Colters' Woman (Colters' Legacy #1)(47)

Holly wrinkled her brow. She hadn’t considered the issue of last name. Once she was divorced, would she resort to her maiden name? She didn’t see how she could take Colter since it wasn’t exactly legal to marry more than one man. But at the same time, she wanted to belong to them, didn’t want to be viewed as merely a lover or a girlfriend.

“What are you thinking about, baby?” Adam murmured as he started the engine.

She paused not wanting to admit exactly what had crossed her mind. It seemed presumptuous at best. She hated the insecurity that crept in despite her best efforts to keep it at bay.

She opened her mouth to respond, but couldn’t make the words come out. “Nothing,” she said with a slight stammer.

Adam braked and shoved it into park halfway out of the parking place. “What are you afraid of? What is it you won’t say? You have to know you can tell us anything.”

She swallowed. “It’s ridiculous.”

Adam cupped her chin, rubbing his thumb gently over her jaw. “I hate that you worry so much around us. Now tell me.”

“The whole name thing,” she mumbled. “I just wondered.”

“Wondered what?” Ethan asked leaning forward in his seat.

“I kind of liked the idea of being a Colter,” she said, her cheeks flaming. “But I know it isn’t possible.”

“What?” Ryan demanded. He grasped the back of her headrest and pulled himself forward until he met her gaze. “Why isn’t it possible?”

Ethan and Adam also wore questioning expressions.

“I can’t exactly marry all of you. Legally. That is if you’d even want marriage. Oh hell, I’m making a mess of this,” she muttered, closing her eyes.

“Baby, do you doubt how much we want you?”

She hesitated for the briefest of moments then finally shook her head.

“As soon as possible you will have our name,” Adam continued. “Call me old-fashioned, but you belong to us. We want you to be a Colter.”

“But how?”

He smiled at her. “You’re over thinking this, baby. It’s quite simple. You’ll marry one of us in a legal ceremony.”

Her mouth rounded to an O. How stupid of her. That idea had never occurred to her and yet it made perfect sense.

“Hell, I like the idea that she’s finally talking about us in a permanent sense,” Ethan said.

She glanced back at him to see his eyes twinkling. Truth be known, she’d surprised herself. Was she a masochist to jump into another relationship on the heels of extricating herself from her first big disaster?

This wasn’t a mistake. Couldn’t be a mistake. She wouldn’t allow herself to think it.

Adam pulled out of the parking lot and drove off down the street. A few minutes later, he pulled into the lot of a sleek-looking hair salon.

Holly looked over at him in surprise.

He smiled back. “I asked for recommendations. This place came up several times.”

She leaned over and kissed him full on the lips then quickly piled out of the Land Rover.

“Hey, it was my idea to ask,” Ethan grumbled as he slammed the back door.

Holly grinned and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. She walked ahead of them into the salon and was greeted by a cheerful lady who looked to be in her forties.

“I don’t have an appointment,” Holly began.

“What’s your name, honey?” the woman asked.

“Holly Bar…just Holly,” she said.

The woman jotted down something on a pad of paper then beamed up at Holly. “Well, you’re in luck, Holly. I can take you right now. My name’s Jolene. Come on around and let me get you settled in. Then we’ll talk about what you need done, though I can tell you definitely need some color.”

Holly blinked as the woman herded her around the counter, chattering brightly the entire way. She glanced back at the men who had taken seats in the small waiting area. Adam smiled back at her then winked.

Jolene whipped a cape out and secured it around Holly’s neck then ran her fingers through Holly’s shoulder length hair. “Honey, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you need to fire your stylist. This is one of the worst dye jobs I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

Holly smiled. “I’m afraid I did it. I was in a hurry. Messed it up. Can you fix it?”

“Do you want to go blonde?”

“No, I’d like my natural color back.”

Jolene studied the strands of hair in her hands for a minute. “Sure, I can fix it, honey. Don’t you worry about a thing. Come over to the sink and let me wash it for you.”

Several minutes later, Holly sat back in the chair, her hair damp from the washing. Jolene began combing her hair out and Holly relaxed.

Jolene leaned forward and in a loud whisper said, “Now, honey, I’m not one to pry, but you have to tell me which one of those gorgeous hunks is yours.”

Holly froze, a smile hovering on her lips. For a brief moment, she considered just pointing out one of them, but why should she care what this woman thought of her?

“They all are,” Holly said softly.

Jolene’s brows shot up. “All? Oh honey, tell me you’re joking. Surely no woman is that lucky!” She shot Holly an exaggerated wink in the mirror.

Maya Banks's Books