Hunter's Heart (Alpha Pack #4)(48)

From this distance, she could tell it was a human man. She couldn't make out his features, but his hair was shaggy, longish. It might have been brown, but that could've been filth.

Trembling started deep inside her, and she started to shake, but she wasn't sure why.

Could he be a victim? she asked her mate. A lost camper?


Then suddenly, horrifyingly, that question was put to rest. The man stood, naked. His head tilted back and he let out a bloodcurdling scream that caused the birds to take flight and made Daria jump. Then the scream became a roar. The deafening screech of a monster as the man's form changed. Enlarged to an astonishing breadth and height.

He appeared very much like Nick's drawing-just before he became translucent, all but vanishing.

Oh my God! That's the beast you're after!

Ryon flattened himself low to the ground. Goddamn. I've never seen anything like that in my life. We tried to catch him the other day, but we didn't see him like that, as a man.

The beast swung its head in their direction, and they held still, barely daring to breathe. They weren't equipped to take him on, and if he came after them, she wasn't sure whether she could outrun him. But luck was on their side. After a moment, the creature huffed and stomped in the opposite direction. The three of them waited a very long while, making sure he was gone before they rose from their hiding place.

Before Ryon could question the white wolf again, she bounded into the forest without looking back. Daria felt her mate's frustration at not getting answers from the elusive wolf, but they had bigger worries at the moment.

We need to get back, he urged. Before that thing returns.

There was something that seemed familiar about him-the man, I mean, before he changed.

He tensed at that. How so?

Not sure. Something about his scent seemed like I should know it.

Her mate's displeasure at that came through their bond loud and clear. She couldn't help what she'd noticed, and she couldn't understand why he'd be upset. But as they ran back to the compound, he grew more and more unsettled.

At last they made it onto his patio, and shifted. The change was much easier this time, and she figured she was over the hump and on her way to mastering her wolf. But her biggest concern was Ryon, who stalked into his quarters and waited, regarding her with his lips pressed together, blue eyes snapping.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" Crossing her arms over her br**sts, she did her best to ignore the fact that they were having a serious discussion while naked. Probably wouldn't be the last time.

"What was familiar about that man?" His voice was cool.

"I don't know," she said, frustrated. "There was something underneath his odor, more than just a man who needed a bath. He smelled like . . . Obsession."

"What?" He blinked at her.

"Obsession for men. You know, that cologne that's been around forever. It was faint, but there. It's funny, I only knew one man who ever wore it-"

Instantly, she cut off that thought. It wasn't possible, so she refused to think it. But Ryon latched on to her words like a snapping turtle.

"What man wore it? Tell me."



She sighed. "Fine. My former fiance used to wear it all the time. Happy?"

"No. I'm not thrilled that some man in the woods who's been turned into a murderous beast reminds you of your former lover," he growled.

"It's not like I can help how the guy smelled, for Christ's sake! I can't help it that the man's build even resembled Ben's . . . Shit."

Now her mate was pissed. She hadn't done anything wrong, but at the mention of another lover, even a past one, he was going all alpha on her. It was annoying as hell.

And it was also a huge turn-on.

Ryon stalked her, pressing her against the glass patio door. "You remember how he smells? Not for long. Because I'm gonna f**k you, mark you with my scent until there's nothing left in your memory but me."

"Ryon," she whispered.

He claimed her mouth, kissed her senseless, tongue exploring. Tasting. Then he picked her up and carried her into his bedroom, where he proceeded to make good on his delicious threat.

. . .

Daria, his mate, recalled Ben's scent? His naked form?

Fuck that. Not for long.

Pulling her onto the bed, he tucked her into his side. The soft roundness of her br**sts nestled against his arm, and he hardened, his length pressing into her thigh. She laid a hand on his bare chest, smoothing her palm over his pecs, the taut ni**les. She journeyed to the curve of his jaw, stroked his face. One dainty finger found his lips, traced them as though she was remembering his kisses, perhaps thinking of savoring more.

His pulse quickened as she explored at will, and went a long way toward soothing his jealous wolf. Not to mention those lovely brown eyes shining with passion, just for him. She combed her fingers through his hair, sending exquisite little tendrils of pleasure down his spine, radiating to his fingers and toes. Heat surged between his legs, his arousal brushing her belly. He groaned, and Daria purred in his ear.

"Like that, do you?"

His body hummed beneath her hands. "Oh, yeah."

"That's good, because I really want to continue."

Before he could form an answer, her lips captured his. Gentle, urging. Her tongue found his, rasping. She sucked the breath from his lungs, the reason from his brain. He loved the taste of her, the wonderful feeling of her lithe form sprawled across him. Tender kisses nibbled his jaw, the base of his throat, and his chest. Her hot tongue worked its magic, circling each nipple in turn, teeth grazing them.

J.D. Tyler's Books