Burn (Songs of Submission #5)(37)

“Don’t you dare.” He grunted it, no help as his hand kept at my pu**y. I tried to think of the feeling on my ass**le, the pulling and stretching. The raw sensation and the pleasure of the friction. The feeling of being full with him.

“Soon,” he groaned.

I did scales on the marble, pressing the correct fingers to the counter for each note. I crossed over in my head and went back down the scale, choosing a B-flat because it always gave me trouble. Anything not to come.

“Please,” I cried, “sir, god please.”

“Three more.”

He took me three more times and barked a “yes.” I came with him, feeling my ass**le pulse and clench around his cock. He filled me, and I felt him throb, emptying himself in a long, powerful groan.

Still in me, he put his arms around me and held me tight. He pulled me up until he sat on the ledge, and I was on his lap with his dick lodged in my ass. We panted together for a moment before he shifted and slipped out of me. My ass**le felt uncomfortable, as if his c**k was still hard and huge in me.

“Ah, that feels weird.”

“It’s still open. Give it a minute.”

He held me still, moving my hair off my shoulder, kissing the back of my neck, while gradually I went back to normal. Sore. Fucked in ways I’d never been f**ked before, but normal. Functional.

“You didn’t tie me down,” I said.

“You seemed too tense. I decided on the tub instead.”

I twisted to face him. “You’re a good listener.”

“Thank you. Now, back to bed, no?”

“Yes,” I said. “Yes to everything.”



I slept five hours.

When I woke, she was tangled in me. I lay there another forty-five minutes, just pressing my nose to her scalp and filling my head with her scent of canned peaches. As of that very minute, my job was to keep her. Make her happy. I slipped out from under her and packed my things for a trip home, then to Seoul, with her.

I ordered breakfast, and by the time it came, her eyes were open.

“Good morning,” I said.

She put the pillow over her head and turned onto her side. I slowly pulled the sheets off her, revealing her perfect body. I slid my hand between her legs. It was a compulsion. Rolling her on her back, I pulled her legs apart. She grunted under the pillow.

“I didn’t hear you,” I said.

“I didn’t brush my teeth yet.”

“I won’t kiss you then.” My fingers found her cunt. I rubbed the moist skin in the center, and she groaned.

“You look so clean and together,” she said.

“How’s your ass feel?”


I slapped inside her thigh. The sound was hard and final. “Wider.”

She looked at me as she obeyed, spreading her legs as commanded. I didn’t have a game plan. I just wanted to see her. I bent to put my face between her legs and licked her lightly. She tasted of sweat, sex, and a little of my orgasm. She whispered my name, and I picked up my head.

“Take a shower, goddess. Breakfast is here. And no touching.” I gave her clit a cruel flick that made her yelp and made me smile.

She kissed me quickly before trundling off to the shower. I caught her wrist and pulled her to me, kissing her as hard and deep as she deserved.



Darren wasn’t coming back to L.A. with us. His return ticket was good, and he and Adam decided to head back together. I assumed my faux-brother was going home as entangled as I was.

Jonathan and I decided to leave the hotel late. Breakfast had been picked over as if attacked by a murder of crows. We sat together on the couch. Jonathan was under me, bare feet up on the cushions, and my back was to his bare chest. I still wore the robe I’d left the shower in. I had a hotel notepad on my lap, and he stroked my shoulder to the collar while kissing the back of my neck.

“If I gagged you,” Jonathan said, “I’d do it in such a way that you could still say your safeword.”

“Okay, so we’ll put it as a yes?” I wrote down ‘gag.’

“If you want. There are aspects that aren’t interesting to me.”

“Then why’s it on the list?”

“I’ll try anything you want to.”

“I don’t understand. I’m crossing off things left and right.”

“I don’t get to cross off soft limits. Hard limits, like sharing, yes. But anything that’s not disgusting to me, I do it if you want to. That’s my job.”

I tapped the eraser on the pad. “What other aspects of gagging are you talking about? Besides that I can’t talk right.”

“We can do it if you want.”

“No, it was just something that wasn’t horrific.”

He paused to run his fingertip over my shoulder. “There’s an element of humiliation. Not that you can’t talk at all, but you’re reduced to grunts. With a ball gag, it’s more pronounced, and you add drooling. It reduces the sub to her most primal, animalistic self. She relinquishes control over her voice and her spit.”

It was my turn to pause. “Have you used a ball gag on someone?”

“Yes. It’s not my favorite thing. I prefer when your silence and submission are a choice. And the humiliation makes me uncomfortable.”

C.D. Reiss's Books