Darkness Avenged (Guardians of Eternity #10)(88)

“More than that.” His finger shifted to linger on the pulse that hammered at the base of her throat. The moment he’d appeared in Santiago’s club he’d been drawn to the female. “It’s distant but I can sense his claim on you. He considers you a part of his clan.”

She licked her lips, making a visible effort to calm her nerves. “You’re mental. I’m just a member of his staff.” She futilely tried to arch away from his touch. “So if you’re expecting to use me to get to him, then you’re wasting your time.”

Clever imp.

She had easily realized she was the bait and hoped to trick him into believing she had no value.

“No, he will come for you,” Gaius said with an unshakable confidence. “Santiago is at heart a savior.”

Her lips thinned, but she didn’t try to argue. “What do you want with him?” she instead demanded.

“Only for an opportunity to tell him how sorry I am.”

Her eyes narrowed in disbelief. “You don’t need me for that.”

Gaius shrugged. “He’s too angry to listen to me unless I can force him to hear what I have to say.”

“Kidnapping me is only going to piss him off. It certainly won’t put him in the mood to listen,” she pointed out, shuddering as his fingers drifted to follow the line of her collarbone. “Or to forgive.”

Gaius frowned, his fingers moving to squeeze her throat. What did the bitch know? Santiago was his son. That was a bond that couldn’t be broken.

“He will listen,” he snarled.

“Okay, okay. He’ll listen,” she croaked, sucking in a deep breath as his grip loosened. “But I’m telling you he’ll be a lot more forgiving if you release me.”

His fury eased as he was distracted by the softness of her skin beneath his fingers and the scent of plums teasing his nose.

“Clever and beautiful,” he muttered, lowering his hand so he could cup the ripe temptation of her breast.

She made a sound of distress. “Don’t.”

Her reluctance only fueled his stab of lust. “Does my touch repulse you?”

She shuddered. “Yes.”

“I can make you like it.” His grip tightened until she gave a small cry of pain. “I can make you beg for it.”

The emerald eyes flashed with hatred. “Not even in a million years,” she spat out, her chin inching higher. “I have royal blood flowing through my veins. I can’t be enthralled, vamp.”

“Royalty,” he sneered. The imp thought she was above him with her noble blood? He’d teach her just how worthless it was. “Such a proud imp.”

He could hear the leap of her pulse as he allowed his powers to fill the cellar.

“Stop . . .” Her magnificent eyes dilated with an uncontrollable lust. “I . . .”

He chuckled, running his tongue up and down his sensitive fang.

Maybe a small taste wouldn’t hurt.

“Yes, my beauty?”

A layer of sweat bloomed on her skin. “What are you doing to me?”

He tugged at the hardened tip of her breast. “Do you want me?”

“No.” She squeezed her eyes shut even as her body trembled with need. “You’re disgusting.”

He chuckled with cruel amusement, ignoring his weakness as he deliberately altered his appearance. In the distance he could feel his approaching guests and he intended to reveal the full glory of his new powers.

“Perhaps this shape will tempt you,” he murmured, giving her nipple a more painful tug. “Open your eyes, Tonya.”

Reluctantly lifting her lashes, she gave a gasp of shock as she caught sight of his features, which were now an exact duplicate of Santiago.

“Shit,” she breathed, but Gaius didn’t miss the increase in her pulse or the sudden shallowness to her breathing.

Her arousal wasn’t entirely due to the lust that pulsed through the air.

“Is this better?” He leaned down to savor the scent of her heated blood. “Are you in love with your employer?”

A low groan was wrenched from her throat as she arched toward him. “Please . . .”

“What do you want?” he urged.

“You,” she whispered, the chains rattling as she tried to reach for him. “I want you.”

He smiled at the sound of soft footsteps on the stairs.

“You want Santiago?” he cooed.

“Yes, please,” she moaned, panting with the desire that ran rampant through her blood. “Please.”

He allowed his fangs to scrape down the curve of her throat. “I told you I would make you beg.”

“Bastard,” a furious voice snapped from the doorway of the cellar. “Leave her alone.”

Gaius pulled back, but his gaze never strayed from the beautiful imp. It was unfortunate, but Santiago had to be reminded of Gaius’s superior position. Even among family the hierarchy had to be established.

“But she is so happy to be with you,” he murmured, turning her eager face so Santiago could see her pleading expression. “She’s wanted you for a very long time, haven’t you, imp?”

Santiago took a step forward, his fury a tangible force that beat through the cellar. “She has no part in this. Just let her go.”

Alexandra Ivy's Books