Defending Hayden (Second Chances #7)(19)

Heart pounding and palms sweating, I turned back to him. “I didn’t think you’d come,” I said.

He blew out a sigh. “I wanted to get here earlier, but practice ran over. I hurried as fast as I could. What time do you normally leave work?”

I shrugged. “Usually about six o’clock. Some nights I stay later, it all depends on what’s going on.”

“I see. Does your husband not mind you working late?”

“If he did, he’d have to get over it.” I watched his reaction and his smile faded slightly; it was the reaction I’d wanted. “I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have one,” I added with a laugh. “However, I will have a young man moving in with me soon. Do you want to meet him? He’s small and furry.”

He chuckled. “Lead the way.”

I let him inside the gate, and Bear was all over him. Derek knelt down to pet him and let Bear lick his face. It was the sweetest exchange I’d ever seen. I walked inside and held the door open for them both.

“How was practice?” I asked.

“Good. We’re getting ready for our first pre-season game next weekend.”

“That’s exciting. So do you get the summers off, or do you have to train every day?”

“It’s best to train every day. I just got back from Wyoming a few days ago.”

I wanted to ask more questions, but I didn’t want to pry into his personal life. I was pretty sure he didn’t want to talk about why he’d fled to Wyoming, so I pretended I didn’t know anything. I opened the door that led to the kennels and Bear rushed right on in, going straight to his.

“I’ve never been to Wyoming. I bet it’s beautiful out there.”

A sad expression passed across his face. “It is. I had a good time while I was there.”

The puppies started to whine, so I went over to their cage and opened it. As soon as he saw them, his mood lifted. I told him, “These little ones were found in a Dumpster a few days ago. Luckily, they didn’t die from the heat.” I picked up Patch and scratched behind his ears. “This one’s coming home with me in a few days. I named him Patch.”

Derek scratched his head. “The man of the house, huh?”

I laughed and set him back in the cage. “Yep. I saw him and fell in love. I just wish I could find a home for Bear. The puppies will go easily, but it’s harder to find homes for bigger dogs.”

Bear waited by his kennel, and I helped him out of his walker so he could lie down. The second his head hit the bed, his eyes started to close. Derek knelt with me and looked at him. “Give me a few days, and if you don’t find someone to adopt him, I’ll do it myself.” I gasped and lost my balance, falling over on my backside. My cheeks started to flame. Chuckling, he grabbed my hand and helped me up. “Are you okay?”

“My butt will be hurting in the morning, but did I just hear you right? You’re going to take Bear?”

He turned his attention to Bear, who was sound asleep. “I haven’t had a dog since I moved here. He’ll do good at my house, lots of space to run around in.”

My eyes burned. “I don’t know what to say. He will need some extra attention while he’s healing, but other than that, he should be good to go. You just have to make sure you have everything he’ll need.”

He smiled and my knees weakened. Why did he have to smile like that? “That’s what I have you for. I have this weekend off, so maybe you can go with me to the store and help me find everything he needs. You can even come by my house to make sure I set it up all right.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, trying my best to pretend I wasn’t giddy, like a schoolgirl. The thought of spending more time with him made my blood run wild. I hadn’t been so excited in years. “I might just have to do that. I can’t have Bear going just anywhere; he’s special.”

He pulled out his phone. “Let me know what day and time work for you and I’ll pick you up. I just need your number.” Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I gave him my number, and he gave me his. I couldn’t believe that was actually happening. “All right, I think we’re good. I’ll see you in a couple of days.”

I walked him out the back door so he didn’t have to go through the clinic. Before he got into his truck, he waved, and I waved back. What the hell was I getting myself into?

Chapter 9


Saturday morning had rolled around, and even though I was an early riser, I wouldn’t have thought Derek would be. Or at least I never thought he’d be calling me at ten o’clock in the morning to go pet-supply shopping. Now I was waiting by the window, heart racing, as I watched for his truck to pull down my street. I lived in a neighborhood with mainly older couples, but it was peaceful. My house was probably nowhere near the size of Derek’s. I couldn’t believe I was going to see where he lived.

My phone rang and it made me jump. That was how nervous I was. I looked down at the screen and it was my mother.

“Hey, Mom,” I greeted her.

“Are your fingers broken?” she scolded.

I groaned, realizing I hadn’t called my parents in two days. “Mom, I’m so sorry. I’ve been working lots of overtime this week. There must be something in the water, because not only did I rescue a set of puppies, I saved a dog who was hit by a car.”

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