Games of the Heart (The 'Burg #4)(102)

Shit, shit, f**k.

Mike took a deep breath focusing on sandwiches in bed that never included sandwiches.

“You with me?” Ryker prompted.

Mike held his eyes and replied low, “You call your marker, you burn me, I burn you.”

“Fair enough,” Ryker muttered.

“Then we got a deal,” Mike declared.

Ryker grinned. Again it was satanic.

Shit, shit, f**k.


It was ten to nine. It was dark. It was cold. Winter was dying, spring on its heels, the temperature was rising but the chill was still sharp.

And Fin shouldn’t do what he was going to do. He shouldn’t do it. Her Dad was a cop. Her Dad would be looking out. If her Dad caught them, he would get way pissed.

But he was going to do it.

She’d let him in, his Reesee. A little bit and then more and then more since her birthday party but today she gave it away.

She didn’t know how to work it. She was shy.

He liked that. He liked that someone as pretty as her could be shy. She could have any boy eating out of her hand and she had no clue.

No f**king clue.

Yeah, he liked that.

So he was going to do it.

And he did.

They were at her back gate and she turned to him probably to say good-bye.

He didn’t let her. He took a big step back, his hand already in hers giving it a tug. She wasn’t expecting it and lost her footing, fell into him.

He liked that too. She wasn’t expecting it.

Fuck, he was going to be her first kiss.

God, he liked that too.

Never having done it, not even knowing why he did, he lifted a hand to cup her jaw, using it to tilt her face to his.

He caught the surprise in her eyes even in the moonlight.

Yes. He was going to be her first kiss.

He dropped his mouth to hers.

She got stiff, he felt it and powered through it.

Never having done it, not even knowing why he did, he slid his hand from her jaw into her hair.

Jesus, it was soft and so f**king thick.

He touched his tongue to her lips.

Probably in surprise, they opened.

He slid his tongue inside.

She made a little noise in her throat.

Seriously, he liked that too.

She stayed stiff then her body seemed to like, melt, or something, into his.

Jesus, God, he liked that too.

Before he did something stupid, he ended the kiss. Lifting his head away but not letting her go, he looked down at her.

Her face soft, her eyes a little hazy in a cute way, Fin thought she’d never looked prettier.

“Ask your Dad,” he muttered, “I wanna come over for dinner tomorrow.”

“Okay,” she said and it was all breathy.

Yeah, unbelievably cute.

His hand slid out of her hair and he took his time, his skin liking the feel of it gliding through. Then, gentle-like, he tugged her hand in his and guided her back to the gate. He opened it and led her through. Then he led her up her yard. He heard her dog, Layla, woofing excitedly and he could see her shaking at the door.

He liked Rees’s dog. His family had one for years but she died a couple of months before his Dad did. His Dad had said they were gonna get another one, maybe two. He just never got around to doing it. Maybe they should get one. Something for his Ma to think about.

Mr. Haines was on the couch, arm wide resting on the back, head twisted, eyes on Fin and Reesee. Fin felt their sharpness even through the cold dark.

He lifted up his chin. Mr. Haines lifted his in return but didn’t tear his eyes away from Fin with his girl.

Parts of that sucked, obvious ones, but at least Reesee had a Dad who gave a shit considering her Mom didn’t.

He walked her up to the back deck to the backdoor and stopped. He squeezed her hand, looking down at her. She looked up still hazy.

Christ. So f**king cute.

“Dinner, tomorrow night,” he said firmly, giving her hand another squeeze.

“Right, Fin.”

“I liked you at my house tonight,” he told her, flat out. No more games. She wasn’t playing him. She wasn’t working it. She was shy. He got that now. It was time to throw that other shit away.

Her lips parted like she was shocked or something. Then she smiled.

“I liked it too.”

He was right. It was time to throw that other shit away. No more games. Mainly because she didn’t know how to play them and something in Fin said he never wanted her to learn.

He gave her hand another squeeze. “See you at school tomorrow.”

“Right,” she whispered.

“You sit with me at lunch,” he ordered and she blinked. “All through,” he finished.

“Uh…okay.” She was still whispering.

“All through, Rees. You want, I’ll meet you at your last class before lunch and walk you to the cafeteria.”

“I have Mrs. Layne.”

She wanted him to meet her there.


“I’m down the hall. I’ll meet you outside Mrs. Layne’s door.”

She nodded.

He squeezed her hand again and this time he didn’t release the pressure.

She held just as tight.

Then he whispered, “’Night, babe.”

“Goodnight, Fin.”

Kristen Ashley's Books