Cranberry Point (Cedar Cove #4)(54)

"I did. Those windows haven't been cleaned in three years. Don said to go for it and I did."

"You want me to wash your windows?" Bruce Peyton asked, visibly disappointed. "Hey, is that legal?"

"Sure it is." Barry laughed, nodding his head. "You volunteered for this, and she paid good money for you."

Bruce didn't seem too happy with this turn of events. Giving Barry a disgruntled look, he walked off the stage.

The chatter diminished as the second bachelor was announced—Cal Washbum, the horse trainer Grace had met at Cliff's ranch. He was matched with a spotted gray-and-black Australian Shepherd. Again Grace thought it was a good pairing. Cal was a quiet man, gifted with horses.

Judging by the hushed whispers that rippled across the room, it was evident that Cal was a bachelor of interest. From her vantage point, Grace could see that the dog was trembling and seemed even more nervous than Cal, until Cal crouched down and whispered something in the animal's ear, which instantly quieted him. Grace watched in amazement as the pair proceeded down the runway. The bidding was fast and furious, with cutthroat competition between the girls at Get Nailed and—of all people—Corrie McAfee. In the end, Corrie won.

"Do you want the dog or the bachelor?" Barry asked.

Corrie stood while Roy remained seated with the Beldons. "I want both."

"Isn't that your husband you're sitting with?" Barry pretended to sound shocked. "What's happening to our society when married women walk off with all the eligible bachelors because they need their windows washed?"

Corrie grinned. "You've got it all wrong. The dog's for my son, Mack, and the bachelor's for my daughter."

A loud cheer of approval followed as Corrie walked over to the cashier with her checkbook in hand.

The third bachelor was Stan Lockhart, who was paired with a high-strung white poodle. Stan seemed in his element on the runway, unlike the two previous bachelors. He'd apparently been practicing and he played to the crowd, doing a fairly good impression of a model, complete with one hand in his pocket. He was obviously expecting the high bids garnered by the other bachelors. When the winner, a younger blond woman, opted for the dog and not him, his disappointment was noticeable. The bidding started over, and Stan commanded less money than the poodle.

Grace elbowed Olivia, who didn't seem to know exactly how to react; her expression was a mixture of shock, embarrassment and laughter. To everyone's surprise, Charlotte's good friend Bess Ferryman won Stan. The older woman stood up to proudly claim her prize.

"Don't tell me you're married, too?" the auctioneer demanded.

"Nope, and I'm not buying him to wash any windows, either. I've got a hot date in mind."

"Good for you," Barry said approvingly.

"Dinner, and he's buying, followed by ballroom dancing." Bess marched purposefully toward the cashier. For just a moment, it looked as if Stan might balk, but then he dutifully left the stage.

"Couldn't happen to a nicer guy," Jack whispered to the others. "I'll bet he doesn't offer his services again anytime soon."

Grace was chatting with Olivia and Charlotte when the next bachelor's name was announced.

Cliff Harding.

This was the moment Grace had been dreading all night. In an effort to prove that she was unaffected, she fixed a smile on her face and stared straight ahead, hoping no one could guess at the turmoil inside her.

Cliff was paired with a lovely female golden retriever. When he stepped onto the stage, he was greeted by loud cheers. Grace had long suspected he'd be one of the key figures at this event, and she was right.

Almost immediately, Margaret White leaped into the bidding. Seconds later, the woman who worked for John L. Scott Realty topped Margaret's two-hundred-dollar bid by another fifty.

"What about you?" Olivia asked, nudging Grace.

"I can't."

"Why not?" Olivia asked, her voice rising with agitation.

It was too complicated to explain. Now wasn't the time to try, so she simply shook her head.

"Grace, you can't just sit there and let some other woman walk away with Cliff. You have to bid."

She felt the same way, but she couldn't do it. While Margaret and the other woman continued to raise each other in fifty-dollar increments, Grace bit her tongue. Her heart pounded like crazy and her mouth went dry as she dealt with two years' worth of confused emotions. Finally she couldn't stand it any longer. Damn it, she was going to bid!

"Five hundred dollars, going one, going twice—"

"Seven hundred dollars," Grace shouted suddenly, leaping to her feet. She just hoped the animal shelter would agree to accept payments, because she didn't have that kind of money in her checking account. Seven hundred dollars would put her over the maximum on her credit card, too. She couldn't go a penny higher.

There was a moment of stunned silence. "Seven hundred dollars. Do we have seven hundred and fifty dollars?"

Grace didn't dare look in Cliff's direction.

"Seven hundred and fifty dollars," Margaret White said, and her voice trembled as if to say this was far higher than she'd intended.

"Go for eight hundred," Olivia encouraged, tugging at Grace's sleeve.

Grace sat back down. "No... I shouldn't have bid when I did. I don't have seven hundred dollars, let alone eight."

Debbie Macomber's Books