If You Were Mine (The Sullivans #5)(70)
“I’ve got a big backlog of work at the office.”
Work had piled up due to all the time she’d been spending with Zach. It had seemed worth it at the time, the tradeoff between love and growing her business.
Worth it, that is, until the mirage of love disappeared like a puff of smoke.
“You’re that pissed off at me for giving the damn puppy back?” At last, she could see the veneer he’d tried to put around himself cracking. But it was too late. Especially when he said, “It wasn’t even my dog. I never asked for it. They just dumped it on me.”
“No, I’m not pissed off.” And she was being perfectly honest. She was far more heartbroken than she was angry. “Just like you said, she’ll be fine.” Heather would make sure of it, would personally assign her best trainer to work with Megan, Summer, and Gabe so that Cuddles could forget that Zach Sullivan ever existed.
“Then why are you leaving?”
Because she needed to save herself while there was still a ghost of a chance that she could recover.
Because if he could give away a puppy she’d thought he absolutely adored without so much as flinching as it cried for him, then she wasn’t sure she knew who he was at all.
Because she didn’t think she rated a whole heck of lot more than the puppy had to the man standing in front of her.
Because, in the end, it turned out love wasn’t enough. Just like she’d always known.
But since she could no longer trust him enough to say any of that, all that came was an honest, “I’m glad you’re okay, Zach.”
So glad, in fact, that she’d felt like her own life had been saved out there on the race track when he’d scrambled free of the burning car.
She was about to start crying, knew any second she’d be falling apart.
Heather couldn’t do that here. Not in front of Zach. She couldn’t let her guard down around him ever again.
All those years ago, when she’d found out what her father had done, she’d vowed to never feel that way again, to never let anyone make her feel so terribly unloved, so unimportant. She’d renew that vow, make sure she stuck by it in the future.
She needed to get out of there looking like she was still in one piece and then, when she was far, far away from him, she’d deal with the shattered insides beneath her skin.
When Zach had nearly died she’d finally admitted to herself just how much she loved him. She’d finally confessed down deep in her soul that she loved him more deeply, more truly than she’d ever thought she could love a man.
Only to have him prove her cynicism about love to be right.
She hated him for that, but hated herself more for falling for him.
“Good luck with the rest of your charmed life.”
Chapter Thirty-one
Zach’s life had turned into a god damned train wreck.
After he put the wrong fluid in a customer’s transmission and it burned to a crisp, his staff wouldn’t let him near any of the cars in the garage. He did something on his computer that gave it a virus and his executive assistant asked him, politely but firmly, to please stay away from the rest of the computers in the office while she got the hard drive repaired. His vocabulary shrank to a handful of curse words when reporters covering his accident at the race track called to ask what he thought about the pictures of Ryan and Smith holding Heather back from the track as his car burned, and now the press was pissed at him, too.
On top of everything else, Gabe had ratted him out to the entire family. As soon as Lori and Sophie learned that he’d given the puppy back—along with a clear visual of the horror on Heather’s face that Gabe had likely recounted to all of them in vivid Technicolor—they began to tag-team him with messages wanting to know what his problem was.
Lori went so far as to threaten him with bodily harm if he continued to blow it with Heather. On her last message she’d made it perfectly clear that she had plenty of brothers already, so it was an easy decision for her to stick with Heather if he was going to keep being too much of a fool to figure out how to love her right.
“We all know how you feel about her,” was what she’d said in her most recent message. Loud enough that her voice was still ringing in his ears. “Heather and I were getting to be friends, but now she won’t call me back. Jerk.”
He was tempted to delete all future messages from his siblings without listening to them, but he couldn’t. Not if they were calling to say they’d heard from Heather.
But no one said a word about seeing her, not even Gabe, who he figured was doing training sessions with Cuddles at Top Dog.
It wasn’t even my goddamned dog, was what he kept telling himself over and over. They shouldn’t be getting their panties in such a twist over my giving it back to Summer.
Only, all the old lies he’d always told himself weren’t working anymore. Not when he knew exactly why they were all so angry with him.
Because he’d lost Heather.
Hell. It was worse than that.
He’d convinced Heather to walk to the edge of a hundred-story building, went out of his way to convince her she was safe...and then he’d shoved her off.
God, that last night at his house he’d hated seeing her spark fade, hated even more that he was the cause of it, but he couldn’t stop, couldn’t just shut up and pull her into his arms the way he was dying to.
Bella Andre's Books
- Can't Take My Eyes Off of You (Summer Lake #2)
- Bella Andre
- Reckless In Love (The Maverick Billionaires #2)
- Now That I've Found You (New York Sullivans #1)
- All I Ever Need Is You (The Sullivans #14)
- I Love How You Love Me (The Sullivans #13)
- Just To Be With You (The Sullivans #12)
- It Must Be Your Love (The Sullivans #11)
- Kissing Under The Mistletoe (The Sullivans #10)
- The Way You Look Tonight (The Sullivans #9)