Dragon On Top (Dragon Kin #0.4)(39)

“There is nothing simple about you, Captain Ghleanna. And let no one convince you otherwise.”

Bram couldn’t believe Ghleanna. Such a maddening cow! And the worst part was that he’d wanted to kiss her for half a century at least! Now he had her but he was so mad at her he couldn’t see straight. And, if he were to be honest with himself, he was incredibly jealous. She was so comfortable with other soldiers, how could he ever hope to get close to her when they had so very little in common? When he’d dropped down on the bed, he’d figured it was over. His obsession for her. His quiet waiting. Waiting for her to notice him. And if all this wasn’t over, he’d make it over. He had to. How else was he going to live the next few centuries without her if he didn’t?

But he should have known. Ghleanna would never allow herself to be ignored. To be pushed aside. Not the Captain of the Dragon Queen’s Tenth Battalion.

And yet who was Bram? The peacemaker. The merciful one. The one who didn’t eat humans passing him on the road just because he’d missed his morning meal.

So, was he really going to let his peace-loving and, at times, non-violent nature stop him? Him? Bram the Merciful?

He, who had traveled all over the Southlands, Outerplains, and Desert Lands, on foot. As human.

He, who’d escaped the Sea Dragon Emperor’s dungeons with all his parts intact and wits about him?

He, who’d managed to not only survive Queen Adienna’s reign but the takeover of her daughter?

That dragon wasn’t going to take the kiss that was being offered to him because Ghleanna didn’t know what she had right in front of her.

He was many things, but Bram the Merciful was not a fool.

With his hand still gripping the back of Ghleanna’s neck, Bram leaned in, tilted his head to the side, and placed his lips against hers. He pressed his tongue to her mouth, stroked her lips until she opened to him. He pressed further, allowed his tongue to slip inside and he tasted what waited there. Gods, so wet and warm, he could almost taste the flame burning inside her.

Ghleanna slid the fingers of her free hand into his hair, leaning her body into his naked chest. He could feel her ni**les harden under the soft cotton of her shirt, feel her pulse race under his fingertips.

And he knew in that moment that he would never be over Ghleanna. Not ever.

Ghleanna gripped the silver strands of Bram’s hair in her fist and melted against his body as she’d never done before with any male.

Good gods, this dragon had a mighty kiss. Yet what she found fascinating was how slowly he took it all. His lips easing around hers; his tongue lazily dipping in, swirling. The dragon took his time and she appreciated that. It was a rarity with most males, she’d found. Especially in her world, where everything was about moving fast and getting things done. Even f**king. Even a kiss.

Deciding to follow her instincts, Ghleanna pulled her hand away and lowered it to Bram’s groin. She reached for his cock, ready to play with it through his leggings and then play with it without them. But he caught her hand, held it.

“No.” He stepped away from her, looked around the small room. Ghleanna tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn’t release her. Instead, he yanked her over to a desk tucked into a corner. He pushed her up on it, keeping her legs dangling. He gripped her leggings and yanked them off her body. She wore nothing underneath since she’d had nothing to put on and Bram stood there for several moments, his hand gliding up her thighs, brushing against her pu**y, stroking it with his fingers.

Ghleanna reached for him again with her free arm, but Bram said, “No.”

And then she understood.

She placed her hand against the desk, palm flat against the wood. Her free arm kept her propped up so she could watch, but otherwise she relaxed back and let Bram take the lead. Because for once . . . she didn’t have to.

Chapter 13

Bram slipped a finger inside Ghleanna and watched her. She stared back, panting, her bottom lip catching between her teeth.

Gods, she was so hot . . . and wet. He couldn’t believe she was already wet. From arguing with him.

He turned his finger, curling the tip and rubbing a little spot inside her. He watched her, enjoying the way her back arched, listened to the groan she let loose.

“I should leave you alone,” he murmured while he slipped another finger inside her, continued to play with her. “You need your rest. You’re still healing.”

“Don’t you dare stop.”

Bram grinned and pulled his fingers out of her. “But I have to stop.”

Ghleanna groaned again, but this time there was real frustration.

“I’m fine,” she told him. “I swear. I feel great.”

“You sure?”

“I’m sure. I am extremely sure.”

“Lie back, Ghleanna.” She did. “Close your eyes.”

She lifted her head. “Why?”

“Because I told you to.”

Her eyes narrowed a bit and Bram was certain she was going to argue with him, but she again stretched out on the desk and closed her eyes.

“Now do me a favor,” he murmured. “Just relax.”

And exactly how was she to relax? But she kept her eyes closed and waited.

“You aren’t breathing, Ghleanna.”

“I’m not?”

“No. But you should.”

G.A. Aiken's Books