Defending Hayden (Second Chances #7)(49)

“Actually, there is one who prefers men, and I do believe he’s single.”

“Which one?” I asked. She pointed him out, and the look in Michael’s eyes said he was definitely interested. “Maybe there will be a party tonight and you can meet him,” I whispered, nudging him in the side.

“If there is, we have to go.”

“I’m pretty sure there will be,” Kate claimed.

Since the other team had the ball first, Derek had to take the field. He was the outside linebacker, so I got to watch him tackle players and keep others from running the ball. It scared me every time he rammed into someone. I tapped Kate’s arm. “Has Derek ever gotten hurt on the field?”

She shook her head. “Just bumps and scrapes every once in a while. He twisted his ankle once and had to sit out a game, but other than that, nothing major.”

Just because he hadn’t been hurt before didn’t mean he wouldn’t get hurt in the future. The other quarterback was about to snap the ball, and when he did, it soared through the air. Derek was running for it, and before the other player could catch it, he jumped in the air and intercepted it. The crowd went nuts.

“Oh my God, did that just happen?” I screamed in excitement. Holding the ball tightly in his arms, Derek took off down the field, pushing the opposing players out of the way as if they weighed nothing. “Go! Go! Go!” I yelled. He made it past the thirty-yard line on down to the twenty, then to the ten, and then…touchdown. The crowd cheered and the whole place trembled. Derek raced along the end zone and handed the ball to a little boy in the stands. It was something the Carolina players always did after they scored a touchdown.

“I read on the Internet that the players get charged five grand every time they give away a ball,” Michael stated.

Kate held up her hand. “Not true. They only get fined if they throw a ball into the stands. If they hand it to people, they’re okay.”

“Wow, that’s craziness,” I said, watching Derek being congratulated by his team. As soon as he spotted me, he took off his helmet and rushed over, lifting me in his arms. Cameras flashed all around, and he smiled at the reporters before kissing me.

“That was all for you, baby.”

I giggled. “Think you can do it a second time?”

“Like this?” he asked, kissing me again.

“That wasn’t what I was talking about.”

He winked. “I know. I just wanted to kiss you again.” He hurried off to the sidelines to wait for his turn back on the field. The energy was so electric that I could feel it in the air: They were going to win.

It took a while to get past the reporters, but we stayed until they got their story. Thankfully, we weren’t asked details on why he’d been sorry at the last game. But now it was public news: Derek and I were officially a couple. A few of the female reporters looked at me like I wasn’t good enough for Derek, since I was just a veterinarian. I’d gone through a lot of schooling to be a doctor. That sure as hell was more lucrative than being a fashion model. A model’s expiration date came quickly, whereas I could be old and gray and still have a good-paying job.

The players all congregated out in the parking lot after the game, and I was able to talk to Evan and Cooper again. Michael was ecstatic to meet them, especially Cooper. However, they stepped aside with scowls when Derek called Jax over. It was clear there was some animosity between them.

“Hayden, I want you to meet Jax, the best kicker in the NFL. I think he’s the only one you haven’t met yet.”

I held out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Jax. Your kicks were amazing today.”

He shook my hand and smiled. “Thanks. I’m glad someone appreciates them.” Then he turned to Derek and slapped his shoulder. “Good game, D. You have a lot to celebrate.”

Derek winked at me before answering. “That I do.” Then he focused back on Jax. “Say, how about we go to the tavern one day after practice next week?”

Jax nodded. “I’m down for that. Might want to be careful hanging out with me, though. You’ll find yourself blackballed.”

Derek snorted. “Not gonna happen, bro.”

Jax walked off and got into his car while the other guys slowly congregated around Derek. Evan crossed his arms. “Fraternizing with the enemy, huh?”

Derek shrugged. “I had support when I was at a low point in life, and now he needs it.” He grinned and wrapped his arm around Evan’s neck, giving him a wet, sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous, sweetheart. It’s not like he’ll take your place. You know I love you.”

Evan burst out laughing and pushed him off. “Just don’t let him around your girl. You know how he is.”

Derek snorted. “I’ll rip off his balls if he even thinks about messing with Hayden.”

Kate rolled her eyes and laughed. “So are you going to the wedding next weekend?” she asked me.

I wondered if she had mentioned it before and I didn’t realize it. I had no clue what she was talking about. “Wedding?”

Evan smacked Derek on the arm. “Surely this dumbass invited you to it.”

I shook my head. “Not exactly. Who’s getting married?”

Evan smiled wide. “Summer and I are. We were going to do it before the baby, but time slipped past us. I’m surprised f*ckhead here hasn’t invited you yet. You’re all he seems to talk about.”

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