Hunter's Heart (Alpha Pack #4)(41)

Ryon and the others bolted toward them, Ryon pulling his gun from his waistband. He squeezed off a couple of shots to the creature's shoulder, just as it raked Micah across the ribs. Micah screamed, then went horribly silent as it threw him down. The beast turned toward Jax and took two steps, but the others joined in, firing at it.

Apparently not happy with this development, it whirled and fled into the woods. As far as Ryon could tell, they hadn't even wounded the damned thing.

"Jesus. Come on, kid, hang on," Aric begged.

Ryon ran to where his friends were kneeling by Micah, worry etched on their faces. Jax stripped off Micah's shirt and balled it up, pressing the cloth into the wound in his side. The slice was long and deep, made by one of the claws. If the beast had struck with a bit more curve, their friend would've been gutted.

"I'm all right," Micah panted, pale and sweating. "Burns, though. Like acid."

He wasn't okay by a long shot. Blood was fast soaking the ground, and his eyes drifted closed. Though they kept talking to him, he was losing ground fast.

Jax put his arms under Micah's knees and back, and lifted him. "Let's go."

They made the long hike as fast as they could, jogging a good part of the way. Nick's group had just arrived at Ryon's Range Rover when they came through the trees. The commander jogged up to them, laying a palm on Micah's slack face-the scarred side.

"Dammit, we just got you on your feet," Nick said grimly. "Your sister is going to kill me."

The younger man didn't stir. Nick helped get Micah into the back of the SUV, and climbed in with him. Ryon jumped in the driver's seat and soon they were on their way, the other team racing behind them.

Nick spoke into his cell phone. "Melina, get the trauma room ready. We've got one coming in with an open wound to his side. Coming in hot."

Meaning he was in bad shape.

Gripping the steering wheel, Ryon sped up. This day had been a clusterf*ck from the time the alarm went off.

It appeared things were going to get worse before they improved. One thing for sure, they needed to develop a different strategy to catch the monster.

Because that one sure as f**k didn't work.

. . .

Daria was losing her mind.

All she'd had to hear from Blue while sitting in the cafeteria was that one of the Pack had been badly injured fighting the creature, and she had almost fainted. How was she going to take this every time they went on an op? Always terrified that her mate would come home in a body bag?

She was waiting by the emergency entrance doors when the first teams poured in. Jax was carrying the hurt man in his arms-and it wasn't Ryon. The man had shoulder-length brown hair, not blond. Her knees nearly gave out, her relief was so great. Then she heard Rowan's stricken cry and realized it was her brother, and guilt flailed at her.

Rowan followed after Jax, and Daria could only stare at the doors and wait for Ryon.

When he walked through them, she ran toward him. The instant he saw her, he opened his arms and she ran into them, clasping him tight. He returned the embrace, holding her against his strong body. She could feel every muscle and ridge, and took joy in him being there.

Sweaty, salty, dirty. But alive.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "I was such a bitch to you last night, and if that had been the last time I ever saw you-"

"No, shh. I'm here, honey. I'm safe."

"This time."

"This is my life. There will always be danger, but I'll always move heaven and hell to come home."

"I was awful to you," she repeated. She couldn't get past that she could've lost him in the wake of her stupid pity party. "I would never have forgiven myself if something had happened to you."

"You've had a lot thrown at you, so give yourself a break." He kissed the top of her head. "Let's just move forward, all right?"

"Can we?"

"Good grief, woman." Pulling back, he gave her a mock frown. "Do I look like a man who gives up easily?"

"No. Rowan may have said something like that."

"Well, she's right. I'm a stubborn bastard and I like getting my way. Now, why don't we join the others and wait for some word about Micah?"

"Sounds good."

Ryon told everyone assembled about the doomed fight with the creature, and how Micah was injured. Rowan, eyes red from crying, sat huddled next to Aric, shushing his repeated apologies for getting her brother hurt.

"You didn't get him hurt," she snapped finally. "So knock it off, okay? He's a grown man."

"Sure, baby." They kissed gently, with such love, in their own universe.

Three hours later, Melina came out to inform them all that he would recover, and the relief swept through the group like a storm. But the creature's claws contained some sort of venom that was making his system and the gash slow to heal. It was a word of caution for future battles against the monster.

Ryon squeezed Daria's hand. "Now that we know he'll be okay, shall we go back to my place?"

"Sounds great."

On the way, she got one more confession off her chest. "I'm still not sure about the whole wolf thing, and I'm still angry at having fate decide my life for me."

"I understand," he said, and she read the truth in his eyes. He was an incredible man. "I've been there, Daria."

J.D. Tyler's Books