Cranberry Point (Cedar Cove #4)(12)

"Yes, and while those fund-raising events have been successful, they've been fairly small-scale. I'd like something with a little more.. .punch."

"What about a bachelor auction?" Mary suggested excitedly. It was clear she'd been thinking about the idea for quite some time and was nearly out of her chair with enthusiasm. "I've read about them and I think it's a wonderful idea, don't you?"

Janet hesitated. "Maybe, but I'm married and so are a lot of other women in town."

"Yes, but I'm not and, well, I know I'd certainly be willing to pay for the pleasure of having a handsome man at my disposal for an entire evening." She glanced eagerly toward Grace. "I'll bet other single women would, too."

Grace wasn't so sure, but she hated to squelch Mary's enthusiasm. "Has anyone else noticed that there seem to be more animals that need adoption lately?" she asked. "Especially dogs..." The ideas started to churn in her mind. "What about a dog auction—or perhaps the shelter could do that along with the bachelors?"

"A dog and bachelor auction?"

"Why not?" Grace asked. "We could pair up the dogs with the bachelors."

Janet seemed to be considering the idea. "That sounds promising."

"The dog would be auctioned off first, and then the bachelor. Or the other way around."

"The bachelors would need to be a variety of ages, right?" Mary asked.

"Of course," Janet said, smiling ever so slightly.

Grace could tell that she was warming to the idea.

"Be sure and ask Cliff Harding to participate," Margaret White said, leaning closer to the table. "I think he's the most adorable man I've seen in ages, and he's single, too."

"Who?" Janet asked, frowning.

"Cliff Harding," Margaret repeated. "You obviously haven't noticed him around town, but trust me, I have. He's a hunk."

Mary looked across the table at Grace. "You were going out with him for a while, weren't you?"

It was all Grace could do to nod. Cliff was a natural choice for the bachelor auction. Her enthusiasm for the project did a nosedive, but she didn't dare show her feelings.

"Can you think of anyone else who'd agree to be auctioned off for charity?" Janet asked.

"Bruce Peyton," Grace suggested with a shrug. "He's a widower who brings his daughter into the library once a week."

"Ah, yes," Mary said. "I remember when his wife was killed in an automobile accident. When was that, anyway?"

"It must've been two or three years ago," Margaret replied. "I knew her mother, Sandy. Tragic, tragic accident. I think Stephanie's death was what killed her. Sandy was gone within a year—cancer."

Grace felt terrible for the little girl who'd lost both her mother and grandmother within such a short period. She didn't know Bruce well, but he seemed loving and protective of his daughter. She didn't envy him the task of raising the little girl on his own.

"Ben Rhodes has stirred a few hearts down at the SeniorCenter," Grace said, wondering how Charlotte would feel about this.

Mary nodded in approval. "Ben's an excellent choice and, seeing that he's retired navy, he just might be able to get us a few young seamen who'd be willing to do a good deed for charity."

"That's a great idea." Janet seemed absolutely delighted now. She quickly wrote down the names on the pad. "Barry Stokes is always good about donating his time and talent to charity auctions."

Barry was the local auctioneer whose big red barn and auction headquarters could be seen from the highway.

"This is going to be just great," Mary burbled.

"It's certainly better than another bake sale."

"Why don't we talk to Seth and Justine Gunderson about letting us use The Lighthouse for the event?" Grace said.

"Perfect," Mary agreed. "We want to make this classy. The restaurant's just the right size, too."

Janet picked up a pen and pad and started writing down suggestions and assignments. "Okay, I'll see what I can do to get The Lighthouse. I'll get in touch with Barry, too." Janet made a second notation for herself. "Mary and Margaret, why don't you two make up a list of potential bachelors?"

The women nodded simultaneously.

Janet pointed her pen in Grace's direction. "How about if you work on publicizing the event—posters, newspaper ads, radio and the like?"

Grace nodded. "Of course."

"I'll ask for volunteers to work the auction at the next board meeting." Janet looked pleased with herself. "I think we're onto something really wonderful this year."

The four women continued to discuss the event and it was after eight before they ended the meeting. Margaret White walked out to the parking lot with Grace. "I don't know about anyone else but I'd write a blank check to spend an evening with Cliff Harding."

Grace forced a smile.

"I nearly pass out every time he comes to the vet's office." She giggled like a schoolgirl. "See you next week," she said. She climbed into her car and drove off.

Grace slid into her own vehicle and braced her hands against the steering wheel. The thought of Cliff with another woman made her feel a regret so strong that for a moment she was nearly sick to her stomach. She couldn't bear it and at the same time realized she had to.

Debbie Macomber's Books