His Princess (A Royal Romance)(71)

I should say he destroyed all of them but one. The very last of the advanced prototypes is locked away, just in case he ever needs it. It was my idea to save it, even though he argued with me for days that not even one of them could be permitted to exist, that if it fell into the wrong hands it would start all over again.

Lastly, the government of Kosztyla entered into an economic development partnership with Solkovia, and the two states have approached the other countries in the immediate region to discuss forming a regional defense and economic agreement, kind of a miniature European Union. One day my son—presiding over a democratically elected parliament and impartial court system—will lead this union to even greater heights. My prince is content knowing that he has stopped the cycle of madness and oppression that made his land known throughout the world as a hell on earth.

As for me, I cannot imagine myself being more in love. Every day he comes up with some grand new gesture to prove his affection for me, and though we’ve agreed that six children will be enough, I doubt it will be for lack of trying. I feel sometimes that I am the luckiest woman on Earth, despite the sadness of the chain of events that brought me here.

So, it is with an honest and joyous heart, thinking of the happiness my prince has brought me, and a hint of pride that I was able to see the goodness beneath that black steel and bring it out into the world where it belongs, I can write the words I never thought I would ever apply to my own life.

“…And they lived happily ever after.”

Mostly. It’s freaking cold in that castle in the wintertime, and he won’t stop using the damn hearths and just turn up the thermostat like I tell him to.

Thank you for Reading

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I’m already working on another royal romance! Sign up for my newsletter for updates on my upcoming books: http://www.abigailgraham.com/newsletter-signup/

There is a bonus book included in this volume, Bad Boy Next Door.

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Bonus Book: Bad Boy Next Door



I’ve been sitting in the hotel bar for two hours, drumming my fingers on a cocktail napkin and drinking an endless succession of ginger ales to make it look like I’m drinking booze. Gotta keep my head. This could get bad in a hurry.

Nervous shivers shoot down my arms and legs and my head is on a swivel. Clandestine meetings between luminaries of the criminal underbelly of society aren’t supposed to happen at the Sheraton, but, as the man said, well, there you are.

By my watch it’s 9:36 in the morning, and my contact is over an hour late. Mornings make me edgy. I don’t know the contact’s face either. That makes me nervous. I’ve been edgy ever since I called in and confirmed completion on this one. I did everything I could. Now we wait.

Everything in the room sets me off. I’ve checked the windows and exits fifty times already, studied every patron in the bar until they stare back and I force myself to look away. I’m supposed to be low key here, keeping a low profile. Fat guy at the bar is on his third Mai Tai and he’s got a gun; most people wouldn’t notice. He’s a big guy with a little piece in a shoulder holster and he’s left handed, so it’s under his right armpit where most people don’t look.

He’s probably not here to kill me but I have to be ready to drop him anyway.

I jump when my phone rings and bring it to my ear before I remember to check the number. Goddamn it, I’m jumpy as hell. This is going to be bad.

“Hello?” the other party says, before I can.

Interesting. Female; her voice is silky, seductive, and totally unfamiliar.


“Now that we have that out of the way,” she purrs, “your employers are about to send the agreed-upon payment and a bonus.”

I flinch. Bonus. That has me nervous. I never negotiated any bonus, and I’ve never gotten one in all the years I’ve been doing this. When you charge as much as I do, you don’t get bonuses, and don’t seek them.

Something is definitely off.

“Good. I’m in the bar as agreed.”

“I’m waiting for you outside room 426. That’s yours, is it not?”

I lick my lips. That’s not cool, lady.

“Yeah. I’ll be up. Give me a minute.”

I don’t wait for a reply. I tuck the phone back in my pocket and head for the stairs. Elevators are too enclosed, no easy way out once you’re inside one. Makes a poor opening move to ride one up. It’s only four floors, and I take the stairs two at a time.

I want to get my payment and get gone. I’ve been on edge ever since I took this contract and with the payment promised I’ll be set for a long time. Almost enough to quit.

Thinking about this one makes my hands shake.

You’re losing it, Quent.

When I push open the stairwell door, my jaw drops.

It takes a certain type of girl to make business casual look good, and this is a certain type of girl. Tall even without the perilous spiked heels that mold her long legs and tight ass into perfect form, she wears a beige sweater like a pinup girl.

Abigail Graham's Books