Hunter's Heart (Alpha Pack #4)(31)

"You have a cool job. I'll bet you're good at it," he praised.

"I love animals," she said simply. "It's easy to be good at a job you love and believe in."

"True. I have one of those myself."

"I just protect wolves." She waved at hand at him. "You protect the rest of the world."

He started to protest, but she was right. "That doesn't make your contribution any less. What you do is so important," he said earnestly. "If the ecosystems fail, there will be nothing left for guys like me to protect. People like you have to prevent that from happening."

He'd struck exactly the right chord with her. But he wasn't simply trying to get into her good graces. He meant every word. He valued her work, and wanted her to know that. She did, and her elation trickled to him through their bond like liquid sunlight.

"Thank you for that," she said softly. "I can't tell you how many people, even friends, don't think that what my father and I do constitutes a real job."

"Well, they're ass**les," he growled. "They're part of what's wrong with the planet."

Her expression became one of playful amusement. "So fierce. I think I like it when you get all rumbly like that."

That surprised a laugh out of him, and he had to remind his poor c**k yet again to behave. "Then I'll make sure to do it often."

They chatted until the chicken was ready; then he decided to set the table outside. The weather was great, so they might as well take advantage of it. He brought out plates, utensils, tortillas, shredded cheese, and all the rest of the goodies they needed for their meal. Placing foil on the grill, he laid down some tortillas, loaded them with chicken strips, onion, and cheese, then browned them on each side. In moments, they were ready to eat.

"Mmm, this is fantastic! You could make me fat, feeding me like this."

"You've got a long way to go before that would ever happen. You're perfect."

"No, I'm not, but thank you. I love what I see, too." She took another bite and swallowed. "I have a thing for blonds."

"A thing?" His brows shot up.

"Yes, I know. How cliche, right? But I adore blond men."

If he had any say, her days of adoring any man but him, blond or purple, were over. "I like silky black hair myself. Just like yours," he murmured. "I'm partial to brown eyes and bronzed skin. A whole lot like yours."

After that, they pretty much rode a rising tide of arousal that simmered in the air between them. They cleared the plates, brought everything inside. They stacked the empty plates in the sink, and he told her he'd do them later.

"Right now, there's something I'm much more interested in doing," he said, turning her to face him.

"Is that so?"

"I want more of those kisses, because I'm a greedy man. Am I wrong in assuming you feel the same way?"

"You're not wrong at all." Her eyes searched his. "Kiss me before I go crazy thinking about tasting you again."

"Just kisses?" he asked, wanting to be sure.

"And more, if you want." She sucked in a breath. "I need you."

"You have me."

His mouth covered hers and gave her what she'd asked for. Delved his tongue into her heat, tasting spicy wine. All woman. She pulled back first.

"Oh, Ryon. Make love to me," she whispered. "Now."

He blinked, unable to believe his ears. What he'd done to deserve such a priceless gift, he didn't know, no more than he knew how to go about telling her the rest of the truth. Putting that out of his mind, he concentrated on his woman. Could he please her? Whether his experience was a blessing or a curse, he wasn't sure.

They only got as far as the living room before he stopped. Undressed her slowly, revealing each beautiful layer of Daria. In wonder, he eased her to the floor and then skimmed his palms down the graceful curve of her neck, to her slim shoulders, careful to avoid bumping her casted arm. The limb was probably okay, but he couldn't be too careful. He brushed his fingers across the swell of her br**sts, her puckered little ni**les. Marveled at the sensation, the pleasure of touching her at last.

Fascinated, he rolled the taut peaks between his fingers, pinching them lightly. Bracing her weight on her elbows, she leaned back, spreading those long, toned legs. Offering herself to him.

Her pink slit glistened, begging for his attention, and he groaned. Drinking in her natural beauty, his heart pounded at the base of his throat. She was all tanned skin, curvy br**sts, and lean hips, a dark nest of curls at the vee of welcoming thighs.

He stood next to her, unzipping his jeans, pushing them past his hips. His erection sprang free, hot and hard. Throbbing to the point of real pain. Already, a drop of cum beaded at the head of his penis. He and his wolf strained, eager for fangs and c**k to be buried deep, to shoot inside her heat.

But he couldn't claim her properly. Not until she knew she was his mate.

Smiling, she sat up on her knees and tugged his jeans to his ankles, pulling them as he stepped free. She laid them aside and wrapped her fingers around his erection, stroked and swirled the pearly drop around the head of his penis. He gasped at the wonderful, wicked bolt of desire sweeping him.

"Daria, I'm not going to last," he croaked. "I can't-"

J.D. Tyler's Books