Cranberry Point (Cedar Cove #4)(77)

"Aren't you going to tell him you didn't get any insurance money?"

"No." She shook her head. "It would only make him feel worse about asking for the money back, and he doesn't deserve that. Frankly I'm grateful he waited as long as he did. If he'd hit me with this any sooner, I don't know how I would've dealt with it."

"What's that going to do to your finances?" Olivia knew things were already tight.

"I'll survive. I've made it through worse times than this."

"I know. Did you tell Sheriff Davis and Roy?"

"Roy said it was another piece of the puzzle falling into place," Grace told her. "He was the one who originally found out about the trailer. We always wondered where Dan got the money..."

Olivia was proud of Grace for taking this latest blow in stride and refusing to let circumstances overwhelm her. She was about to say that when Grace changed the subject.

"On a brighter note," she said with a big smile, "I heard from Cliff."

"You did?" Olivia knew her friend had made a concerted effort to win back the rancher.

Grace almost squirmed in her chair with excitement. "I have to tell you I'd nearly given up hope."

Olivia leaned toward her. "Well, don't keep me in suspense. Tell me what happened!"

"I drove out to his ranch with a batch of chocolate chip cookies ten days ago."

Olivia nodded approvingly. "And?"

"I wanted to weep with frustration when he wasn't home, but I talked to Cal and he was so encouraging. I like him a lot. He said he'd make sure Cliff knew I'd stopped by."

"I like Cal, too." Olivia had only met the trainer once and briefly, but she'd taken an instant liking to him. Although he was quiet, even solemn, she sensed a deep reserve of strength and character.

"Did Cliff call you?" Olivia leaned closer, eager to hear the details.

"No...actually I haven't talked to him yet." But Grace showed no sign of being discouraged. "I received an e-mail."

"What did he say?"

The waitress stepped up to the table, and Olivia realized they'd been so intent on their conversation they hadn't given any thought to food or drink. The young woman took their order for wine spritzers and left.

"Well?" Olivia pressed.

"Cliff thanked me for the cookies. He was very polite and he didn't write anything else, but Olivia, I feel like there's a crack in this wall he's erected between us. He can't ignore me anymore. I won't let him."

"That's great!"

"I'm not fooling myself. I have a long way to go, but that one message cheered me so much I've been walking on air ever since."

"Have you sent him other messages?"

Grace nodded. "Every evening. I mail a card twice a week but Cal told me Cliff's started collecting the mail himself. When I don't send a card, I write an e-mail. He hasn't blocked my name, so I know he's getting those messages, too."

Olivia reached for her menu. For the first time in months, she had the feeling that everything was going to work out between Grace and Cliff Harding.


Maryellen tucked the latest photograph of Katie into a business-size envelope, along with a short note to Jon's parents. She left it unaddressed and slipped the envelope in with the rest of the mail she planned to drop off at the post office Monday morning. She'd fill in the necessary information later rather than risk having Jon find an envelope with his parents' address.

He'd been gone since early morning, and Katie was napping. Maryellen rarely had uninterrupted time these days and she relished these private moments. She was pregnant again, although she hadn't said anything to Jon. All in due time. She wanted the situation to be perfect when she told him.

The front door opened and Maryellen walked out of the bedroom and looked over the upstairs railing. Jon was home earlier than she'd expected. He'd slipped out of the house before dawn for a day trip to the Olympic rain forest.

"Jon." She didn't bother to disguise her delight at having him home. When he'd left, he'd kissed her goodbye and whispered that he didn't know when he'd return.

Now, seeing her upstairs, he smiled, set aside his camera equipment, and hurried up the stairs, his energy undiminished despite his long day.

Maryellen met him at the top of the staircase and he threw his arms around her waist. "Where's Katie?"


He wore that special smile of his. The one that told her he'd had a good reason for rushing home. "When did you put her to bed?"

Maryellen gave a coy shrug. "About half an hour ago. What do you have in mind?"

Jon's throaty chuckle sent shivers of excitement down her spine. "First things first. A shower, followed by something to eat and then..." He hesitated, still smiling, and brought her close. "On second thought, I'm not that hungry."

"Oh, honestly," she chided, but she relished his strong sexual appetite.

"Want to take a shower with me?" he whispered.

"Not now. You go, and I'll put together a couple of sandwiches. I wouldn't want you to faint from hunger."

He nuzzled the side of her neck. He held and touched her often. After so many years of living alone and avoiding relationships, Maryellen hadn't been entirely comfortable with his need for frequent physical contact. But the longer they were together, the more accustomed she became to his caresses—and the more she craved them.

Debbie Macomber's Books