Heroes Are My Weakness(54)

Theo was not going to kill her. She was certain of that. But he could hurt her in a lot of other ways. She understood her tendency to romanticize men like Theo, and she had to be on her guard. She’d had sex with a fantasy last night. A romantic bookworm’s fantasy.

ANNIE WASHED JAYCIE’S AND LIVIA’S breakfast dishes and straightened the kitchen. By the time she was done, she still hadn’t seen Jaycie, and she went to look for her.

They lived in the old housekeeper’s apartment on the opposite side of the house from the turret. Annie wound through the back hallway until she reached the door at the end. It was closed, and she knocked. “Jaycie?”

There was no answer, and she knocked again. Just as she was about to turn the knob, Livia opened the door. She looked adorable with a homemade paper crown pushed so far down on her head that her ears stuck out. “Hey, Liv. I like your crown.”

Livia was only interested in seeing if Annie had brought Scamp along, and she was clearly disappointed not to see the puppet on Annie’s arm. “Scamp’s taking a nap,” Annie said. “But I’m sure she’ll want to visit you later. Is Mommy here?”

Livia opened the door all the way to let Annie inside.

The housekeeper’s apartment had been designed in an L shape to provide both a sitting room and sleeping area. Prior to breaking her foot, Jaycie had converted the sitting room into Livia’s bedroom. Her own room was austere—a bed, chair, dresser, and lamp, all castoffs from the house. Livia’s space was more cheerful, with a bright pink bookcase, child’s table and chairs, a pink and green rug, and a bed with a Strawberry Shortcake comforter.

Jaycie stood at the window, staring outside. The hippopotamus she’d tied to the top of her crutch had twisted so it was facedown. Jaycie turned slowly from the window, her jeans and cherry red sweater clinging to her curves. “I was—straightening up in here.”

Since Livia’s toys were strewn about, and half a dozen stuffed animals poked out from the rumple of blankets on the unmade bed, Annie didn’t believe her. “I was afraid you were sick,” Annie said.

“No. I’m not sick.”

Annie realized she didn’t know Jaycie any better now than when she’d first come here not quite three weeks ago. Instead she felt as if she were looking at a photo that was slightly out of focus. Jaycie leaned on her good foot. “Theo didn’t come home last night.”

The skin on Annie’s neck grew hot with guilt. That explained why Jaycie was hiding out. Even though Annie didn’t believe Theo had any personal interest in Jaycie, she felt as if she’d broken the girlfriend code. She had to tell Jaycie at least part of the truth, but not with Livia taking in everything they were saying. “Scamp really likes your drawings, Liv. Maybe you could make one for us to hang in the kitchen while Mommy and I go talk.”

Livia didn’t protest. She went to her table and opened her crayon box. Annie stepped out into the hallway, and Jaycie followed. Annie wasn’t going to lie to her, but it would be cruel to tell her too much. “Some odd things have been happening,” she said, guilt clinging to her like sticky syrup. “I didn’t want to bother you, but I guess you need to know. When I got back to the cottage on Saturday night, it had been trashed.”

“What do you mean?”

Annie told her what she’d found. And then she told her the rest. “Yesterday morning on my way over here, someone shot at me.”

“Shot at you?”

“The bullet barely missed. Theo found me right after. That’s why he didn’t come home last night. He didn’t want to leave me alone, even though I told him he didn’t need to stay.”

Jaycie leaned against the wall behind her. “It was an accident, I’m sure. Some fool shooting at birds.”

“I was in the open. It was pretty clear I wasn’t a bird.”

But Jaycie wasn’t listening. “I’ll bet it was Danny Keen. He’s always doing things like this. He probably broke into the cottage with a couple of his friends. I’ll call his mother.”

Annie didn’t believe the explanation was that simple, but Jaycie had already taken off down the hall, moving more easily on the crutches than she had when Annie had arrived. Annie reminded herself that Jaycie never had to know what had happened at the cottage. No one ever had to know. Not unless she really was pregnant . . .

Stop! demanded Dilly. You are not going to think that way.

I’ll marry you, Peter said. Heroes always do the right thing.

Peter was starting to get on her nerves.

LIVIA CAME INTO THE LIBRARY wearing her pink coat, crooked paper crown still on her head, and dragging Annie’s backpack. It didn’t take detective skills to figure out what she wanted. Annie closed down her laptop and went to fetch her own coat.

The temperature had risen into the high thirties, and as they stepped outside, the gutters were dripping and the snow was beginning to disappear from all but the shadiest spots. As they neared the fairy house, she saw that an egg-size rock topped with a tiny carpet of green winter moss had appeared, a cushy perch for a tiny woodland creature. She wondered if Jaycie knew Livia had slipped out earlier. “Looks like the fairies have a new place to sit.”

Livia leaned back on her heels to examine the rock.

Annie started to reprimand her for coming out alone, then thought better of it. Livia didn’t seem to stray any farther than the tree. As long as Theo kept the stable locked, she shouldn’t come to any harm.

Susan Elizabeth Phil's Books