Four Years Later (One Week Girlfriend #4)(32)
Poor Dolores. She’s a former chain smoker; her face is covered in wrinkles and her voice is so raspy I almost mistake her for a man when I talk to her on the phone. She’s sweet, but she probably should have retired about five years ago. “I don’t know. Fifty?”
He laughs and shakes his head. “I really hope that was a joke.”
“Definitely.” I smile and zip open my backpack, reaching in to pull out his file so I can flip it open. “I hear she’s seventy-plus.”
“I wouldn’t doubt it if she was ninety-plus.” He flicks his chin toward the open file. “Why do you have that?”
“Just because you’re off the hook with English doesn’t mean you don’t still have work to do.” I tap the edge of the file with my index finger. “You have your creative writing portfolio to work on.”
“Yeah.” He shakes his head. “About that. Can’t I just drop the class? Isn’t it an elective?”
“Well, you could, but it’s already kind of late. You pull out now, you’ll have a big, ugly W on your schedule and that’ll mess up your grade point average.” I pull the file closer to me and look over the list of assignments he still needs to complete for his portfolio. I decide to push him. “I thought you were a decent writer. A lot of this stuff you need to do isn’t too hard.”
He puffs out his chest. “I’m better than just a decent writer.”
“Prove it.” I push the assignment sheet toward him so he can read it over. “Write something. Like a poem or whatever.”
He glances at the list, then looks up at me. “Do you like to write poems?”
I wrinkle my nose. I’m not a flowery kind of girl. I prefer facts and figures. Math and history. Though I am strong at composition when I set my mind to it. Truly, I shouldn’t have been assigned to Owen. I’m not the perfect match for his tutoring needs, but I was one of the few people available and they chose me. “Not really.”
“I thought all girls liked to write about love and sadness.”
Is that what he writes about? I doubt it, but who knows? “I’m not like most girls.”
“I know.” His smile softens as his gaze roves over my face. “That’s what I like most about you.”
Oh. I am so. Done for.
I’m racking my brain for a subject. I don’t normally write poems. Well, I used to, when I wanted to be just like Drew Callahan when I grew up, but nothing—and no one—inspired the supposed poet inside of me, so I gave it up near the end of my freshman year in high school.
I still can’t believe what I said to her. It’s as if I took some sort of truth serum before I showed up and I can’t help but be honest with her. Not that I mind. It’s kind of nice, saying what I want and not playing any games. What’s going on between Chelsea and me isn’t all about sex or a one-time thing. It’s almost like we’re friends.
Right. I’m becoming friends with a girl I’d also really like to get naked with. That sweater she’s wearing is sexy as hell. It keeps slipping off her shoulder, revealing creamy pale skin and a lacy bra strap that just begs for my fingers to push it off. Kiss her there …
“There must be something you want to write a poem about,” Chelsea says.
Glancing up, I find her watching me expectantly, her eyes sparkling, her smile infectious, and I smile back, feeling at a loss for words. I need a topic, and quick. And I’m thinking maybe she can provide it. “Tell me. What’s your middle name?”
She frowns. “What’s that got to do with anything?”
“Come on. Humor me.”
“Fine. It’s Rose.” She rolls her eyes. “I was named after my grandma.”
“Chelsea Rose.” The name rolls off my tongue easily. I like it.
“It’s lame, right?” She laughs, sounding uncomfortable, and I hate that. I don’t want her to feel that way around me. I wonder how many guys she’s gone out with.
I have a feeling the number is pretty small. That fact would normally send me running far, far away.
Instead, I’m sitting here thinking of all the things I could teach Chelsea. While we’re naked. In my bed.
“No, not at all,” I say. “I think it’s pretty.”
Her laughter dies. “Really?”
“Really,” I say firmly. Has no one ever showed her any sort of attention? She acts sort of starved for it sometimes. Not in a psycho-chick way, not even close. More like she’s a slowly blooming flower that grows brighter and even more beautiful the more you water it and talk to it …
Hmm. My brain is churning.
I think of Drew’s tattoo for Fable. How he always wrote her little poems, spelling out words with the first letter of the first line. Crazy, sappy shit that used to drive Fable wild. Like make her cry and kiss Drew and tell him how wonderful he was.
Memories flood me … the time I punched Drew in the mouth, one of my favorite memories ever. Not because I punched Drew, but because I became this angry, almost inhuman thing who could think of nothing but defending his sister. That I knew I could jump to her defense without thinking twice and be her hero pumped me up. Made me feel strong.
Made me feel like a man.