Glitter Baby (Wynette, Texas #3)(99)
“Are you sure you’re not going to be lonesome in here by yourself?”
“Oh no. I’m looking forward to sleeping alone for a change.”
His eyes narrowed. “Sorry to spoil your track record.”
She smiled. “It’s okay. A girl needs a little beauty rest now and then.”
That shut him up, and he left her alone.
She stomped into the bathroom and turned on the water to wash her face. What kind of business deal did he have in mind? Was it possible he wanted her to represent him? The idea made her queasy. Jake Koranda’s name on her client roster would give her instant credibility. Just like that, all her worries about the future of her agency would disappear.
She brought herself back to reality. An established superstar would hardly turn himself over to new management just because that new management happened to be an old lover. Unless he felt guilty and wanted to make it up to her.
Highly unlikely. She rinsed her face and reached for a hand towel. Still…if she could land Jake, she’d have taken a giant step toward making Fleur Savagar and Associates the gold standard for celebrity management.
The bravest, the fastest, the strongest…
She awakened late the next morning to the smell of freshly brewed coffee drifting up from the kitchen. She pulled on her oldest pair of athletic gray warm-ups and fastened her hair into a ponytail. When she reached the kitchen, she found Jake sitting at the harvest table, his legs stretched in front of him as he drank a cup of coffee. She went to the refrigerator and poured herself a glass of orange juice. She had to play this just right. “I’ll make the toast if you make the eggs,” she said.
“Are you sure you can handle the responsibility? As I remember, cooking isn’t your strong point.”
“Which is why you’re making the eggs.” She pulled out a carton and set it on the counter for him along with a stainless steel bowl. Then she grabbed a grapefruit, dropped it on the cutting board, and severed it with one sharp thwack.
“Careful there.”
“I’m practicing for bigger and better things.” She gestured toward a bottom drawer. “If Bird Dog needs an apron, he can find one in there. Ignore the pink ruffle.”
“You’re all heart.”
Neither of them spoke again until they were settled across from each other at the harvest table. She could barely swallow her toast. In the clear light of a new day, the notion that he might sign with her seemed even more far-fetched, but she had to know for sure. She took a sip of coffee. “Don’t you have an incredibly expensive house somewhere in the Village?”
“Yeah, but too many people bother me there, so I sometimes disappear. That’s one of the things I wanted to talk to you about. Can we work something out with your attic?”
“My attic?”
“Your office manager showed it to me last night when she was giving me the tour. It’s a great space—private, self-contained. I need a place where I can hide out for a while and work. A place no one will think to look for me.”
She couldn’t believe it. Jake didn’t want her as an agent. He wanted a landlady! Disappointment choked her. She threw down her napkin. “Are you so used to people kissing your butt that you think I’ll do it, too?” She rose from her chair and pointed toward the door. “You’re not living in my house. Ever. Now get out. I’m sick of looking at you.”
He swiped at his plate with a triangle of toast. “I’m going to take that as a definite maybe.”
“Don’t even try to be cute. You’ve—”
“Let me finish. I told you last night that I had a business deal. Sit down and eat those excellent scrambled eggs while we talk about it.”
She sat down, but she didn’t touch her eggs.
He pushed his plate back and wiped his mouth with his napkin. “I can’t keep going on like this. The Caliber picture’s done, and I’m taking six months off so I can start writing again. If I don’t work this thing through now, I never will. I want you to represent me.”
She couldn’t believe she’d heard him right. He wanted her to be his agent? Her spirits soared. Their past relationship would make this the most difficult challenge she could possibly face, but she was tough enough to handle it. She struggled to pull herself together. “I’d be glad to represent you. I know I can make your life easier. As you might have heard, I’m offering total celebrity management to an elite group of clients. I can handle all your business and legal affairs, negotiate film deals, take care of publicity—”
He waved her off. “I have good people doing all that.”
She went absolutely still. “Then exactly what are you offering me?”
“I want you to handle everything I write.”
She stared at him. “Big deal.”
“If you want my name on your client roster, this is the way to get it.”
“You haven’t written anything since Eclipse!” She wanted to scream. “Your name as a writer on my client roster won’t get me anything but snickers.” She snatched up her plate and took it to the sink.
“You’re the one who blocked me, kiddo. Now all you have to do is unblock me.”
The plate broke as she set it down too hard. “Why do you keep saying that?”
Susan Elizabeth Phil's Books
- Susan Elizabeth Phillips
- What I Did for Love (Wynette, Texas #5)
- The Great Escape (Wynette, Texas #7)
- Match Me If You Can (Chicago Stars #6)
- Lady Be Good (Wynette, Texas #2)
- Kiss an Angel
- It Had to Be You (Chicago Stars #1)
- Heroes Are My Weakness
- Heaven, Texas (Chicago Stars #2)
- Fancy Pants (Wynette, Texas #1)