Games of the Heart (The 'Burg #4)(126)

LeBrec twisted his neck, caught Mike’s eyes, his narrowed as his face went hard but Rivera was there.

“Look at me!” he barked and when LeBrec didn’t, Rivera bent at the waist and roared in his ear, “Jackass! Look at me!”

Mike kept him pinned on his knees but LeBrec’s head twisted around.

“Give me a reason,” Rivera growled.

“Hunter, take a breath and stand down,” Mike advised.

Without taking his eyes from LeBrec, Rivera ordered, “Let him go, Mike.”

Mike’s hold tightened because LeBrec’s body jerked and his head twisted around quickly so he could scowl at Mike.

“Mike. Fuck. Fuck!” he clipped Mike’s way.

He might have intended to say more but he didn’t get a chance. Rivera reached out and grabbed his jaw, forcing his face around.

Mike clenched his teeth.

“I didn’t tell you that you could quit lookin’ at me,” Rivera ground out, nose-to-nose with LeBrec.

“Hunter, he is not worth the flak you’ll catch,” Mike warned.

Rivera ignored Mike and whispered to LeBrec, “You put your hand on my woman.”

Jerra sidled close, saying softly, “Hunter, honey –”

Rivera kept speaking, eyes never leaving LeBrec, “You never put a hand to any woman like that and definitely not my f**kin’ woman.”

“I was tryin’ to get to Dusty,” LeBrec spat, jerking his jaw from the hold Rivera still had on him.

“And that’s just as f**ked,” Rivera shot back, still in his face and not moving. “She don’t want you. She kicked your ass out months ago. You, yourself told the whole town the reason when you called her while she was bein’ banged by her new man and then you spread that shit around like the f**kwad you are. Now you’ve explained that reason more by walkin’ in here, not thinkin’ smart, actin’ like an ass**le, he came down on you and got you to your knees and you didn’t have time to lift a finger. What woman wants a man like you who’s not even half a man when she can have one who’s all man?”

LeBrec belatedly fought against Mike’s grip but Mike held firm and yanked up so LeBrec was forced to stop moving in order to limit the pain.

LeBrec threw a glare over his shoulder at Mike then turned his head back to Rivera.

“Fuck you, Hunter,” he hissed.

“If you wanna get f**ked in the next decade, you’ll stop actin’ like a pu**y-whipped, jackass remindin’ people you got dumped and givin’ them reason to understand why, then you better smarten up and move the f**k on,” Rivera fired back. “You don’t, tonight, you puttin’ your hand on my woman, you bought yourself a world of hurt. I’m your shadow, ass**le. You scratch your ass, I’ll know it. You take a piss, I’ll know it. You con some idiot woman into takin’ your cock, I’ll know it.” His face got close to LeBrec’s. “You even f**kin’ sneeze, I’ll know it. And any ‘a that shit I don’t like, I’ll find a way to make your life a misery. You even jaywalk in this town, you’re in the tank. I hear you drove by Dusty’s house, called her states away, I’ll arrest you for harassment. Don’t try me and don’t tempt me. No man puts his hand on my woman and nearly takes her to her ass without retribution. I was a man who just thought you were a douchebag. Now I’m a man you can count as your enemy.”

Rivera was serious and Mike saw LeBrec didn’t miss it. Although he kept up the glower, his face had paled and he’d stopped straining against Mike’s hold.

“Now we got your attention,” Rivera went on, moving back three inches, “let’s get some things straight. Is Dusty Holliday ever gonna hear from you or see you again?”

LeBrec’s eyes went up to a frozen and staring Dusty then back to Rivera.

“No,” he bit out.

“Good,” Rivera replied, sounding like he was talking to a dog he was training. “Now, are you ever, ever gonna put your hand on any woman when it is not wanted or requested?”

“No,” LeBrec clipped.

“Right,” Rivera went on, “Now, Mike here lets you go, you gonna get up, walk your ass outta here and think about your actions? Or are you gonna do somethin’ stupid which means I’ll have to arrest you?”

“Walk out,” LeBrec snapped.

“Good,” Rivera stated. “Now Mike’s gonna let you go slow-like and you’re gonna do that. You with me?”

“I’m with you, ass**le,” LeBrec muttered, holding Rivera’s eyes, his seething.

“Good, here we go now,” Rivera said, now speaking as if he was talking to a child. He straightened, looked at Mike and, nodding once, took a step back.

Mike let him go and also stepped back.

Quickly, LeBrec found his feet.

Then he found his bluster.

Eyes on Dusty he bit out, “Don’t know what I was thinkin’. You weren’t worth the effort.”

Dusty crossed her arms on her chest and rolled her eyes the picture, top to toe, of a woman who was worth any effort.

Mike grinned.

Yep, that was his woman.

LeBrec looked to Mike and offered snidely, “You can have her.”

“That’s good since I already do,” Mike replied affably, still grinning.

Kristen Ashley's Books