Forever Too Far (Rosemary Beach #3)(44)
I didn’t wipe away the tears on my face because they weren’t all sad. Some were happy. Some were thankful and some were memories.
I enjoyed the silence and watched the sunrise through the window. Rush would want me in bed when he woke up. I would need to sneak back in after I finished my coffee and brushed my teeth. This year I wanted Christmas to be perfect for him. It was our first one and this was me setting a precedent for years to come.
“Waking up on Christmas without your favorite present in bed sucks bad.” Rush’s sleepy voice startled me and I glanced back to see him walking into the living room. He had pulled on a pair of sweat pants but that was it. His hair was messy from sleep and his eyes were still half closed.
“I’m sorry. I was going to sneak back in bed after I watched the sunrise,” I told him as he sank down on the sofa beside me and pulled me over against his side.
“I would have gotten up and watched it with you if you’d asked,” he said with his chin resting on the top of my head.
I was almost positive that he would do anything I asked of him. That hadn’t been why I’d left him sleeping. “I know,” I replied.
Rush trailed his hand up and down my left arm. “You needed some alone time?” he asked. The understanding in his question told me that he didn’t need details. He knew.
“Yeah,” I replied.
“You need some more?”
“No,” I said, smiling up at him.
“Good ‘cause I wasn’t going to go away easily,”
I laughed and laid my head back against his chest. “It’s a beautiful morning.”
“Yeah, it is,” he agreed and bent his head down to my ear. “Can I give you one of your presents now?” he asked.
“Does it require us being naked?” I asked teasingly.
“Uh, no... but if you wanna get naked baby, I’m always on board for that,” he replied.
Surprised, I turned around in his arms and looked up at him. “You mean you want to open presents now?” I asked. I’d thought we would make love first.
“Not open exactly. I need to show you,” he said, standing up and pulling me with him.
This was not what I’d expected. I nodded and let him lead me back through the house and to the stairs. Maybe we were going upstairs to have sex after all?
Rush stopped at the room I’d once chosen as my own. I hadn’t been in there since I had shown it to Harlow before the wedding. The door was closed and Rush stood back and motioned for me to open it. I was really confused now.
I stepped forward to turn the knob and let the door open slowly. The first thing I saw was a massive cherry wood baby bed sitting in the middle of the room and an elaborate mobile with exotic sea animals dangling from it.
Rush reached inside and flipped a switch. Instead of the overhead light coming on, the mobile lit up and began to play. But it wasn’t a lullaby. It was the song Rush had sung to me on our wedding day. The entire mobile was lit up all the way to the ceiling. All I could do was cover my mouth in complete awe and shock as I stepped further into the room. Lights danced across the walls as the mobile spun slowly playing our song.
A rocking chair sat in the corner with a beautiful handmade blanket thrown over it. A changing table, an armoire, and even a small day bed also decorated the room. The soft blue paint on the walls was perfect considering one wall was mostly windows that overlooked the now blue sky and ocean.
I finally found my voice but all that came out was a small sob before I threw myself in Rush’s arms and cried. This was perfect and he’d done this. He had chosen the perfect room for our son.
“I really hope those are happy tears because I’m gonna be honest. I was worried you’d be pissed. Bethy mentioned you might want to do this yourself and I hadn’t thought about that,” he said in a tight whisper.
Bethy didn’t know anything. Maybe Bethy would want to do this herself but knowing Rush had taken all the time and thought for the nursery made my heart swell until I thought it was going to burst.
“This is perfect. It’s beautiful. It’s... oh Rush, he’s going to love it. I love it,” I assured him then I grabbed his head and pulled it down to me so I could kiss him. A fabulous magazine worthy nursery makes a pregnant woman horny. Who knew?
Three months later...
I was a southern girl. That much was obvious. While I loved our time in New York I was glad to be back home where I could find sweet iced tea when I wanted it. Rush had missed Rosemary too. I could tell. We had unpacked and then taken all the clothes and toys we’d bought for the baby, who we still had not named, and put them in the nursery. It had been fun to hang up his clothes in the closet and fold his blankets and line up all his little shoes. We had gone a little overboard with the purchasing of clothing.
Grant had stopped by to take Rush away for some guy time on the golf course shortly after our arrival so I decided to go do some visiting. There was nothing to eat here and I was starving. Going to see if Jimmy was at the club working and getting something to eat would kill two birds with one stone. I grabbed my keys and headed outside to my car... or SUV... or whatever it was. I hadn’t driven it yet. Rush had it sitting in the driveway waiting on me when we got home.
All I knew was that it was the Mercedes Benz idea of a utility vehicle. I was just glad he hadn’t gotten me a minivan. Apparently, this one was one of the safest cars on the road. He gave me a very long sales pitch on it then told me if I didn’t like it I could take it back and get what I wanted.