Defending Hayden (Second Chances #7)(43)

“I don’t,” he murmured. “But I’m hoping you’ll try. I’m in love with you, Hayden.” I gasped and froze when his lips brushed against the back of my neck. “I never thought I could feel this way about anyone again, and when things started getting more serious between us, it scared me.” His grip tightened and he pulled me in closer. I couldn’t break away, and yet I didn’t want to. “I don’t want to lose you like I lost Brianna. It’d tear me the f*ck apart. Just seeing the way you looked at me tonight broke me. I want you to look at me like you used to.”

“And how is that?” I asked, whispering the words.

He gently turned me around and tilted my chin up with his fingers. “As if I’m actually worthy of a woman like you.” He grasped my face. “I need you, Hayden. Please give me another chance. I’m always going to be afraid of losing you, but I’d rather take that risk than not have you at all. So what I want to know is if you can love me the way I love you. If you say no, I’ll walk out that door and you’ll never see me again. But if you say yes, I’ll spend every day of my life making it up to you.”

Tears streamed down my cheeks and I closed my eyes. My heart wanted one thing, but my mind screamed at me to run away, to avoid the heartache. Derek’s hands slid down my cheeks and he sighed, the sound making my heart hurt. He turned around and I opened my eyes, watching him retreat to the door.

“Wait,” I called out. He glanced at me over his shoulder, his gaze raw and torn. “I don’t think I can let you walk out that door.”

“Why?” he asked, turning fully around.

I took a step forward and then another. “Because as much as I want to fight it, I’m in love with you, too. And just so you know, there won’t be any more second chances. I don’t think my heart can handle any more pain.”

Rushing toward me, he picked me up in his arms, backing me against the wall. His lips locked on to mine, demanding and hot as he tasted me. I gave in and let him claim me. “I’m not going to let you down. I can promise you that.” He didn’t give me a chance to speak, only kissed me harder as he rocked his body against mine. “I want you so f*cking bad right now.”

I wanted him, too. My need for him outweighed all logic, and I gave in. “Down the hall, first door on the right,” I moaned. He carried me down the hall and buried me in my mattress. His hands were everywhere, ripping at my clothes and caressing my skin until I was completely naked beneath him. Biting his lip, he raked his gaze down my body while he undressed.

“You have no idea how much I missed you this week.” All he had to do was feel between my legs to know how much I’d missed him. My thighs were wet, my body screaming at me to let him inside.

“Why don’t you show me, then?” I asked boldly.

A groan rumbled in his chest and he licked his lips. “Happy to.” Crawling up my body, he spread my legs with his hands, his gaze on mine as he slid his tongue across my clit. Everything inside me tightened and I cried out. He plunged in deep, breathing me in as he f*cked me with his tongue; it was my undoing. My orgasm hit me from the inside out, and when my hips lifted, he held me to his face. Toes curling, I rode wave after wave of ecstasy. Derek groaned and slid his tongue inside me one more time.

“You taste so f*cking good. I could do this every day.”

I giggled. “I won’t stop you.”

With his heated gaze on mine, he kissed his way up my thighs to my stomach. His hands clutched my breasts, and one after the other, he pulled my nipples between his teeth and sucked them generously. My back arched off the bed and I cried out. “I could come with you just doing that.”

He shook his head and bit my lip. “Not this time, love. I want to be inside you when you come again.”

His cock pressed against my opening and I bit my lip, waiting on him to push inside, only he didn’t. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I didn’t bring any condoms. This was the last thing I was expecting.”

Grinning from ear to ear, I ran my hands through his hair. “As long as you don’t have any STDs, we’re good. I’m on the Pill.”

He groaned and pushed the tip in. “Thank f*cking God. And just so you know, I’m clean. There’s no way in hell I could leave without making love to you.”

I sucked in a breath as he filled me completely, thrusting his hips gently yet deep. I’d never known I could need someone as much as I needed him. His touch sent fire through my veins; I felt as if I could explode any minute. Gripping me tightly, he flipped us over and I was now on top. I could feel him stretching me, the ache of it so painfully erotic. I hadn’t known that pain and pleasure could be so damn addictive.

Pulling me down to him, he sucked a nipple between his teeth and groaned as I rode him hard. His hands clenched my waist and he moved me faster. Everything built up inside me and I screamed out my release as he, too, was milked to completion, his cock pulsating as he spilled his warmth inside me.

“Holy f*ck, that felt good,” he murmured, clasping my face in his hands. He drew me down to his lips and kissed me. “How does breakfast in bed sound?”

“Great, but you might not want to spoil me. I might expect it every morning.”

His eyes twinkled. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

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