Fantasy in Death (In Death #30)(24)
“Oh, I believe we met a time or two.” DuVaugne took a seat on the red and silver sofa with his wife. “At conventions and events, that sort of thing. He seemed to be a bright and affable young man.”
“Then why did somebody kill him?” Taija asked.
“Good question,” Eve said, and made Taija beam like a student flattered by a favored teacher.
“If you don’t ask questions, you don’t find anything out.”
“My philosophy. Let me apply that by asking you, Mr. DuVaugne, if you can verify your whereabouts yesterday between three and seven p.m.”
“Mine? Are you implying I’m a suspect?” Outrage sprang out where, Eve thought, puzzlement would have been a better lead. “Why, I barely knew the man.”
“Geezy, Lane wouldn’t kill anybody. He’s gentle as a lamb.”
“It’s standard procedure. As you said, Mr. DuVaugne, you and the victim were in the same line of work.”
“That’s hardly a motive for murder! Countless people in this city alone are in the gaming business, but you come into my home and demand I answer your questions.”
“Now, now, honey.” Taija stroked his arm. “Don’t get all worked up. You know it’s not good for you. And she’s being real polite. You’re always saying people need to do the jobs they’re paid to do and all that. Especially public servants. You’re a public servant, right?” she asked Eve.
“That’s right.”
“Anyway, honey, you know you were at work until nearly four. He works so hard,” she confided to Eve. “And then you came right home and we had our little lie-down before we got dressed for the dinner party at Rob and Sasha’s. It was a really nice party.”
“Taija, it’s a matter of principle.”
“There, there,” she said, stroking. “Now, now.”
DuVaugne took a slow, audible breath. “Taija, I think I’d like my evening martini.”
“Sure, honey, I’ll go tell Derby to mix you one right up. ’Scuze... I mean, please excuse me a minute.”
After she’d clicked out, DuVaugne turned to Eve. “My wife is naive in certain areas.”
Maybe, Eve thought, but she also came off as sincere, and absurdly likeable.
“Naive enough not to understand ‘working hard’ includes you paying a con man for confidential information on the workings and projects of U-Play? We have Dubrosky in custody,” Eve said before he could speak. “He rolled on you.”
“I have no idea what or who you’re talking about. Now, I’m going to ask you to leave.”
“Peabody, read Mr. DuVaugne his rights.”
While he blustered, Peabody recited the Revised Miranda. “Do you understand your rights and obligations in this matter?” Peabody finished.
“This is beyond belief!” His face burned bright red as he shoved to his feet. “I’m calling my lawyer.”
“Fine. Tell him to meet us down at Cop Central.” Cool and calm in contrast, Eve rose. “Where you can chill in Holding until he arrives, at which time we’ll filter our questions through your representative on both matters—your involvement in corporate espionage and your connection to Bart Minnock’s murder.”
“Just a minute, just one damn minute. I was nowhere near Minnock’s apartment yesterday. I’ve never been to his apartment.”
“You’ve requested a lawyer, Mr. DuVaugne,” Eve reminded him. “We’re obliged to wait until your representative meets with you before we take any statements or continue this interview. We’ll hold you at Central prior to that, and prior to booking you on the pending charges.”
“Arresting me? You’re arresting me? Wait. Just wait.” He didn’t sweat like Roland, but his hand trembled as he pushed it through his glossy mane of hair. “We’ll hold on the lawyer; we’ll keep this here.”
“That’s your choice.”
“Martinis!” Taija announced in a bright singsong as she preceded Derby into the room. “Let’s all sit down and have a nice drink. Oh, honey, look at you! All red in the face.” She walked over, patted his cheeks. “Derby, pour the drinks. Mr. DuVaugne needs a little pick-me-up.”
“Give me that.” DuVaugne grabbed the oversized shaker, dumped the contents into a glass to the rim. Then downed it.
“Oops! You forgot the olives. Derby, pour our guests drinks.”
“We’re not allowed to drink on duty, Mrs. DuVaugne, but thanks.”
Taija’s mouth turned down in a sympathetic frown. “Geezy, that doesn’t seem fair.”
“Taija, go upstairs. I have business to discuss here.”
“Oh.” After shooting her husband a hurt glance, she turned to Eve and Peabody. “It was nice meeting you.”
“Nice meeting you, too.”
“Derby, leave us alone.” DuVaugne sat, rubbed his fingers over his eyes. “I didn’t have anything to do with Minnock’s murder. I was at my office until four. My driver brought me home. I didn’t leave the house again until seven. You can check all this.”
“Can and will. But when a man pays someone to steal for him, it’s a short step up to paying someone to kill for him.”
J.D. Robb's Books
- Indulgence in Death (In Death #31)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Leverage in Death: An Eve Dallas Novel (In Death #47)
- Apprentice in Death (In Death #43)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Echoes in Death (In Death #44)
- J.D. Robb
- Obsession in Death (In Death #40)
- Devoted in Death (In Death #41)
- Festive in Death (In Death #39)