Defending Hayden (Second Chances #7)(67)

Word had spread fast of what happened, and my phone had rung nonstop. I had an exclusive interview in a few days with Helen Carpenter, the number one talk show host in the country. It would be a satellite interview with Hayden right beside me. The world wanted to know what had happened.

All we wanted was for things to go back to normal, but we knew it’d take a while for that. I could hear the guys in the locker room, and when I walked in, they all grew quiet and stared at me. I hadn’t planned to play in the New Orleans game—I wouldn’t have left Hayden—but she basically pushed me out the door. Her mother had driven down for the weekend to help her pack. Starting in a few days, her house would be up for sale, and she’d be living with me.

The guys were still staring, so I dropped my bag and laughed. “It’s nice to see you, too.”

Evan walked up and pulled me into a hug. “You all right, brother? The boys have been worried about you and your girl.”

I clapped him on the back. “We’re fine. Although I think she’s sick of me hovering, because she sent me here.”

“We’re not going to complain,” Chris exclaimed. “We need your help to kick some New Orleans ass.”

“I’m ready,” I said.

The guys were all dressed and ready to go, so I hurried to put on my gear. One by one, they walked by me to show their support. Jax held out his hand and I shook it. “Welcome back, D,” he said.

“Thanks. It feels good to be back.” He nodded at Evan, who stood beside me, and then walked off.

Evan bumped me in the shoulder. “I can’t believe you’re being nice to that f*cker.”

I shrugged. “He’s part of the team. You punished him enough when he f*cked with you. I think he’s learned his lesson.”

Evan glanced back at the door. “Don’t know about that, D. He’s been a douche for so long, it’ll take something drastic for him to change.”

“What if he apologizes to you? Will you accept him then?”

Evan burst out laughing. “I won’t hold my breath on that one. If he apologizes, then maybe, but I doubt he’d do it.” I didn’t know if Jax would, but I was going to make it a point to ask him.

Once I was done getting dressed, Evan and I started toward the field. The crowd was so loud, their booming voices made the ground shake like an earthquake. We stopped at the exit and stared out at the crowd.

“When we all heard what happened, we were afraid we’d lose you again,” Evan said somberly.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I nodded. “And you probably would have if I hadn’t gotten to her in time. There’s no way I could’ve handled losing her.”

“What made you wake up and go after her? We all know that when you’re asleep, a train could pass through your living room and you’d be out cold.”

It was true, I could sleep through anything. That was what terrified me more than anything. If I hadn’t had that strange dream, I never would’ve woken up like I did. “I had a dream about the accident, only you and Brianna weren’t there,” I said, turning to Evan. He met my gaze and I continued. “I was standing in the road where it happened, and instead of Brianna’s car, it was Hayden’s. I hurried down the ravine, and that’s where I found Hayden, lying on the ground. When she opened her eyes, she said I was too late. After that, I was jerked out of the dream.”

Evan placed a hand on my shoulder. “Sounds like it was a sign. You saved her, and that’s all that matters. Now, let’s go kick some ass.”

I turned to the crowd and smiled. “Lead the way.”

Chapter 33


“They scored!” I shouted, scaring my mother half to death.

She jumped in the air and grabbed her chest, almost spilling my water in the process. She handed me the glass. “You probably shouldn’t be jumping around like that,” she scolded, pointing down at my arm.

I waved her off. “Mom, I’m fine. The wound is closing nicely.” Evan had just scored a touchdown and handed the ball to a kid wearing a Cougars T-shirt with his face painted. I still had the ball Derek gave me and even had him sign it for good measure. I told him that if we ever broke up, I’d sell it for thousands of dollars.

The camera followed Evan to the sidelines, where he and Derek jumped in the air, slamming together in their signature congratulatory move. I wished I were there with him. When he said he was going to stay with me, I wasn’t having it. He’d missed practice all week, and I wasn’t going to let him miss the game. They needed him.

My mother pointed at the TV and smiled. “You have a good one there. When you told me you were dating an NFL player, it scared me. The last thing I wanted was to see you get hurt again.”

I laid my head on her shoulder. “Tell me about it. I miss Derek so much right now.”

“He’s only been gone for a day.” She laughed. “Just wait until you’re older. He’ll get on your nerves.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Maybe, but I know I’ll always love him no matter what.” The commentators were focusing on Derek now, saying how shocked they were that he was at the game after everything that had happened.

“Is that going to bother you?” my mother asked.

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