Give Me Tonight(55)

The crowd dispersed as the sun began to set. For the rest of the evening the men and women would be separated. The men would celebrate Harlan's last few hours of bachelorhood with liquor and ribald advice, while the women would give Ruth more presents to open, talk and giggle about men and their eccentrici­ties, and then retire early so they would all look fresh in the morning.

Addie walked to the main house with Caroline, feel­ing lost, out of place. Just before they reached the steps, she saw Jeff around the corner of the house, his face urgent as he stared at her.               

"Adeline," he said softly, wanting her to slip away to talk with him. She stopped and looked around quickly, wondering if anyone would notice her ab­sence. Surely not. People's minds were on the evening ahead.

"Adeline, don't," Caroline said, laying a hand on her arm, not looking at Jeff. "It's not worth it. Dad­dy's gonna find out."

"Not if you don't tell him."

Caroline's voice sharpened with irritation. "I won't, but he'll find out anyway. Don't be a fool."

"I can make my own decisions." Addie drew her arm away. "I won't be long, Caro."

"I could just shake you," Caroline muttered, walk­ing up the steps without looking back, while Addie sneaked away with Jeff in search of privacy.

The best they could do was the blacksmith shop, a tiny shed located near the tin shop and storage build­ings. It was stocked with branding irons, horseshoes, hammers, pliers and other tools, and two anvils. The air inside smelled of oil and iron. As soon as the little door was closed, Jeff pulled Addie into his arms and held her so tightly she could hardly breathe. "I've missed you," he said over and over again, raining kisses over her face, his hands biting as he pulled her against his body. His violence was unexpected. Addie was passive in his arms for a few seconds. Then she tried to push him away, squirming uncomfortably.

"Jeff," she said with a half-laugh, turning her face to avoid his mouth, "you're going to crush me." She wrinkled her nose as she caught a whiff of his sour breath. "What have you been drinking? I think you've had a little too much, slicker."

"I was gonna go crazy if I didn't see you soon," he muttered against her neck, his arms wrapped around her. "I was gonna do something . . . kidnap you,or—"

"Jeff, you're holding me too tight."

"I haven't held you for so long. Your father's got a hell of a lot to answer for."

"What do you mean? For keeping us apart?"

"Yes, and for buildin' that damn fence. He's bar­gaining for trouble, and he's gonna get what he's ask­ing for."

"Now, wait a minute." Addie rose quickly to Russell's defense. "I don't like the fence either, but—"

"No one does. He's ridin' too high these days, honey. He has no right to hide you away from me. Don't you worry, it won't be for long."

"But he has a right to be angry. What about your men attacking three of ours, including our foreman—"

"We're not gonna argue now," Jeff said, his lips moving along the side of her neck. "Holy Moses, you like to argue just for the sake of arguin'."

"But you seem to think—"

"I need you. Be sweet for me, Adeline. Oh, I've needed you for weeks. Be sweet." His hand closed over her breast, causing her to jump.

"Stop it!" She pushed his hand away, feeling the heat rise in her face. Suddenly everything had gone wrong. All of her gladness to see him disappeared. "I came out here to talk with you and find out how you've been."

"You came out here 'cause you want me," Jeff said thickly. "And I want you too. It doesn't matter what your father does. I'm gonna have you, Adeline. I al­ways wanted you more than anyone else. And no one's gonna stand in our way. My daddy'll make sure of it." He reached for her bodice again, trying to smother her protests with his mouth. Addie was infuriated by his clumsy groping.

"You sound like a little boy," she said, trying to twist away from him, "bragging about what his dad­dy's going to do for him . . . stop that, Jeff! I'm sorry I came out here with you, if this is . . . Ow!" Her head bumped against the wall as she struggled, and her scalp burned. His arms drew around her tightly. "You're hurting me," she gasped, lunging toward the door, almost toppling both of them over.

"I love you," he muttered, searching roughly for the fastenings of her dress. "Adeline . . . I need you."

"Don't!" Her anger mixed with fear as she realized he was out of control. The back of her head was forced against the wall by the pressure of his kiss. How far was he going to push her? She could call for help, but oh, what humiliation it might cause her and the family, and the trouble it would stir up! Why was he forcing her to make the choice?

"Please," she choked, turning her face as his lips slid across her cheek. His groping fingers popped some of the buttons on her dress. "Jeff . . . listen to me . . ."

She felt something hard press against her forehead, something metallic that swung gently. A horseshoe, hanging from a nail. Addie focused on the scrap of metal, straining to pull her wrists out of Jeff's grasp. It wouldn't be difficult to hit him with it as soon as she could get her hands free. But how hard? How much was enough to stop him without killing him?

Lisa Kleypas's Books