Dragon Actually (Dragon Kin #1)(66)
“Honestly. You three are such idiots.” Keita motioned to Annwyl. “Let us go, sister. I will take you. I have some . . . uh . . . plans with a few soldiers near the glen.”
Annwyl shook her head as Morfyd snorted in disgust. “Um . . . all right.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Brastias.”
“Yes, Annwyl?” He stood beside Morfyd trying desperately not to smile, and failing miserably.
“I must take care of something, Brastias. Think you and Morfyd can keep that grain and lumber moving until my return?”
“Of course.” He grinned. “But we’ll let you know immediately if there’s any bloodshed.”
Annwyl looked at him. “And that’s all I’ve ever asked.”
Fearghus stretched out by his lake, his jaw cupped in one claw, the tip of his tail making swirling patterns in the blue water. He sighed. A year since he’d left her the morning after the final battle with her brother. A year since he’d held her in his arms. A year since he’d kissed her. A year since he’d buried his head between her thighs. A year since she’d punched him in the face.
He sighed again. He truly did miss her. He didn’t think he could miss anything or anyone that much. He wanted to go to her. Wanted to take his rightful place by her side. But he feared for her safety. And, more importantly, did she even still want him? What if she’d found someone else? Someone human? Someone who wouldn’t cough and accidentally toss a fireball at her in the process?
Did she already forget about him? Did she still love him? And when exactly did he become so insecure?
He sat up. This is ridiculous. He would go to Garbhán Isle. He’d retrieve his woman. She belonged to him. He’d Claimed her and nothing would change that.
Besides, he couldn’t take it anymore. Everything around his lair reminded him of Annwyl. He could almost smell her. Could almost feel her running up his dragon back, climbing atop his head, and bending her body over him so their eyes could meet.
“Did you miss me?”
Fearghus, startled, jerked and Annwyl fell backward, tumbling down his back and tail. She hit the ground with an, “Oaf!”
He spun around and stared at her, unwilling to believe she was really in his lair. As she struggled to her feet, he shifted.
“Well that was quite the greeting . . . oh!”
He grabbed her and dropped both of them to the ground, his arms protecting her head and back. Once he had her on the ground, he kissed her. Her body’s response immediate and as strong as always. Then he pinned her arms over her head, holding her body down with his. “Where the hell have you been?”
“Where have I been? Where have you been?”
“Here! Waiting for you!”
She tried to yank her arms from his grasp, but he held on tight. He would not let her get away now. “You left me, Fearghus. I woke up and you were gone. What was I supposed to think?”
“That I wanted to protect you.”
“Yes. So your sister told me. But why didn’t you tell me?”
“Would you have let me go?”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
He stared at her . . . hard. She glared back.
“If that’s how you feel, then why are you here now, Annwyl?”
“Your mother came for me,” she bit out between clenched teeth.
Fearghus stopped. “What?”
“I said that your mother came for me. Told me it was time to take my place beside you.”
His mother ordered Annwyl back to him. That couldn’t be good. Fearghus was afraid to ask but he had to know. “What did you say to her, Annwyl?”
“I told her to mind her own business.”
“Gods, woman!” Fearghus released her so he could use his hands to cover his eyes in exasperation as he sat back on his heels. “Are you mad?”
Annwyl pulled herself out from under him. “Why does everyone keep asking me that?”
“What else?” He looked at her. “What else did you say to her?”
She shrugged. “Let’s see . . . well, I asked her how Bercelak’s tail was doing?”
Fearghus buried his head in his hands again. “Are you that sure she won’t kill you?”
“Oh, no. Not at all. Figured she’d kill me right on the spot.” She stated it so nonchalantly he knew she was being completely honest with him.
“And yet you . . .”
“Don’t like to be ordered around, Fearghus. You should know that.”
“Well, she clearly didn’t kill you. So what did she say?”
Again the shrug. “She gave me the loyalty of all dragons.” Fearghus stared at Annwyl. Not sure he heard her correctly. His mother handed to a human the loyalty of all dragons? Was he on another plain of existence? Had the gods decided to play tricks on his mind? What in hell . . . “Then she said she had to go, and I asked her if she was going back to her chain.”
His mother’s gift completely forgotten, he tried to look stern, but kept laughing instead. “Tell me you’re lying. Please.”
Annwyl grinned at him. “Wish I could. But it just flew out of my mouth.”
Fearghus grinned back. How could he not? He loved the most difficult woman he’d ever met, and he couldn’t imagine his life without her. He eyed her slowly. A bit leaner and a little darker, he guessed from the time she spent in battle and under the two suns. She still had a thin scar across her cheek from her brother’s gauntleted hand. And his brands stood out clear and triumphant on her forearms. Ah, Annwyl. Still beautiful. And still his.
G.A. Aiken's Books
- G.A. Aiken
- Feel the Burn (Dragon Kin #8)
- Light My Fire (Dragon Kin #7)
- How to Drive a Dragon Crazy (Dragon Kin #6)
- The Dragon Who Loved Me (Dragon Kin #5)
- Last Dragon Standing (Dragon Kin #4)
- What a Dragon Should Know (Dragon Kin #3)
- About a Dragon (Dragon Kin #2)
- Dragon On Top (Dragon Kin #0.4)
- A Tale Of Two Dragons (Dragon Kin 0.2)