Imitation in Death (In Death #17)(117)

"The friend kept her head," Eve continued. "She ran back to the living room, called nine-one-one, then hurried back to the bedroom, picked up this bat he'd used to break Lisel's kneecap, and she whaled on him. Fractured his skull, broke his jaw, his nose, his elbow. By the time the cops got _there, Marsonini was unconscious and in a sorry state. She'd untied Lisel, covered her up, and was holding a knife to the bastard's throat, hoping-she said in her statement-he'd come around so she could stick it in his gullet."

"I'd say it stuck in his gullet that a woman stopped him."

Her lips quirked a little, because she understood. "I'm counting on it. He died in prison two, years later when an unidentified inmate or guard castrated him and left him lying in his own cage. Bled to death."

She breathed deep, found- it had helped to talk it through. "I'm going to make the rounds. You've got two hours to stretch your legs around here, then we tuck in. And we wait."

At midnight, she hauled a stool into the closet. She kept the door open to anangle that gave her a view of the bed, and Peabody's upper half.

The apartment was full dark, and silent.

"Peabody, check your communicator every fifteen, until I order radio silence. I don't want you nodding off in there." "Lieutenant, I couldn't fall asleep if you gave me a high powered soother. I'm revved."

"Do the checks. Stay icy." ,

What if I'm wrong? she asked herself. If he changed targets, changed methods, got a whiff of me? If he doesn't come tonight, will he kill randomly or just rabbit? Does he have a back door? An emergency route, emergency funds, and ID?

He'll come, she assured herself. And if he doesn't, I'll track him.

She ran through her own checks, got the all-quiet from the street teams, the house teams. After an hour, she stood up to stretch and keep herself limber.

After two, she felt her blood begin to pump. He was coming. She knew he was coming seconds before her communicator hissed in her ear.

"Possible sighting. Lone male, proceeding south toward building. Six-two, a hundred and ninety. Light-colored suit and dark tie. He's carrying a briefcase."

"Observe only. Don't approach. Feeney, you copy?"

"Loud and clear."


"We're on it."

"Looks like a false alarm. He's moving past the building, continuing south. Wait... He's watching, that's what he's doing. Scoping things out, checking the street. He's turning back, approaching the building again. Something in his hand. Might be a security jammer. Turning in. He's heading in, Lieutenant."

"Stay in the vehicle. Wait for my command. Peabody?"

"I'm ready." -

Eve saw the slight movement in the bed, and knew Peabody had her stunner in her hand.

"Feeney, you and the civilian stay behind those doors until I clear it. I want him all the way in. McNab, I want that elevator shut down the minute he's through the door, and your team out and blocking the hall a second after that. Copy?"

"You've got it. How's my sex queen?"

"I beg your pardon, Detective?"

"Um... Question directed at Officer Peabody, Lieutenant!,

"No personal communications or stupid-ass remarks, for sweet Christ's sake. Give me a twenty on the suspect."

"He's using the stairs, sir. Moving between second and third floor. I've got a good clear view of his face, Dallas. Positive ID for Niles Renquist. Moving to your door now. Taking out a keycode. He's through, and -in."

"Move now," Eve said in a whisper. "All units close in now, and hold."

She couldn't hear him. Not yet. So she brought him into her head. Marsonini always removed his shoes before entering the bedroom. Shoes and socks. He would leave them neatly beside the entrance door, then take off the shades, put on the night- vision goggles. With them, hee could move through the dark like a cat. Then he could' stand over the victim, watching her sleep before he pounced.

Eve drew her weapon. Waited.

She heard the faintest creak of the floorboard, and willed him to come on, come on, you son of a bitch.

Then with her eyes long adjusted to the dark, she saw the shape of him, saw him stroke a hand gently over Peabody's back.

She kicked the door open. "Lights!" She shouted.

He whirled, with the goggles blinding him now. The bat was in his hand, and he swung out with it, toward the sound of her voice even as he ripped the goggles away.

"Police. Drop the weapon! Drop your weapon and freeze or I will drop you."

His eyes were huge, blinking madly. But she saw the instant he recognized her and understood. She saw all his plans, his victories, drain out of his head. "Filthy cunt."

"Come on then." She lowered her weapon, then stabbed a warning finger toward the doorway when Roarke shoved in with Feeney behind him. "Don't do it," she snapped at them.

Renquist howled, threw the bat at her, then leaped.

She shifted, let the. metal glance off her shoulder. Because it was more satisfying than a stun, she used her body, tucking to drive that same shoulder into his gut, her knee to his groin. And when he started to fold, her fist found its way to the underside of his jaw.

"That last one was for Marlene Cox," Eve muttered.

J.D. Robb's Books