Dragon On Top (Dragon Kin #0.4)(28)

“So we’re safe?”

“We’re safe.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’m sure, Ghleanna.”

“Then why do I feel like the walls are closing in?”

“It’s panic.”

“I don’t panic, Bram.”

“You do now.” He put his arm around her shoulders and gently pulled her close, careful of her wound. “Close your eyes, Ghleanna.”

“So I won’t know I’m drowning?”

“You’re not drowning. You’re fine. Close your eyes.” She did, appalled she was acting so weak, but unable to stop the fear that was coursing through her. “Now breathe. Deep breath in, deep breath out.”

She followed Bram’s instruction. It helped. But she began to think his stroking of her hair might be helping more.

“You’ve been here before, haven’t you?” she asked when she felt calm again.

“I have.”

She wanted to push him for more, but now that the panic was gone, she was getting tired very quickly.

“It’s all right, Ghleanna. Sleep. Your body needs it.”

“I’m getting better.”

“I know.” She felt something brush against her forehead and she realized Bram had kissed her. She wanted to ask him to do it again, but she was just so sleepy . . .

Bram eased Ghleanna down into the bed again and brushed her hair off her face. Her color was back on her human form and she was getting stronger. He eased the fur back a bit and studied her wound. It was healing nicely.


There was a knock at the door, and Bram pulled the fur up to Ghleanna’s chin and said, “Come.”

The door was pushed open and Kleitos walked in. As human.

Bram smiled, enjoying the knot that could clearly be seen on Kleitos’s pasty white forehead and the obvious destruction of his nose. “How’s the head, old friend?”

The slithering bastard snarled a bit, then said, “The Empress requests your presence.”


“Don’t ask questions, Land Dweller. Just come along. I promise your pet will be perfectly safe.”

Bram glanced at Ghleanna one last time, unsure of what waited for him outside this room.

He walked to the door and stopped, glaring down at Kleitos. “She better be safe.”

“Or what? What will the peacemaking Land Dweller do?”

Bram jerked a little and Kleitos slammed back into the door, trying to get away from him. And to think Bram had at one time been afraid of this dragon.

Bram walked out and let Helena’s guards lead him to their Empress.

Chapter 9

Ghleanna woke up with a Fin standing over her. Again.

“Good. You’re awake.” He handed something to a young assistant behind him. “I’ve taken out the stitches. You’ve healed up incredibly well.”

Glancing around, Ghleanna sat up. “Where’s Bram?”


“My companion. The Silver.”

“With the Empress, I think. I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” The Fin motioned his assistant away. “Now, I know you’re feeling stronger, but don’t let that fool you. You still need some time to recuperate. But I doubt you’ll be indisposed for long.” He gestured to her. “You’re quite the specimen. Built like a sturdy building. Are all your Low Born females like you?”

“You’ve begun to annoy me.”

“Sorry, sorry.” He smiled and it suddenly struck her that he was in his human form. Perhaps that was for ease of treating her. “Drink lots of fluids. Water. A little wine. Eat well but nothing too heavy. I’ve tied your left arm down to ensure you don’t move it around too much. The outside of the wound has healed up but I don’t want to take the chance you’ll rip something internally. Although if having your arm tied down irritates you when you sleep, and if you’re not a flailer, untie it when you go to bed. Understand?”

“I do.”

“Good. Good.” He nodded his head and walked out, closing the door behind him. She didn’t hear it lock.

Ghleanna sat up and threw her legs over the edge. She stood and quickly sat back down again. The room spun, and she closed her eyes, waiting for everything to stop. When it did, she blew out a breath and slowly got to her feet. Slowly being the key. Once she was up, she found a long cotton shirt that looked like it belonged to Bram. She put it on and went to the door. She carefully eased it open and, after a quick glance around, she stepped outside.

Ghleanna’s mouth dropped open as her gaze swept everything around her. This floor of rooms was just one of many. A rotunda built into the rock wall of the cave, with rotundas above and below that went miles in either direction. She leaned over a steel railing and gawked at all she could see. And she knew without being told that this was just a wing of the Empress’s palace. A place they kept their human “pets.”

No. She wasn’t a big fan of the Fins, but she could appreciate their engineering skills because this was amazing.

Ghleanna turned and saw the two dragons guarding her door. The two sleeping dragons. Her first thought was that they were lazy but then she wondered if they’d been on duty since her arrival. She knew a few commanders who did that at home. They’d get so caught up in whatever they were doing that they’d forget the little things. For instance, that dragons can’t stay awake all day, every day until your hostage leaves your custody.

G.A. Aiken's Books