Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(74)

Viper narrowed his gaze. "I will never call her."

"You will call her, or you will die. The choice is yours."

Levet was wise enough to hover above the narrow streets. There were all sorts of nasty piles of rotting food, rotting clothes, rotting junk, and rotting things that he didn't want to look at, let alone touch. It wasn't the first slums he had ventured into. He was a three-foot gargoyle. He had spent most of his life hiding among the filth and squalor just to survive.

Still, he had come to America in the hope of bettering his lot. There were far fewer demons to plague him here, and enough space to find a bit of land and live in peace.

Or that had been his intention. Of course, his good intentions inevitably led him to some sort of disaster or another, he acknowledged with a sigh.

Following behind Dante he gave a shudder as the stench swirled upward in a stray breeze.

"Such smells," he muttered in disgust. "How do humans bear it?"

The vampire shot him an impatient glance. Dante had argued fiercely against Levet coming with him to track Viper and Shay. For some reason he had been convinced that Levet would prove to be more a help than a hindrance.

Stupid vampire.

It had only been Level's threat to follow him on his own that had at last brought an end to the short, ugly battle.

"Despair always possesses a stench whether it is human or demon," he at last said.

Levet regarded him in surprise. Attired in black with two swords crossed over his back, a handgun on his hip, and at least one dagger hidden beneath his clothing, he looked ready to take on a small army.

"I thought Viper was the philosopher and you the warrior?"

Bending low Dante sniffed the air like a bloodhound.

"For the past three hundred years I was held prisoner to a clan of witches. Being a slave gives you a considerable insight into despair."

"Yes." Levet gave another shudder. His time with Evor was not forgotten. It would never be truly forgotten. "Yes, it does"

Astonishingly Dante straightened and reached up to touch his arm.

"Slaves no longer."

Levet met the steady gaze and gave a nod. "And never again. "

They shared a brief moment of remembered pain, and the Dante was once again on the scent as they weaved their way through the increasingly narrow streets.

Narrow, stinky streets.

Levet found his fear for Shay growing with every block the traveled. Did Viper have no wits at all? It was bad enough they were fleeing trolls and hellhounds. Did he have to drag her through the dregs of the demon world as well? Stewing with resentment toward the silver-haired vampire Levet was caught off guard when Dante reached up to bar his path.

"Wait," he hissed.

Levet gave an angry twitch of his tail. "Saerebleu, why do we wait? We are at last gaining on them."

The irritating vamp gave a lift of one dark brow. "You sound anxious, gargoyle. I didn't know you cared."

"That vampire tossed me to the wolves, or more precisely hellhounds." Levet crossed his arms over his chest. "No one is allowed to kill him but me."

A knowing smirk touched the pale features. "And that is all?"

He glared at his companion. Blood and smoke. If he didn't need the vamp to help rescue Shay, he would turn him to dust where he stood.

"And it could be that I have some small attachment to the Shalott," he grudgingly acknowledged. "Very, very small, you understand?"

"Ah, yes, I understand."

"So why have we stopped?"

"Trolls have passed by here."

It was Level's turn to smirk. "Surely you do not fear trolls?"

"Not these." Dante smiled wryly. "They are all dead."

"Shay," Levet murmured with more than a bit of pride.

"Not alone, gargoyle," Dante returned. "Viper stood at her side."

Levet shrugged. "If the beasts are dead then let's go."

He gave a shake of his head. "Trolls are not the only thing to have passed here. There have been vampires."

Levet gave a growl deep in his throat. It would have to be vampires, of course. They seemed to be wading neck deep in them lately.

"How many?"

"Six." There was a tense pause. "And none of our clan."

"Not of your clan?" Levet's heart gave a painful squeeze. "That can only mean.. "

Dante's pale face hardened to a stark mask. "They are here to kill Viper."

Whatever their intention Shay was in danger, and that was all that mattered.

He was nothing if not focused.

"We cannot wait. We must go to them "

"And be caught in the trap ourselves?" Dante was looking distinctly fangy as he scowled at Levet. "It will help no one."

"And how will it help to hide in the shadows while they are slaughtered?"

The silver eyes flashed with frustrated fury. "Be quiet and let me think or I shall clip those wings of yours, gargoyle."

Levet offered a raspberry as he flapped his wings to rise higher. "Fine, you cower in the shadows. I shall discover what is occurring."

"Dammit, Levet..."

Too late the vampire made a grab toward Levet's dangling legs, his expression warning of dire retribution.

Alexandra Ivy's Books