New L.A. He's en route."

"Quick work, McNab."

He shot out his index finger, blew on it. "Fastest EDD man in the east. Lieutenant, you look well and truly beat."

"Nothing wrong with your vision, either.. Take Peabody home. Make sure she gets a good night's sleep, which is my delicate way of saying restrain yourself from rabbiting together half the night. She needs a clear and alert mind tomorrow."

"You got it. You might try that good night's sleep yourself."

"Eventually," she mumbled, then started the process of extraditing Fortney and arranging for local authorities to meet him when he stepped off the shuttle.

Peabody bounced in. "Lieutenant, McNab said you said-"

"I should just put in a revolving door because everybody just walks in and out as they damn well please anyway."

"The door was open. It's almost always open. McNab said I was relieved, but I haven't yet contacted authorities in New L.A. re Fortney, or transmitted the warrant."

"It's done. They'll pick him up, ship him back, and have promised to take just enough time to ensure he'll spend the night in a cell. He won't wrangle a bail hearing until morning."

"It's my job to "

"Shut up, Peabody. Go home, get a meal, get some sleep. The exam starts oh eight hundred, sharp."

"Sir,. I believe it might be necessary to postpone the exam as this case is at a crucial point. Fortney-and I see that my initial instincts there were right-will have to be interviewed, and you'll want to interview Breeh and try to arrange an interview with Renquist to tie the matter up. I feel it's inappropriate for me to take a half day, minimum, for personal business during this stage of the investigation."

"Got the jitters?"

"Well, yeah, that, too, but-"

"You'll take the exam, Peabody. If you have to wait another three months to take it, one of us will jump off the nearest building, or, more likely, I'll just pitch you off. I think, somehow, I can muddle through the day without you."

"But I think-"

"Report at Exam Room One, oh eight hundred, Officer. That's an order."

"I don't believe you can actually order me to take..." She trailed off, swallowed hard when Eve lifted her gaze. "But, ah, I understand the spirit of the statement, sir. I'm going to try not to let you down."

"Jesus, Peabody, you're not going to let me down whatever you do on the exam. And you'll be "

"Stop." Peabody squeezed her eyes closed. "Don't say anything that'll jinx it. Don't say it, or any sentence with the word luck in it."

"You'd better go take a pill."

"I might." She gave a shaky smile. "Don't wish me the `L' word, okay, but maybe you could do like a signal or a sign. You could do this." Peabody showed her teeth in a grin, widened her eyes to show enthusiasm, and punched out her fist with her thumb sticking up.

Leaning back, Eve cocked her head. "What is that? I'm supposed to signal you to stick your thumb up your ass?"

"No! It's thumbs-up. Jeez, Dallas. Thumbs-up. Never mind."

"Peabody." Eve rose, halting her aide before she could stalk out of the office. "Commencing at oh eight hundred hours, I expect you to kick exam butt."

J.D. Robb's Books