Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity #4)(31)

His eyes, however, revealed his heritage. Too large for his urchin face they were slanted and consumed with an inky blackness. There were also the unmistakable fangs that flashed when he offered a faint smile.


Morgana lifted a beckoning hand. “Come closer, Adar.”

“No offense, Mistress, but I would rather stay here,” he purred.

“I don’t need to use my hands to kill you.”

He shrugged as he leaned against the doorjamb. “True, but I prefer the view from here.”

The air shimmered with heat. “You play a dangerous game with me.”

His smile widened, revealing his bottom fangs as well. An angel with a serious bite.

“Is there any other kind of game?” he said, his voice far too deep for his delicate form.

“Enough.” Realizing the demon was impervious to her potent sex appeal, Morgana impatiently tugged the quilt higher. His opportunity had passed and it was time for business. “I have need of your services.”

“You know my price?”

“There is very little I do not know, Adar.”

The black eyes studied her with wary suspicion. He sensed a queen wouldn’t be pleased to open her vein for him.

“And you are willing to pay?”

Morgana shrugged. No sense telling him that she had every intention of killing him once he had managed to locate her prey. Demons were a little touchy about such things.

“You would not be here if I was not,” she said smoothly.

He paused a long moment, his fierce desire to taste the blood of a queen warring with his fear that this was some sort of trap.

At last it was his bloodlust that overcame his good sense. The dark eyes flared with need and he offered a deep bow to seal the bargain.

“I will need something of my prey,” he said as he straightened. “Something that carries their scent.”

Morgana pointed to the expensive leather suitcases set in the corner. She had sent Modron to discover where Sybil had stayed during her time in Chicago the moment they had arrived. Retrieving her luggage had been a simple matter.

“Take what you need.”

The demon ripped the bag open, shuffling through the explosion of designer clothes before plucking a silk scarf from the mess. His face was intent as he pressed the scarf to his nose.

“A fairy.”

“She was last seen…”

“That is not necessary.” He dared to interrupt, a small smirk on his lips.

It was fortunate that Morgana’s powers were strained. Otherwise she might have killed him on the spot. Then she would have had the bother of summoning another.

“Do not be overconfident, demon,” she warned, her voice filling the air with a thick heat. “The woman is being held in a room protected by a powerful spell.”

Unaware of how close he had been to death, the Adar headed back toward the door.

“Magic cannot hide her from me.”


He paused at her commanding tone. “Yes?”

“Track the woman to where she is hidden, but do not try to approach. Once you have the location you will return to me with the information.”

Darkness swirled in his unnerving eyes, as if he were eager to be on the hunt. “I won’t charge you extra for bringing the fairy to you.”

The heat in the air thickened until the demon was struggling to breathe.

“You’ll do exactly as I say or you will discover just how painful my displeasure can be.”

He touched his throat, as if it might ease his discomfort. “Actually, I think I’ve already discovered.”

With a wave of her hand the power lessened. “Go.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Anna stood directly before Cezar as she waited for his answer. She might not know jack squat about the demon world, but she was perfectly capable of sensing when someone was hiding something from her. She was a lawyer, after all.

And Cezar was definitely hiding something.

It was simply too much a coincidence to think he would make a public appearance that was bound to lure her to Chicago, just when her life could be in jeopardy. And even if she were willing to stretch her imagination and assume that it was all one big fluke, why would he make such an effort to protect her? It wasn’t as if she meant anything to him. He’d proved that two hundred years ago.

While vampires might be many things, she wasn’t idiotic enough to believe there was even an ounce of Good Samaritan in their unbeating hearts.

She planted her hands on her hips and grimly ignored the sheer beauty of the man standing before her. The lingering feel of his touch was distraction enough.

“Cezar, what are you hiding?”

The bronzed, heart-rending features were smooth, unreadable. “I have told you all I know of Morgana and her threat to you.”

Which was a nice sidestep.

“Cezar…” Intent on grilling him until he was forced to confess the truth or gag her, Anna was abruptly distracted as a soft glow filled the room. Turning her head she realized that the glow was coming from Sybil. Her stomach churned as she watched the strange aura flicker and dance over the dead body. “Good God.”

Cezar was on guard instantly, his eyes darting about the room as he searched for the threat.

“What is it?”

Alexandra Ivy's Books