Imitation in Death (In Death #17)(80)
"I know you," she said to Roarke, and sucked in so much air her nostrils flared visibly.: "You are not a police officer."
"No, ma'am."
"Civilian consultants are often utilized by the police department," Eve put in. "If you have any questions about this procedure, you can call my commanding officer in New York. We can wait outside until you verify."
"That won't be necessary." She stepped back until they entered the living area. It was ruthlessly clean, and spartan. None of the frilly business Eve generally expected from older women living alone was in evidence.
No pillows or dust-catchers, no framed photos or flowers. There was a single sofa, a single chair, two tables, two lamps. It was as soulless, and just as welcoming, as a cage in a high-security prison.
One would not, she was sure, hear the dulcet sounds of a Carmichael Smith CD within these walls. That, at least, was one small mercy.
"You may sit, on the sofa. I will not offer refreshments this close to mealtime."
She took the chair, sat with her back straight as, a poker, her feet flat on the floor with her knees pressed so tightly together they might have been glued. She folded her hands in her lap.
"You indicated you wished to speak to me regarding one of my former charges, but refused to give me a name. I find that quite rude, Miss Dallas."
"I find murder quite rude, and that's what I'm investigating."
"There is no need for sass. If you can't conduct yourself with respect, this interview is over."
"Respect's a two-way street. My name is Lieutenant Dallas."
Gable's mouth folded in; but she inclined her head in acknowledgment. "Very well. Lieutenant Dallas. I assume since you've attained that rank you have some aptitude for your profession, and some sense. If you'll explain, succinctly, why you've -come to speak to me, we can conclude this matter and get back to our business."
"My questions will be of a highly confidential nature. I'm asking for your discretion."
"I lived- and worked in private homes, among important families, most. of my life. I am nothing if not discreet." "One of those families included a son. Niles Renquist." Gable's eyebrows shot up, the first genuine animation she'd shown. "If you've come all the way from New York to ask me about the Renquists, you're wasting my time and your own. Mine is valuable to me."
"Valuable enough, I'd imagine, to want to avoid being transported to New York and brought into formal interview."
The threat was hot air. No judge would give her the power to drag a civilian across state lines on what little she'd gathered.'But the idea of the inconvenience was often enough to elicit cooperation.
"I don't believe you can have me taken to New York like a comment criminal." There was more animation now as temper put an almost rosy flush in Gable's cheeks. "I have no doubt my attorney could prevent such a high-handed tactic."
"Maybe. Go-ahead and contact him, if you want to go to the trouble, the time, and the expense. We'll see who wins in the end"
"I don't care for your attitude, or your demeanor."
Gable's fingers had curled on her thighs, with the knuckles going white. A pincher. Eve was sure of it.
"I get that a lot. Something about murder just gets me all irritable. You can talk to. me here and now, Ms. Gable, in the comfort of your own home. Or we can start the bureaucratic ball rolling. Up to you."
Gable had a good stare, icy and unblinking. But it was no match for a cop with eleven years under her belt.
"Very well. You can ask your questions. I'll answer what I deem
"Did Niles Renquist ever demonstrate violent or disturbing behavior under your watch?"
"Certainly not." She sniffed even the thought of it away. "He was a well-bred young man from good family. I believe his current position and circumstance bears that out."
"Does he keep in touch with you?"
"I receive flowers on my birthday and a card at Christmas, as is proper."
"So, the two of you maintain an affectionate relationship."
"Affectionate?" Gable's face drew together as if she'd scented something vaguely unpleasant. "I neither want nor expect affection from any of my charges, Lieutenant Dallas, as I doubt you expect any from your subordinates."
"What do-or did-you expect?"
"Obedience, respect, and organized, well-disciplined behavior."
Sounded more like the army than the nursery to Eve, but she nodded. "And you received, same from Renquist."
"Of course."
"Did you employ corporal punishment?"
"When appropriate. My methods,. which served me and my charges well, were to suit the disciplinary action to the child and the offense."
"To your memory, what disciplinary actions most usually suited Niles Renquist?"
"He responded best to denial. Denial of recreation, society, entertainment, etcetera. He could and would become argumentative or sullen during the deprivation, but would, eventually, submit. He learned, as did all my charges, that there are consequences for unacceptable behavior."
"Did he have friends?"
"He had a suitably selected number of playmates and acquaintances."
"Selected by?"
J.D. Robb's Books
- Indulgence in Death (In Death #31)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Leverage in Death: An Eve Dallas Novel (In Death #47)
- Apprentice in Death (In Death #43)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Echoes in Death (In Death #44)
- J.D. Robb
- Obsession in Death (In Death #40)
- Devoted in Death (In Death #41)
- Festive in Death (In Death #39)