If You Were Mine (The Sullivans #5)(28)

It was, but Zach had barely given it a second thought when he’d bailed after Wednesday night’s dinner with Heather. Sullivan Autos sponsored one of the racers, but his staff could handle the event.

“Heather, this is my sister Sophie. And Jake.”

His old friend pulled Sophie closer and clarified in a possessive voice, “I’m Sophie’s husband.”

Heather stood up to say, “It’s so nice to meet you,” but as she reached out to shake their hands, Atlas decided to make his move on a popcorn seller who was almost within reach.

Sophie gasped as Heather’s feet were yanked out from under her by her oversized mutt. All three of them reached for her, but Zach got to her first, pulling her down onto his lap before she could hit the cement.

Pleasure shot through him as she instinctively wound her arms around his neck and breathlessly gazed into his eyes. “You keep saving me,” she said softly enough that he was the only one who could hear.

Eighty thousand people and their dogs ceased to exist as her warm curves shifted against him. He was stunned all over again at how beautiful she was with her hair falling out of her braid, in a long-sleeved T-shirt and shorts that shouldn’t have done anything to showcase her figure, but managed to all the same.

“You’re welcome.”

This time, instead of forcing herself to remain irritated with him, she let herself give in to a smile.

It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

“Thank you.” Another small smile before she frowned. “I don’t know what’s come over Atlas lately. Maybe it’s the puppy energy rubbing off on him.”

Hell, thought Zach, forget her dog. What had come over him? It was one thing to enjoy the feel of her curves pressing against him because she was a beautiful woman.

It was another entirely to want to hold her just because.

Unfortunately, Heather obviously remembered that they had an audience as she too quickly pushed out of his lap. He was impressed with how well she played off what could have been an awkward moment by joking with Sophie and Jake about the dangers of owning a dog who was twice as big as she was.

Zach almost groaned at the fact that he and Heather were going to be on display for the next two and a half hours. Sure, his siblings were used to seeing him with women. Lots of women. What they weren’t used to, however, was seeing him with a woman like Heather.

As soon as they realized the two of them weren’t sleeping together yet, there were going to be questions.

And if they realized that he actually liked her, the questions might never run out.

He’d never told his brothers or sisters about the way he felt about his father’s death, or the impact it had made on his life and his beliefs about his future.

He didn’t want to start having to explain now.

Fortunately, his sister and her new husband were pretty wrapped up in each other. Just as long as only one of the twins came today, he’d live through—

“Yay, it’s a party! Scoot over.”

Damn it. Lori had come, too.

It was turning into a Sullivan family reunion at the baseball stadium.

He scowled at the new arrival. “Aren’t you supposed to be on tour with Nicola right now?”

His other little sister gave him an evil smile, the one she’d patented by the time she could speak her first word. Clearly, she’d not only seen Heather sprawled across his lap as she walked into the stadium...but she’d likely seen the way he’d been looking at her, too.

“We’re on break for a few days and I haven’t caught one of Ryan’s games yet this season.” She leaned over him and held out her hand to Heather. “Hi, I’m Zach’s other sister. It is so nice to meet you.”

“Great to meet you too,” Heather said as she shook his sister’s hand. “I’m Heather. And this is Atlas.”

Lori’s eyes lit up as she cooed over Heather’s huge dog. “Oh my God, he’s gorgeous!”

Atlas shoved past Zach to get to his sister, with Cuddles only a beat behind.

“I think the feeling is mutual,” Heather said, laughing as Lori encouraged both dogs to jump up on her lap at the same time.

His hopes that the dogs would save him from his sister’s prying were dashed when she simultaneously patted them and asked, “So, how do you two know each other?”

“I’m working with your brother to train Cuddles.”

“Boy, that must be a pain in the butt, huh?”

Heather frowned. “No. Of course not. Cuddles is incredibly smart and receptive to positive reinforcement.”

Lori laughed. “I’m not talking about Summer’s puppy. I’m talking about Zach.”

Heather’s eyes widened for a moment before she threw her head back and laughed. “You have no idea. No idea at all.”

Chapter Twelve

Heather couldn’t help spending more time watching Zach interact with his sisters than she did the game. And she loved seeing him on the wrong foot for once, even if was just from his momentary surprise at seeing them there.

At the same time, however, he was as enamored of them as he was annoyed by the way they poked and prodded at him as all good little sisters must. Through it all, she could feel his protectiveness toward them simmering just beneath the surface.

Just as he’d said, he would take a bullet for them without blinking an eye. He kept asking Sophie, who was pregnant with twins, how she was feeling. Finally, his sister had snapped, “Next time I see the doctor, I’m going to send you her report so you’ll believe I’m fine.”

Bella Andre's Books