Finding Cinderella (Hopeless #2.5)(21)

Six’s eyes narrow, then she quickly looks away. I instantly feel bad for what I said, but I was only kidding. Sort of. We’re supposed to be mean to each other. I can’t tell if I really hurt her feelings or if she’s just a really good actress.

I sigh, then stand up and head toward the cafeteria doors in a hurry so I can get back to the table and somehow make sure Six really isn’t pissed at me.

I make it out to the hallway and Val is standing right outside the cafeteria doors. “I’ll take you back under one condition,” she says.

I’m curious what the condition is, but it doesn’t really matter at this point.

“Not interested.”

Her mouth literally drops open. It’s not even that cute a mouth now that I’m looking at it. I don’t know how I fell for it all those other times.

“I’m serious, Daniel,” she says firmly. “If you screw up one more time, I’m done.”

I let my head fall backward until I’m looking up at the ceiling. “Jesus, Tessa,” I say. She’s not really worthy of my nicknames anymore. I look her in the eyes again. “I don’t want you to take me back. I don’t want to date you. I don’t even want to make out with you. You’re mean.”

She scoffs, but stands frozen. “Are you serious?” she says, dumbfounded.

“Serious. Positive. Convinced. Enlightened. Take your pick.”

She throws her hands up in the air and spins around, then walks back into the cafeteria. I walk to the doors and open them. Six is staring at me from our table, so I make a quick glance around at the rest of the group. No one is paying attention, so I motion for her to come out into the hallway. She takes a quick drink of her water, then stands, making up an excuse to the rest of the table. I step out of view while she makes her way to the exit. When the doors open I immediately grab her by the wrist and pull her until we reach the lockers. I push her against them and crash my mouth to hers. Her hands immediately fly up to my hair and we rush our kisses like we might get caught.

And we really might.

After a good solid minute, she pushes lightly against my chest, so I pull away from her.

“Are you mad?” I ask her, almost blurting out the question between heavy breaths.

“No,” she says, shaking her head. “Why would I be mad?”

“Because Val is Tessa and you obviously don’t like Tessa very much and because I had a jealous moment and called Italian men hairy.”

She laughs. “We’re acting, Daniel. I was actually a little impressed. And kind of turned on when you got jealous. But highly unimpressed with the fact that Val is Tessa. I can’t believe you had sex with Tessa Maynard.”

“I can’t believe you had sex with pretty much everyone else,” I reply teasingly.

She grins. “You’re a jerk.”

“You’re a slut.”

“Will you be at my dinner tonight?” she asks.

“That’s a really dumb question.”

A smile spreads slowly across her face and it’s so damn sexy I have to kiss her again.

“I should get back,” she whispers when I pull away.

“Yes, you should. So should I.”

“You first. I’m supposed to be in the administration office clearing up an issue with my schedule.”

“Okay,” I say. “I’ll go first, but I’ll miss you until you get back to the table.”

“Don’t make me puke,” she says.

“I bet you’re adorable when you puke. I bet your actual puke is even adorable. It’s probably bubble-gum pink.”

“You’re seriously disgusting.” She laughs and reaches up to kiss me again. She pushes against my chest, then slips out from between me and the locker. She puts both of her hands on my back and pushes me toward the cafeteria doors. “Act natural.”

I turn and wink at her, then walk back through the doors. I casually make my way back to the table and take a seat.

“Where’s Six?” Breckin asks.

I shrug. “How should I know? I was busy making out with Val in the hallway.”

Sky shakes her head and lays her fork down. “I just lost my appetite, Daniel. Thanks.”

“You’ll have your appetite back by dinner tonight,” I say.

Sky shakes her head. “Not with you and Val there. You’ll probably be sucking face next to my food. If you drool on my chocolate cake you aren’t getting any.”

“Sorry, Cheese Tits,” I say. “But Val won’t be at your dinner tonight. I’ll be there, though.”

“I bet you will,” Breckin says under his breath.

I glance over at him and he looks at me challengingly.

“What’d you just mumble, Powder Puff?” He absolutely hates it when I call him Powder Puff, but he should know I only give nicknames to the people I like. I think he does know that, though, because he doesn’t really give me too much shit about it.

“I said I bet you will,” he repeats louder this time. He turns to Sky, who is seated right next to him. “Six, right?”

Sky nods. “Six or six-thirty.”

“I’ll be there at six,” Breckin says. He looks back at me and smirks. “I bet you’ll be there at six, too, right, Daniel? You like six? Is six good for you?”

Colleen Hoover's Books