Conspiracy in Death (In Death #8)(29)
It would snow or sleet before the end of shift, she thought. The drive home would be hideous.
She thought of Roarke, three thousand miles away, with palm trees and blue skies.
She thought of those nameless lost souls struggling to find a little heat around an ugly fire in a rusted barrel and where they would be tonight when the snows came and the wind howled down the streets like a mad thing.
Absently, she pressed her fingers to the window, felt the chill on her skin.
And it came to her, sharp as a slap, a memory long buried with other memories of the girl she had been. Thin, hollow-eyed, and trapped in one of the endless horrid rooms where the windows were cracked and the heat broken so that the wind screamed and screamed against the damaged glass and shook the walls and burst over her skin like fists of ice.
Cold, so cold. So hungry. So afraid. Sitting in the dark, alone in the dark. All the while knowing he would come back. He always came back. And when he did, he might not be drunk enough to just fall on the bed and leave her be.
He might not leave her huddled behind the single ratty chair that smelled of smoke and sweat where she tried to hide from him and the brittle cold.
She fell asleep shivering, watching her breath form and fade in the dark.
But when he got home, he wasn't drunk enough, and she couldn't hide from him or the bitterness.
"Chicago." The word burst out of her, like a poison that burned the throat, and she came back to herself with both hands fisted hard against her heart.
And she was shivering, shivering again as she had in that freezing room during another winter.
Where had that come from ? she asked herself as she fought to even her breathing, to swallow back the sickness that had gushed into her throat. How did she know it was Chicago? Why was she so sure?
And what did it matter? Furious now, she rapped one of her fists lightly, rhythmically against the window. It was done, it was over.
It had to be over.
Analysis complete.... Beginning probability ratio...
She closed her eyes a moment, rubbed her hands hard over her dry lips. This, she reminded herself, was what mattered. What she was now, what she did now. The job, the justice, the answers.
But her head was throbbing when she turned back to her computer, sat in her chair.
Probability ratio complete. Probability that the procedures on both subjects were done by the same person is 97.8%.
"Okay," Eve said softly. "Okay. He did them both. Now, how many more?"
Insufficient data to compute...
"I wasn't asking you, ass**le." She spoke absently, then, leaning forward, forgot her queasy stomach, her aching head as she began to pick her way through data.
She'd worked through the bulk of it when Peabody knocked briskly and stuck her head in the door. "Rosswell's here."
"Great. Good."
There was a gleam in Eve's eyes as she rose that had Peabody feeling a stir of pity for Rosswell, and -- she was human, after all -- a ripple of anticipation for the show about to start. She was careful to hide both reactions as she followed Eve to the conference room.
Rosswell was fat and bald. A detective's salary would have covered standard body maintenance if he was too lazy or stupid to exercise. It would have covered elementary hair replacement treatment if he had any vanity. But self-image couldn't compete with Rosswell's deep and passionate love of gambling.
This love was very one-sided. Gambling didn't love Rosswell back. It punished him, laughed at him. It beat him over the head with his own inadequacies in the area. But he couldn't stay away.
So he lived in little more than a flop a block from his station house -- and a two-minute walk from the nearest gaming dive. When he was lucky enough to beat the odds, his winnings were funneled back to cover previous losses. He was constantly dodging and making deals with the spine crackers.
Eve had some of these details from the data she'd just scanned. What she saw waiting in the conference room was a washed-up cop, one who'd lost his edge and was simply cruising his way toward his pension.
He didn't rise when she came in but continued to slouch at the conference table. To establish dominance, Eve merely stared at him silently until he flushed and got to his feet.
And Peabody was right, she noted. Under the show of carelessness, there was a glint of fear in his eyes.
"Lieutenant Dallas?"
"That's right, Rosswell." She invited him to sit by jabbing a finger at the chair. Once again, she said nothing. Silence had a way of scraping the nerves raw. And raw nerves had a way of stuttering out the truth.
"Ah..." His eyes, a cloudy hazel in a doughy face, shifted from her to Feeney to Peabody, then back. "What's this about, Lieutenant?"
"It's about half-assed police work." When he blinked, Eve sat on the edge of the table. It kept her head above him, forcing him to tip his back to look up at her. "The Spindler case -- your case, Rosswell. Tell me about it."
"Spindler?" Face blank, he lifted his shoulders. "Jesus, Lieutenant, I got a lot of cases. Who remembers names?"
A good cop remembers, she thought. "Erin Spindler, retired LC. Maybe this'll jog your memory. She was missing some internal organs."
"Oh, sure." He brightened right up. "She bought it in bed. Kinda seems funny since she got bought there plenty." When no one cracked up at his irony, he cleared his throat. "It was pretty straight, Lieutenant. She ragged on her ponies and their Johns all the time. Had a rep for it. Kept herself whacked on street Jazz most of the time. Nobody had a good word to say about her, I can tell you. Nobody shed a tear. Figures one of her girls or one of the customers got fed up and did her. What's the deal?" he asked, lifting his shoulders again. "No big loss to society."
J.D. Robb's Books
- Indulgence in Death (In Death #31)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Leverage in Death: An Eve Dallas Novel (In Death #47)
- Apprentice in Death (In Death #43)
- Brotherhood in Death (In Death #42)
- Echoes in Death (In Death #44)
- J.D. Robb
- Obsession in Death (In Death #40)
- Devoted in Death (In Death #41)
- Festive in Death (In Death #39)