Damon (The Protectors #1)(5)

“You guys be careful out there.” Pam called out as she and Jared continued down the hall.

“Same to ya.” Nicole walked into her office. Sitting down, she glanced up to see Damon standing in her door, his broad shoulders blocking any thought of a quick exit. Talk about claustrophobic. “Oh, I forgot I had to invite you in since you’re a vamp and all.”

Damon couldn’t help but grin revealing straight white teeth and flashing some fang. “Ah, that's a vamp myth, human.” With one step he filled her small office and took a seat in front of her desk. “And this isn’t your home.”

“Could have fooled me.” Snorting she marked a envelop 'Jared's f-word money' and slipped the twenty in. “Might as well call this place home sweet home since I’m here more often than not.”

“Better watch out, if Mitch hears you talking like that he might take rent out of your check.” His eyes twinkled. He really liked her sense of humor. Most women tried too hard to impress him into their beds and that bored him almost before they even began.

Nicole laughed, liking this side of the warrior. She felt more at ease with him. Humor always made her comfortable. “I wouldn’t put it past the man that's for sure. Anything to make my life miserable.”

“I’d say the same about you.” Damon leaned back in the chair smiling at her. “You seem to like making his life miserable.”

“Interesting.” Nicole countered with a smile of her own. “Not miserable. He seriously wouldn’t know what to do without me. I was sick a couple of months ago and was out for one day. He called me every hour.”

Damon nodded, then looked around her cluttered office. Case files were scattered everywhere. “So would he or anyone else know your filing system? I’m sure even Mitch would splurge for a filing cabinet.”

“Only I know my extensive and complicated filing system. I know it looks like a mess, but if anyone needed anything I could pull it in a minute flat. File cabinets take up space.”

Again he grinned and man, did that lopsided curve of those full lips make him sexy as hell. “So you have no problem with me heading out to jobs with you?”

Trying not to squirm under his scrutiny, she shuffled the case files around her desk trying to look busy. “No. Why would you ask that?”

“You just don’t seem like the kind of woman who wants a man following her every move.” Relaxing more, he leaned back crossing his heavily muscled arms across his massive chest.

Stopping herself from wiping her mouth to check for drool, she eyed him. “Listen, I care for these kids. I know I shouldn’t care as much as I do and Mitch gets on me for getting too involved, but I can’t help it. Not one of these kids have asked for what is happening to them, so anything you and your fellow buddies can do to help you will get no problems from me. I do know that I get in over my head sometimes and I don’t think, but when I see a kid in pain or scared all I can think about is getting them out of the situation.”

“Do all of you feel the same about this job?” The only thing that moved was his lips as he ask the question. His eyes, so golden, probed so deep into hers, it was truly unsettling.

“I really can’t answer for them.” She glanced away. “I do know Mitch wouldn't keep anyone on that didn’t do their job and do it well.”

“What about Chad Evans?”

She shrugged one shoulder. “What about him? He does his job just like the rest of us.”

“But you don’t like him.” It wasn’t a question. “He doesn’t like you.” That was fact.

“Well, there you go.” Nicole snorted. “We don’t really work together except for meetings and now working out with you guys, so it really isn’t a problem.”

“But you don’t trust him.” Again statement rather than question.

Blue eyes stared into gold. “How would you know something like that? Can you read my mind vamp? Cause if you can it’s awfully scary in there.” She tapped her temple with her pen.

He studied her close, his gaze intense before answering. “No, I can’t read yours.”

Shocked she dropped her pen. “But you can read others?”


“Oh, well, ah, is that good or bad?” She chuckled, nerves cramping her stomach. God, no way did she want this hot vampire lurking in her mind so it was very good on her end.

“I don’t know yet.” He frowned. “It’s never happened before.”

“You mean you have never not been able to read someone’s mind?” Wow, that would be kind of cool to read people’s mind. Then again thinking of Mitch, she probably wouldn’t want to know what he really thought of her most of the time.

“No, you're the first human I haven't been able to read.” He did look quite puzzled by this whole idea of not being able to read her. “But you’re happy about the fact that I can’t.”

“You bet I am.” Standing, she shoved her case files into her work bag. “Who wants someone poking around into your deepest thoughts, your private thoughts?”

He stood and opened the door for her. “It saves time.” His voice rumbled close to her as she passed him on the way out. “You don’t have to ask questions.”

Teresa Gabelman's Books