Darkness Avenged (Guardians of Eternity #10)(25)
Shoving aside the questions that had no answers, Nefri focused her concentration on their shadowed surroundings. With every step away from the path, the ground became more treacherous, a scent of rotting vegetation seeping from the thick layer of moss and duckweed. And while they were moving away from the angry humans, there were just as many dangers in the swamps.
Actually, more.
Cougars and alligators lurked among the dense undergrowth as well as a dozen snakes that might not be able to kill a vampire, but could certainly make one ill for a short period of time. There were also a variety of demons who lived in the bayous, far away from the noisy mortals.
But it wasn’t the lurking hazards that slowly wore on Nefri’s nerves. Or the discomfort of wading into the water that came to her knees.
It was, instead, the strange sensations that crawled over her skin, that made a shiver inch down her spine.
“I don’t like this,” she at last said, breaking the thick silence.
“I can’t say I’m overly fond of the swamps myself, but it’s better than dealing with the rabid locals,” Santiago countered, his dagger slicing through a layer of Spanish moss.
“It’s not the swamp,” she said, shivering. “Can’t you feel it?”
He glanced over his shoulder. “Feel what?”
Another shiver. “It’s as if there’s a lingering echo of violence.”
“If it is, it has nothing to do with witches.”
“You’re right, this is far more primal,” he agreed with a grimace, his head tilted back as he tested the fading tang of aggression. “Mierda. It’s no wonder the humans are roaming the countryside with torches and pitchforks.”
She smiled wryly. “Very . . . atmospheric.”
Santiago turned to battle a path through the stubborn vegetation. “Stay close,” he commanded.
Santiago wasn’t easily spooked. He’d been beaten, carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey, tortured, and taken to the edge of death more times than he could count.
What was left to be afraid of?
Well . . . besides the exquisitely beautiful woman walking behind him. Any man in his right mind would be terrified by a female who tied him into knots even as she left him hard and aching with desire.
But the prickles of violence that hung in the air like a bad memory were as unnerving as hell.
And the fact that they were being followed by at least six glowing orbs that were dancing ever closer didn’t ease his tension.
They had reached the middle of the swamp when the orbs shifted to block their path.
“Santiago,” Nefri warned, moving to stand at his side.
“They’ve been trailing us since we entered the swamp,” he said, squashing the urge to shove her behind him. She was not a female who needed protection, and she wouldn’t thank him for undermining her authority. Especially not with these particular demons. “The question is, why?”
On cue the glowing orbs began to pulse and expand, taking on physical forms.
Holding the dagger in a loose grip, he resisted the urge to pull out his sword. No point in ratcheting up the tension until he was certain the demons intended a fight. Besides, his fangs and claws were far more lethal than any blade, no matter how sharp it might be.
There was a surge of electricity, and then the glowing lights faded to reveal the six female Harpies standing in front of them.
They were gorgeous, of course. With long black hair and gray eyes that swirled with the power of thunderclouds, their naked bodies were leanly muscled with large wings on their backs. Always formidable warriors, they used their beauty to distract their enemies before striking them down with the fireballs they could conjure from thin air.
They were also crafty as hell, easily trapping unwary males in hidden snares to hold them captive during their mating season. Not that the males usually protested, he wryly conceded. A Harpy in heat was most men’s idea of a sexual fantasy. Endless days of aggressive sex with no commitment. And if some men took exception to being treated as a mere stud, the majority found their imprisonment nothing short of paradise.
Santiago, however, wasn’t thinking about sex as the warriors studied him with their stormy gray eyes. Instead he watched them with a wary frown.
“We follow you because you trespass in our territory, vampire,” the tallest of the Harpies said, her voice stirring the thick air.
Nefri took a half step forward, offering a regal bow. “It was not our intention to disturb your nest.”
Continuing to glare in Santiago’s direction, the Harpy appeared unimpressed. “The foul air has disturbed us, sister,” the Harpy said.
“Hey, not my fault,” Santiago muttered.
The closest Harpy held out her hand, a sudden ball of fire dancing just above her palm. “Be quiet, male,” she snarled.
“He speaks the truth,” Nefri smoothly interjected.
“We will decide who speaks the truth,” the taller Harpy informed them, pointing a finger in their direction. “Take them.”
Santiago reached for his sword, only to be halted when Nefri laid a restraining hand on his forearm. “No, Santiago. There’s no need to fight,” she said softly. “I’m certain we can reason with our companions.”
His gaze never wavered from the females, who looked eager for an opportunity to singe him with their fireballs. “They don’t seem to be in the mood to reason,” he growled.
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)